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Office of Democracy & Governance
Success Stories
Inga Marusceac with her newborn daughter Tatiana at the renovated maternity ward in Telenesti, Moldova.

Working together, a community renovates a maternity ward (Moldova)

For years, mothers in the city of Telenesti in central Moldova gave birth in an antiquated maternity ward. With no bathing facilities or in-room sinks and harsh fluorescent lighting, it was not a welcoming place to bring new life into the world.... more

Contact Information

Office of Democracy and Governance
1300 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20523
Tel: 202-712-1892


Civil Society

USAID provides leadership and support on civil society and media issues by:

  • Monitoring and analyzing trends and developments in civil society and the media
  • Commissioning new research to advance knowledge and improve programming
  • Conducting or supporting civil society, labor and media assessments
  • Assisting with country and regional civil society strategy development
  • Managing civil society and labor union stregthening cooperative agreements
  • Providing technical expertise to USAID and USG civic education, labor, media and other programs

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Why Civil Society Matters for Democracy

The term civil society refers to the independent, nongovernmental realm of citizen activity. Civil society is crucial in ensuring citizen participation, association and expression in a democracy. Civil society can help transform non-democratic countries through informing public opinion, mobilizing constituencies for reform, and engaging government and political parties in policy debate. In post-conflict situations, civil society can encourage reconciliation, provide recourse to justice, and ensure transparency in rebuilding.

Civil Society Technical Publications:

The DG Office's publications series enables USAID to more effectively reach missions and other audiences with the latest technical knowledge in the field of democracy and governance. Learn more...


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