When you follow the links to the resources listed below you will be leaving the Web site. You may wish to review the privacy notices on those sites as their information collection policies may differ from ours.


Federal Ministries (and corresponding state-owned enterprises)

Additional Federal Entities

Regional, Provincial, and City Governments

Coalition Provisional Authority


Chambers of Commerce

Business Centers




Microfinance Organizations



UN Agencies, Funds, Programs and Offices with Operations in Iraq


News Sites

Trade Fairs, Expositions, Etc.

Relief and Non-Profit Organizations

Job Sites

(Please note that an additional link entitled “tender active” has been provided for those Iraqi Ministries, Iraqi state-owned enterprises, and United Nations agencies that are both actively issuing tenders and posting the details of such tenders on their websites. Selecting the “tender active” link will direct you to the section of the corresponding site where tender details are posted.)

(Given the present state of affairs in Iraq, it is not uncommon for Iraqi websites to temporarily go off-line. If you have selected a link that directs you to a website that is under construction or otherwise nonfunctional, please return to this site at a later date and try the link again. Should you have suggestions for additional links, questions, or related comments, please do not hesitate to e-mail the Task Force at



Government of Iraq (Arabic only)

President of Iraq

Prime Minister of Iraq (Arabic only)

Iraqi National Assembly

Iraq Council of Representatives

General Secretariat for the Council of Ministers (Arabic only)

Text of the Iraqi Constitution (Arabic only)

Federal Ministries (and Corresponding State-Owned Enterprises)

Ministry of Agriculture (click here for current tender opportunities)

State Company for Agricultural Supplies (tenders)

Ministry of Communications (tenders)

State Company for Internet Services

Baghdad Wireless Broadband Network

Ministry of Construction & Housing (click here for current tender opportunities)

State Commission for Buildings

State Commission for Housing

State Corporation for Roads and Bridges

General Office for Works and Maintenance

National Center for Construction Laboratories and Research

Engineering Construction Directorate

Housing Fund Tenders

National Center for Construction Laboratories and Research

Ministry of Culture

Ministry of Defense

Ministry of Electricity (click here for current tender opportunities)

Training and Development Office (Arabic only)

Basrah Oil Training Institute

Geep Company (General Company for the Production of Electric Energy - Central Region) (Arabic only) (tenders – Arabic only)

Directorate General for the Central Distribution of Electricity
(Arabic only) ( tenders – Arabic only)

Ministry of Finance

General Commission for Taxes

General Commission for Customs

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Ministry of Health

Kimadia (tenders) (procurement arm of the Ministry)

Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research (Arabic only)

Iraqi Commission for Computers and Informatics (Arabic only)

Ministry of Industry and Minerals

State Company for Automotive Industry

State Company for Iron and Steel

Diala State Company for Electrical Industries – Iraq (tenders)

Specialized Institute for Engineering Industries (Arabic only)

Heavy Engineering Equipment State Company (tenders)

Al-Mansour State Company

Ur State Company For Engineering Industries (tenders)

Al-Sumood Company for Steel Industries (Arabic only)


State Company for Petrochemical Industries (tenders)

Mishraq Sulphur State Company

State Company for Rubber Industries

Alforat State Company for Chemical Industries
(tenders– Arabic only)

State Company of Fertilizers Southern Region

Iraqi Cement State Company

Southern Cement State Company (tenders– Arabic only)

Northern Cement State Company
(tender active – open with Mozilla Firefox to view entire list of tenders)

State Company for Refractories Industry

State Company for Reconstruction Industries

State Company for Cotton Industries

State Company for Textile Industries – Hilla

State Company for Leather Industries (tenders)

State Company for Dairy Products

General Company for Vegetable Oils Industry

State Company for Drug Industries and Medical Appliances
(Arabic only) (tenders – Arabic only)

State Company for Drug Industries and Medical Appliances
(Arabic only)

State and Industrial Design and Consultation Company (tenders)

