Adjudicative Opinions of the Commission




  • In the Matter of South Carolina State Board of Dentistry, Docket No. 9311
    • Opinion of the Commission by Commissioner Mozelle W. Thompson for a Unanimous Commission (July 28, 2004)
    • Order Denying Motion to Dismiss on State Action Grounds, Holding In Abeyance Motion to Dismiss on Mootness Grounds, Retaining Jurisdiction, and Referring Mootness Issues to An Administrative Law Judge (July 28, 2004)
    • News Release
      • Date News Release Issued: July 30, 2004
      • Date of Decision: July 28, 2004
      • Date of Oral Argument: January 13, 2004



Last Modified: Monday, 25-Jun-2007 12:12:00 EDT