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IACC Strategic Plan for Autism Spectrum Disorder Research


As a federal advisory committee established by the Combating Autism Act of 2006, the IACC is mandated to develop and annually update a strategic plan for the conduct of, and support for, autism spectrum disorder (ASD) research, including proposed budgetary requirements.

Overview of the Strategic Plan Development Process:

At its inaugural meeting in November 2007, the IACC approved a process for developing the initial version of the Strategic Plan for ASD Research. The process resulted in a strategic plan based on a set of research objectives and opportunities. The IACC will monitor the implementation of the strategic plan over the next several years and update the plan annually. To help facilitate and accomplish the strategic planning steps, the IACC formed workgroups and convened scientific workshops. The strategic planning process incorporated several opportunities for public input and stakeholder participation.

Steps in the Development Process:

January 2009 IACC Approves the Strategic Plan for Autism Spectrum Disorder Research, Press Release
August 2008 Request for Information (RFI) Solicited Public Input on IACC Draft Strategic Plan for ASD Research
July 2008IACC Reviewed and Modified Draft Strategic Plan and Formed SP Implementation Workgroup
July 2008 Third SP Workgroup Meeting Held
June 2008 Consolidated Analysis of Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Gaps in ASD Research
June 2008Short and Long Term Objectives and Research Opportunities Developed
May 2008 Town Hall Meeting Held
April 2008 Second SP Workgroup Meeting Held
March 2008 IACC Reviewed and Modified SP Process
Feb 2008 First SP Workgroup Meeting Held
Jan 2008 Four Scientific Workshops Convened
Dec 2007 - Jan 2008 Request for Information (RFI) Solicited Public Input on ASD Research Priorities
Dec 2007 Strategic Planning (SP) Workgroup Formed
Nov 2007 IACC Approved Strategic Planning Process

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