General Systems Company

State Company for Information Systems (Arabic only)

Ministry of Justice (Arabic only)

Alwaqai Aliraqiya - Official Gazette of Iraq (Arabic only)

Ministry of Municipalities & Public Works (Arabic only)

Ministry of Oil (tenders)

Iraqi Oil Exploration Company (tenders)

North Oil Company

North Refineries Company (tenders)

Al-Daura Refinery

Kirkuk Oil Training Institute

Baghdad Oil Training Institute (BOTI)

North Gas Company (tenders)

Ministry of Planning and Development Cooperation

Procurement Assistance Center

Ministry of Trade

Iraq Registrar of Companies

Iraq Trade Information Center

State Company for Grain Trading

Food Stuff Company

State Company for Iraqi Fairs

General Company for Grain Processing (tenders – Arabic only)

IraqPorts (tenders)

Ministry of Transportation

Central Coordination Committee for Ministry of Transport

State Company for Iraqi Railways

Ministry of Water Resources

Ministry of Youth and Sports (Arabic only)

Additional Federal Entities

Iraqi Legislations (Arabic only)

Iraqi High Tribunal

Iraq Foreign Investment Board

National Investment Commission

Board of Supreme Audit

Commission for Resolution of Real Property Disputes

Iraqi Embassy, Washington, DC

International Advisory and Monitoring Board for Iraq

Iraqi Traffic Police

Permanent Mission of Iraq to the United Nations

Iraqi National Intelligence Service

Iraq Commission on Public Integrity (Arabic only)

National Olympic Committee of Iraq

Independent Electoral Commission of Iraq

High Committee for Dialogue and Reconciliation

Supreme National Commission for Debaathification

Department of the Staff of the Dissolved Entities (Arabic only)

Higher Committee for Mass Graves (Arabic only)

Regional, Provincial, and City Governments

Kurdistan Regional Government


Kurdish National Assembly

Ministry for Extra Regional Affairs

Ministry of Justice (Arabic and Kurdish only)

Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (Kurdish only)

Ministry of Sports and Youth

Ministry of Transportation and Communication

Board of Investment

Kurdistan Development Corporation

Sulaymaniyah International Airport

Erbil International Airport

Basra Provincial Government (Arabic only)

Baghdad Municipal Government (Arabic only)

Mayoralty of Baghdad

Mayoralty of Baghdad (Arabic only)

Municipal Council of Karradah (Arabic only)

Coalition Provisional Authority

Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA)
(Due to the dissolution of the CPA, this site is no longer being updated. It has been left online for historical purposes, only.)

Regulations, Orders, Memoranda, and Public Notices



Chambers of Commerce

Amarah Chamber of Commerce (Arabic only)

American Chamber of Commerce - Iraq (AmCham-Iraq)

Baghdad Chamber of Commerce (Arabic only)

Basra Chamber of Commerce

Brazil-Iraq Chamber of Commerce & Industry

Duhok Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Erbil Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Iraqi-British Chamber of Commerce & Industry

Iraqi International Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Mosul Agriculture Chamber

Najaf Chamber of Commerce (Arabic only)

Sulaymaniyah Chamber of Commerce

Business Centers

Baghdad Business Center

Baghdad International Airport Business Center

Kirkuk Business Center

Nineveh (Mosul) Business Center


Babylon Center for Economy Development

Baghdad Economic Research Center

Confederation of Farmers and Agriculturalists in Iraq

Hilla Business Development Center

International Peace Operations Association

Iraq Bee Association

Iraq Economy Development Center

Iraqi Association of Securities Dealers

Iraqi Business Council – Abu Dhabi

Iraqi Business Women Association

Iraqi Businessmen Union (Arabic only)

Iraqi Federation of Industries

Investment and Economic Development Center – Kirkuk

National Society of Consumer Protection in Iraq (Arabic only)

