Los Alamos National Laboratory

About LANL

About Our Capabilities, Facilities, and Staff

"Los Alamos National Laboratory plays an indispensable role in building America as a science and technology powerhouse, and our staff are an incredible resource to the nation and the world." Michael Anastasio, Dir.

Solving Complex R&D Problems with Special Blend of Staff, Capabilities and Facilities

Now in its seventh decade, LANL is one of the few laboratories that can bring great breadth of fundamental and discovery science, technology, and engineering rapidly together to create tangible solutions for national security needs.

Our staff, working with partners throughout science and industry, must be able to deliver today's solutions while maintaining the depth of capabilities to deliver the next generation of discoveries.

Los Alamos has demonstrated a cycle of innovation where we have developed world-leading capabilities and facilities in response to urgent, unique missions. Our new discoveries continue to responde to emerging missions.

Being able to integrate and apply our capabilities rapidly to new challenges will be a key advantage in an increasingly competitive landscape.

Our Science, Technology and Engineering Priorities

Science that Matters

  • Information science and technology enabling integrative and predictive science
  • Experimental science focused on materials for the future
  • Fundamental forensic science for nuclear, biological, and chemical threats

How We Work

  • Collaborate, partner and team to make decisive contributions to our sponsors
  • Outstanding operational excellence for safety, security, and efficient pursuit of ST&E for our missions

Transform Our Scientific Campus

  • Campus for 2020 (consistent with complex transformation)
  • Modern science facilities: LANSCE refurbishment, CMR replacement, Science Complex
  • Signature facilities

More About This Science

Pushing Frontiers

In the second half of 2008, Los Alamos National Laboratory made significant advances in its primary mission: safeguarding the U.S. nuclear deterrent and pushing the frontiers of science on multiple fronts.

The national stockpile stewardship program achieved a major milestone in September with the production of the first life-extended W76-1 ballistic missile warhead for Trident submarines. The achievement culminated more than a decade of work by scientists and engineers at Los Alamos and across the nuclear weapons complex-including two crucial experiments conducted by the Laboratory's Hydrodynamic Experiments Division.

Another highlight: Roadrunner reached a new performance record of 1.105 petaflops, keeping it atop the list of the world's fastest supercomputers. Built by IBM for the Lab, Roadrunner was the first computer the crack the petaflop barrier: one thousand TRILLION operations per second. Initial applications will range widely: studying in great detail the evolution of HIV... exploring deeply the formation—as well as deformation—of metallic nanowires...and-toward producing biofuels more efficiently-unraveling the processes by which bacteria break down cellulose.

Safety and environmental stewardship were again a major theme for our work in the latter half of 2008. In November, the last group of unvented high-activity drums left Los Alamos for the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant near Carlsbad. That shipment fulfilled a commitment to the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board to prioritize disposal of the highest-activity transuranic wastes stored at the Lab.

Los Alamos also strengthened security, ensuring that nearly six dozen classified and unclassified computing systems are managed and operated securely. The Lab has now complied with all 14 security actions mandated two years ago by the Department of Energy. And, through our program to recruit cognizant systems engineers, we met the crucial need for sufficient numbers of engineers to keep vital mechanical and electrical safety systems functioning properly in our nuclear facilities.

The latter half of 2008 proved once again why Los Alamos is the nation's premier institution for scientific research. Capping the list of accomplishments was a new technology called MagViz that could eventually provide increased security at major airports. Based on medical MRI technology, MagViz can identify contents of bottles and other containers, distinguishing potentially hazardous liquids from the harmless shampoos and perfumes a traveler might carry onboard a jet. MagViz was demonstrated successfully in December at Albuquerque's airport.

We continued a long tradition of supporting U.S. space exploration. A NASA mission, launched in October to probe the far edge of the solar system from a high Earth orbit, carried a Los Alamos device called the High Energy Neutral Atom Imager. Its goal: to detect atoms emitted from a region where the outermost reaches of our solar system meet the vast interstellar space-giving us a panoramic view of this gateway to the galaxy.

Closer to home, Los Alamos continues to explore solutions to the energy needs of tomorrow. For example, scientists at the Lab hope to use tiny semiconductors called quantum dots to convert sunlight to electricity more efficiently than is possible with current solar panels-and to create new, efficient solid-state lighting.

Equally electrifying, Los Alamos materials scientists are helping unravel the mysteries of superconductivity. During the latter half of the year, LANL researchers identified entirely new mechanisms for superconductivity that could form the basis for new superconducting materials.

Underscoring the wealth of scientific talent at the Lab, Bob Albers, Paul Johnson, and Kurt Sickafus were named Laboratory Fellows in December. These three Fellows represent diverse disciplines, including theoretical physics, energy science, and geophysics.

