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  1. Guidelines for Preparing USDA Annual Reports, Revised 5/16/07.

  2. NIH Reporting Scope, Reapproved 6/14/06.

  3. NIH Animal Transfer Agreement - PDF Format version 6/13/07
    NIH Animal Transfer Agreement - Word Document version 6/13/07


Animal Care Procedures:

  1. NIH Animal Transportation Guidelines, Approved, 5/16/07.
    1a.Guidelines for NIH Rodent Transportation
    1b.Guidelines for NIH Non-Rodent Transportation

  2. Guidelines for Survival Bleeding of Mice and Rats, Revised 09/03/08.

  3. Guidelines for the Genotyping of Mice and Rats, Revised 9/12/07.

  4. Guidelines for the Euthanasia of Rodent Feti and Neonates, Revised  10/10/07.

  5. Guidelines for Euthanasia of Rodents Using Carbon Dioxide, Revised  10/10/07

  6. Guidelines for Survival Rodent Surgery, Revised  10/10/07.

  7. Guidelines for Diet Control in Animal Studies, Revised 12/18/07.

  8. Guidelines for the Research Use of Adjuvants, Revised 11/14/07

  9. Guidelines for Toe Clipping of Rodents, Revised 6/13/07.

  10. Guidelines for Ascites Production in Mice, Revised 9/12/07.

  11. Interagency Research Animal Committee (IRAC) Recommendation on LD50 Testing, Reapproved 5/8/96.

  12. Guidelines for Egg and Oocyte Harvesting in Xenopus laevis , Revised  10/10/07.

  13. Guidelines for Pain and Distress in Laboratory Animals: Responsibilities, Recognition and Alleviation, Revised 5/16/07.

  14. Guidelines for the Use of Non-Pharmaceutical-Grade Chemicals/Compounds in Laboratory Animals, Approved 12/03/08.

  15. Guidelines for Use of Zebrafish in the NIH Intramural Research Program


Animal Care & Use Committee:

  1. Guidelines on Classifying Deficiencies Identified During Semiannual Reviews, Reapproved, 5/16/07.

  2. Procedures for Response to Animal Care and Use Complaints from Outside the NIH, Revised 6/1/05.

  3. Guideline Regarding Significant Changes to Animal Study Proposals, Revised 12/14/05.

  4. Institute/Center Collaborations involving Animal Activities Performed inside NIH Core Facilities or Special Procedure Laboratories, Revised 4/12/06.

  5. Guidelines for ACUC Oversight of Animal Activities in Shared and Central Facilities, Revised 2/13/08.

  6. Guidelines for Endpoints in Animal Study Proposals, Revised 11/14/07.

  7. Guideline for Review and Approval of Animal Study Proposals, Revised 5/16/07.

  8. Guidelines for ACUC Oversight of Animal Activities in Satellite Facilities, Study Areas, Laboratories and Special Procedure Areas, Revised 2/13/08.

  9. Guidelines for ACUC Membership and Deliberative Processes, Revised 5/16/07.

  10. Guideline for Completing the NIH Intramural Animal Study Proposal Form, Approved, 12/18/07.

Facility Management:

  1. Guidelines for Housing Multiple Species of Large Laboratory Animals, Reapproved 6/14/06.

  2. Guidelines for Personnel Protection and Minimum Requirements for Protective Clothing in Animal Facilities, Revised 12/18/07.

  3. Guidelines for the Prevention and Control of Tuberculosis in Nonhuman Primates, Revised 9/12/07.


This page is maintained by the Office of Animal Care and Use (OACU). Readers are encouraged to forward comments and suggestions to OACU at (301) 496-5424.


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