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Board for International Food and Agricultural Development

The Board for International Food and Agricultural Development (BIFAD) was created in 1975 under Title XII ("Famine Prevention and Freedom from Hunger") of the Foreign Assistance Act.

The primary role of BIFAD is to advise the USAID Administrator on agricultural development priorities and issues and to monitor activities undertaken under Title XII. BIFAD members (read short bios) are appointed by the President. There are seven members, at least four of whom must be from the U.S. university community. The Board receives technical, administrative and financial support through the Office of Agriculture, Bureau for Economic Growth, Agriculture and Trade, in the person of the Title XII Federal Officer and other Office staff. BIFAD normally meets at least three times a year. All meetings are announced and open to the public.

Current BIFAD Board Members

     Robert Easter

     H. H. Barlow, III
     Catherine Bertini
     Allen Christensen
     William DeLauder
     Keith W. Eckel
     Timothy Rabon

(See brief bios)

Next Scheduled BIFAD Board Meeting

The 156th BIFAD meeting will be held on February 24, 2009 beginning at 8:30 am. at the National Press Club, 529 14th Street, NW, Washington, D.C. The theme for the meeting is “Higher Education on a New Stage in Global Agricultural Development” continues to be the theme. There will also be an executive planning meeting the day before, on February 23, 2009. Links to both meeting agendas are below:

If you have any questions please contact Ronald Senykoff, USAID Representative to BIFAD at 202-712-0218.

BIFAD Documents

Notes and Minutes from Previous BIFAD Board Meetings

BIFAD Committees For further information contact Ron Senykoff; phone 202-712-0218.

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