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OTI 15 Year Report

OTI 15 Year Report
Feb 09 (pdf - 4.7mb)


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Transition Initiatives

The USAID Office of Transition Initiatives supports U.S. foreign policy objectives by helping local partners advance peace and democracy in priority countries in crisis. Seizing critical windows of opportunity, OTI works on the ground to provide fast, flexible, short-term assistance targeted at key political transition and stabilization needs.

Since 1994, OTI, part of USAID’s Bureau for Democracy, Conflict, and Humanitarian Assistance, has laid the foundation for long-term development in thirty-one conflict-prone countries by promoting reconciliation, jumpstarting local economies, supporting nascent independent media, and fostering peace and democracy through innovative programming. In countries undergoing a transition from authoritarianism to democracy, violent conflict to peace, or pivotal political events, initiatives serve as catalysts for positive political change. OTI programs are short-term -- typically, two to three years in duration. OTI works closely with regional bureaus, missions and other counterparts to identify programs that complement other assistance efforts and lay a foundation for longer-term development. OTI programs often are initiated in fragile states that have not reached the stability needed to initiate longer-term development programs. OTI strategies and programs are developed and designed to meet the unique needs of each situation.

Recent Highlights and Successes

Community leaders celebrated the arrival of the new Abyei Area administrators in November 2008.


Sudan - Devolved Governance Structures Take Root in Abyei - February 2009
Recognizing that peace in Sudan is contingent on a durable solution to troubles in the contested north-south border area of Abyei, OTI has been assisting with a recovery and development plan for Abyei town. The activity is not only restoring the town but also strengthening local government's capacity to address security and other key issues.

Fearing reprisals, booksellers in Kenya were reluctant to carry Michela Wrong's book.


Kenya - It's Our Turn to Eat - June 2009
The controversial book It's Our Turn to Eat recounts the experiences of Kenya's former anti-corruption boss. Following grants from OTI that helped break a de facto ban on the corruption-exposing tome, booksellers are beginning to order it and bring it into the country for sale and distribution.

Graduates of the training program model hand-sewn abayas at an outdoor ceremony attended by 200 friends and family members.


Lebanon - Sewing the Seeds of Opportunity in Beqaa - June 2009
Fifty-six young people from the Beqaa improved their chances for employment through a unique vocational training program offered by the Baalbeck Association for Environment and Culture, with support from OTI. The program provided instruction in sewing techniques, and the participants are reviving and taking pride in the traditional handcraft.


For media inquiries, please contact the Bureau of Legislative and Public Affairs at 202-712-4320.


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