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CD8+ T Cells Need a Little Help(er) for Sustained Antitumor Response

The immune system comprises a powerful army of specialized cells and molecules that protect the body against invading foreign agents.Read more about the immune system. . .

BMI1 and H-RAS Cooperate to Drive Breast Cancer Metastasis

There have been significant improvements in the diagnosis of breast cancer at early stages of the disease. Read more about the diagnosis of breast cancer . . .

CLIC4 Moves Into Nucleus to Stabilize Anti-Growth Signal

In cancer, the delicate balance of signaling pathways that control cell growth and function is disrupted. One signaling pathway commonly altered in cancer is the TGF-beta pathway. Read more about CLIC4 . . .

Setting the Stage for Personalized Treatment of Glioma

Gliomas, the most common type of primary brain tumors in adults, arise from different types of glial cells, which support and protect the neurons of the central nervous system. How a patient’s glioma is treated depends in part on the type of glial cell from which the tumor developed.Read more about glioma . . .

Chromosomal Translocations: Chicken or Egg?

Many tumor cells have abnormal chromosomes. Some of these abnormalities are caused by chromosomal translocations, which occur when two chromosomes break and incorrectly rejoin, resulting in an exchange of genetic material.Read more about chromosomal translocations . . .

Cytokines Synergize to Combat Metastatic Neuroblastoma

Neuroblastoma is the most common extracranial solid tumor in children, and clinical outcomes of patients with this disease are quite variable.Read more about neuroblastoma . . .

Shedding Light on the Role of UV Exposure in Melanoma

Melanoma develops from skin cells that produce the brown pigment melanin, which normally protects the deep layers of skin from sunlight.Read more about skin cancer . . .

Tissue Architecture and Microenvironment Sustain Hormone Signaling

Cells interact with their environments in part through protein receptors embedded in the cell membrane.Read more about cells...

Activateable Imaging Probes Light Up Inside Cancer Cells

Imaging can be used to help diagnose cancer as well as monitor tumor progression and response to treatment. Read more about imaging probes...

To Be or Not to Be: Controlling Cellular Suicide

When a cell is damaged and can no longer function properly, a complex series of molecular steps is triggered that allows it to die in a controlled manner. Read more about damaged cells...

Prostate Cancer Stem-Like Cells

Prostate cancer is the third leading cause of cancer-related death among men, killing an estimated 27,000 men each year in the United States. Read more about the prostate cancer stem-like cells...

Proteasome Inhibitors: A Worthy Partner to Boost Cancer Immunotherapy?

For a number of years, research-ers have been frustrated by their inability to harness patients' immune systems to stem tumor growth. Read more about immunotherapy...

Microenvironment May Drive Follicular Lymphoma

Follicular lymphoma (FL) is the second most common non-Hodgkin lymphoma and rep-resents 20 percent of all lymphomas diagnosed in adults. Read more about the microenvironment...

Efficient DNA Repair: A Cell’s Fountain of Youth?

Given the central importance of the genome to a cell’s function, it is not surprising that there are a number of proteins devoted to sensing and repairing DNA damage. But what happens when these repair proteins do not work properly? Read more about DNA repair...

Note: All questions should be directed to Donna Kerrigan

CCR In The Journals Archive