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Fiscal Year 2000 Performance Report



Entire Report [2.07 mb]

Table of Contents / Introduction [180k]

Strategic Goal 1: Encourage Economic Growth & Agricultural Development [173k]

Strategic Goal 2: Strengthen Democracy & Good Governance [147k]

Strategic Goal 3: Build Human Capacity Through Education & Training [172k]

Strategic Goal 4: Stabilize World Population & Protect Human Health [237k]

Strategic Goal 5: Protect the Environment for Long-Term Sustainability [192k]

Strategic Goal 6: Promote Humanitarian Assistance [158k]

Management Goal: Achieve USAID’s Goals Efficiently & Effectively [108k]

Cross-Cutting Themes - Gender [149k]

Annex A: USAID-Assisted Country List [24k]

Annex B: Country Development Trends: Selected Performance Indicators [155k]

Annex C: Status of Agency Evaluations [113k]

Annex D: Data Quality Verification & Validation [96k]

Annex E: Involvement of Non-Federal Parties [41k]

Annex F: Abbreviations & Acronyms [49k]


Image of Cover of the FY 2000 USAID Performance Report

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) contributes to U.S. national interests by supporting the people of developing and transitional countries in their efforts to achieve enduring economic and social progress and to participate more fully in resolving the problems of their countries and the world.

FY 2000 Performance Overview

The Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA or the Results Act) requires that agencies prepare Annual Performance Plans (APPs). USAID has submitted annual plans covering FY 1999, FY 2000 and FY 2001. Agencies must also submit an Annual Performance Report (APR) within six months of the end of a fiscal year. USAID has submitted separate annual reports through the end of FY 1999. This FY 2000 Performance Overview, prepared as part of USAID’s compliance with GPRA, is different from predecessor documents in two ways:

  • First, the Performance Overview contains the Annual Performance Report and key elements of USAID’s Annual Performance Plan. Last year, USAID submitted its FY 1999 Annual Performance Report which discussed the progress accomplished in meeting its FY 1999 Annual Performance Plan targets. USAID also submitted at the same time a separate FY 2001 Annual Performance Plan describing Agencywide performance goals and indicators. Rather than prepare a separate report for FY 2000 and plan for FY 2002, USAID has combined its FY 2000 APR and the broad overview of USAID plans for the FY 2002 APP into a single presentation: – The FY 2000 Performance Overview. We believe that this consolidated Performance Overview format, which we plan to use in the future (rather than submitting separate documents), will facilitate understanding of USAID's goals and achievements by the Congress and other readers. The Agency’s POR, in conjunction with the annual Congressional Budget Justification (CBJ), is designed to meet the GPRA requirements for the Annual Performance Plan.
  • Second, instead of reporting progress against goals at the Agency level, we use the operating unit strategic objectives as the Agency’s annual performance goals for purposes of the Performance Overview. Yet, prior Agency goals contained in the 2000 Annual Performance Plan are useful to provide the development context in which our programs operate; therefore, they are generally included in the chapters as such.

This FY 2000 Performance Overview presents an overall picture of Agency performance by synthesizing the progress seen in the specific programs in countries and regions benefiting from USAID assistance. The Agency's six programmatic objective goals and one management goal organize this report.

The 2000 Performance Overview is available as a single large Adobe Acrobat .pdf file or as 15 separate .pdf files. Click on the links under the 'Table of Contents' listing to view of download the electronic version of that section.

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Last Updated on: April 13, 2001