Los Alamos may be one of the world's great technology incubators, yet we also strive to help others develop new ideas and products. In January, the Lab selected four young local companies as the newest recipients of awards from the LANS Venture Acceleration Fund. LANS, which manages and operates the Lab, supports the fund through donations from its earnings.

The Lab and LANS also teamed last September with a venture capital firm and a local venture capital fund to spin off technology developed by Lab scientists, with an emphasis on creating companies in Northern New Mexico. The Lab could contribute up to one million dollars to the initiative over the first three years.

We also are pushing to build top-flight research facilities for the future. In July 2008, workers hoisted the final steel beam atop the skeleton of what will be the Radiological Laboratory Utility Office Building, part of the Lab's Chemistry and Metallurgy Research Replacement Project. Once completed, the CMRR nuclear facility will house several of the Lab's mission-critical projects, including analytical chemistry, materials characterization, and actinide research and development capabilities. They'll be relocated from their current location in the historic—yet antiquated—Chemical and Metallurgy Research building at Technical Area 3.

In December, Los Alamos welcomed hundreds of employees who transferred from KSL, the subcontractor whose work the Lab brought in-house. The move was geared to improve efficiency and reduce costs associated with site-support services, including maintenance, waste removal, and custodial work.

Throughout the Lab's history, Los Alamos has helped play a vital role in the surrounding communities, and in 2008, that tradition continued. Lab employees pledged a million dollars, and LANS matched one hundred percent: a record Los Alamos contribution to United Way of TWO MILLION dollars. Contributions from the Lab and LANS also helped fund dozens of nonprofit organizations and scholarship programs, including a LANS donation of $500,000 to a LANL Foundation scholarship named for former long-time New Mexico Senator Pete Domenici.

These accomplishments and many more added up to a strong year. Our customer, the National Nuclear Security Administration, reached the same conclusion in its very favorable assessment of the Lab's performance for fiscal year 2008. It's unmistakable: the extraordinary talent, commitment, and creativity that Los Alamos employees dedicate every day to national security science and the betterment of their communities.

Cancer Therapy Saves Lives

Acuros software provides unrivaled speed, accuracy for radiation treatment


Quick read

The efficiency of cancer treatment is now increased thanks to new software that has unrivaled speed and accuracy for predicting radiation behavior, saving healthy cells.


Cancer treatment's efficacy—largely due to how quickly the cancer is removed—has increased thanks to new software with unrivaled speed and accuracy, saving healthy cells.

The application, called Acuros, predicts radiation behavior. For radiotherapy dose calculations, Acuros uses an accurate representation of the patient's anatomy, obtained from computed tomography scans or magnetic resonance imaging, to directly solve the mathematical equations governing subatomic particle behavior.

Acuros calculated dose field and CT image for a head and neck treatment.
Acuros-calculated dose field and CT image for a head and neck treatment.

Acuros is developed by Transpire, Inc., a Los Alamos spin-off company and exclusive licensee of the Attila software.

"Transpire is a great spin-off success story for the Laboratory. Not only are they selling a very impressive commercial software based on Los Alamos technology, they are further developing that technology to branch out into other markets," said John Mott of the Technology Transfer Division at Los Alamos. "Spin-off companies are another way for Los Alamos to transfer technology into private industry, creating new jobs and boosting the economy."

A central challenge in radiotherapy is to deliver high doses of radiation to the entire tumor site without damaging surrounding organs and tissues. Dozens of dose calculations may be required to develop a single, optimized radiotherapy-treatment plan.

Plans are developed on hospital computers with physicians or physicists anticipating nearly immediate results, requiring almost real-time dose calculation speed.

To meet these speed demands, most dose calculation methods in use today use simplifications that compromise accuracy. With Acuros providing accurate information more quickly, physicians are able to properly develop and interactively apply better patient-specific treatment plans, raising success rates and reducing complications.

Acuros will initially support photon-beam radiotherapy and brachytherapy (a type of radiotherapy). Proton therapy and targeted radionuclide therapies will be added later.

Acuros and Monte Carlo (computational algorithms) solve the same equations through different methods: Acuros, deterministically; Monte Carlo, stochastically. Acuros combines the accuracy of Monte Carlo with the speed of approximate methods.

According to Transpire, Acuros is free of statistical noise, enabling the effects of small treatment planning perturbations to be accurately and rapidly assessed. Acuros also offers an unrivaled spatial precision, where millimeter resolution can be locally realized at critical areas, such as in build-up regions or near heterogeneities, without significantly increasing dose calculation times.

Former Los Alamos scientists John McGhee and Todd Wareing, together with Gregory Failla and Allen Barnett, launched Transpire, Inc., with the intention of commercializing Attila. Based in Gig Harbor, Washington, Transpire, Inc., now addresses industry applications as diverse as radiation shielding, medical imaging, homeland security, and reactor analysis.

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