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The Office of Engineering and Technology (OET) advises the Commission concerning engineering matters. Our mission is to manage the spectrum and provide leadership to create new opportunities for competitive technologies and services for the American public.

Headlines & Recent Releases

WCS Coalition and Sirius-XM will conduct demonstration tests of potential interference or non-interference tests Tuesday, July 28, 2009-Thursday, July 30, 2009
[Word | Acrobat | Text]

Access Broadband over Power Line Systems/Carrier Current Systems. Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (FNPRM):
[Word | Acrobat | Text]
Electronic file attachments: [Zip file]
File descriptions for zip archive file are available on the BPL file page.

[Word | Acrobat | Text]

Respironics, Inc. and Boston Scientific Corp. Waiver Request (ET Docket No. 05-331)
[Word | Acrobat | Text]

Adopted a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking that seeks comment on allocating spectrum and establishing service and technical rules for the operation of Medical Body Area Networks
News Release: [Word | Acrobat | Text]

Seek comment on allocating spectrum and establishing service and technical rules for the operation of Medical Body Area Networks.
NPRM: [Word | Acrobat | Text]
Statement of Commissioner Robert M. McDowell: [Word | Acrobat | Text]

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On-line Resources

Geographic Mapping Resources
OET Bulletins
OET Technical Documents
OET Speeches
FCC Rules On-line

DTV Info Skip DTV Information Section
TV Converter Box Coupon Program
TV Converter Box
Click to visit www.dtv.gov

Application Filing & Info Skip Issue Application Filing and Information Section
Equipment Authorization Search
Search the FCC ID# database
Application Filing
Use this link to go to OET related electronic filing web sites.

Projects & Initiatives Skip Projects and Initiatives Section
T.V. Band Device Testing
Rural Community Technologies
Cognitive Radio
Digital Television Application Processing Software
More Projects

last reviewed/updated on 8/24/09  

If you have questions about this web page, or would like more information pertaining to OET, please send e-mail to oetinfo@fcc.gov

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