Partners in Progress – Iraq

Private Security Company Association of Iraq

Small Business Development Centers

Women Empowerment Organization



Iraqi Company for Bank Guarantees

Iraq Middle Market Development Foundation

Iraq Stock Exchange


Ashur International Bank for Investment

Babylon Bank

Bank of Baghdad

Central Bank of Iraq

Iraqi Islamic Bank (Arabic only)

Iraqi Middle East Investment Bank (Arabic only)

Kurdistan International Bank

Rafidain Bank

Trade Bank of Iraq

Union Bank of Iraq

Warka Bank for Investment and Finance (Arabic only)
(new site – under construction)

Microfinance Organizations

Al-Bashaer Microfinance Organization

CHF International - Iraq

Iraqi Al-Aman Center – Kirkuk

Kiva – Partner for al-Aman Microfinance

Relief International MicroFinance: Missan, Wassit, Sulaymaniyah

Women Empowerment Organization



U.S. Department of Commerce

Iraq Investment and Reconstruction Task Force

Commercial Service in Iraq

U.S. Embassy in Baghdad, Iraq

U.S. Agency for International Development


U.S. Department of Defense

Joint Contracting Command for Iraq (formerly Iraq Project and Contracting Office-PCO)

Task Force to Improve Business and Stability Operations in Iraq

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers – Iraq & Afghanistan

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers – Iraqi Oil Infrastructure Repair

Regional Air Movement Control Center (RAMCC)

Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction

U.S. Department of State


Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs: Iraq

Iraq Consular Information Sheet

Travel Warning for Iraq

Overseas Security Advisory Council – Baghdad Country Council

Iraq Licensing: Registered Non-Governmental Organizations

Iraq Weekly Status Report

U.S. Department of Agriculture - Iraq

U.S. Department of Energy - Iraq

Iraq Sanctions Program - U.S. Department of Treasury

Export-Import Bank of the United States

U.S. Trade and Development Agency – Middle East Region

White House

CIA: Chiefs of State and Cabinet Members of Foreign Governments – Iraq

Central Contractor Registration

Overseas Private Investment Corporation

Congressional Research Service (Iraq Reports)

Library of Congress (Country Profile – Iraq)

International Organizations

European Union (Iraq Page)

International Monetary Fund (Iraq Page)

International Organization for Migration – Iraq

International Red Cross/Red Crescent (Iraq Page)

Multi-National Force - Iraq

World Bank (Iraq Page)

U.S. Commerce Department Liaison Office at the World Bank

World Trade Organization (Iraqi Accession)

UN Agencies, Funds, Programs and Offices with Operations in Iraq

Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO)
(Iraq Page) (Procurement Page)

International Labour Organisation (ILO)
(Iraq Page)

Iraq Oil-For-Food Program

Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR)
(Iraq Page)

United Nations Centre for Human Settlements (UN-HABITAT)
(Iraq Page)

United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)
(Procurement Page) (tender active)

United Nations Development Group Iraqi Trust Fund

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
(Iraq Page) (Procurement Page) (tender active)

United Nations Education, Science and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO)
(Iraq Page) (Procurement Page)

United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)

United Nations Fund for Advancement of Women (UNIFEM)
(Iraq Page)

United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)
(Iraq Page) (Procurement Page)

United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO)
(Iraq Page) (Procurement Page) (tender active)

United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS)
(Procurement Page)

United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)

Page) (tender active)

United Nations Global Marketplace
(The supplier database on the UN Global Marketplace is available to all UN procurement personnel and is the main supplier database of the following UN Organizations with operations in Iraq: ILO, UNDP, UNESCO, UNFPA, UNHCR, UNICEF, UNIDO, UNOPS, and WFP)

UN Iraq – Web Portal for UN Agencies Working in Iraq

Doing Business with the United Nations System of Organization

Inter-Agency Procurement Services Office (IAPSO)

United Nations Development Business Development

UN Guide to Starting Agro-Food Businesses

UN News Centre (on Iraq)

World Food Programme (WFP)
(Iraq Page) (Procurement Page)

World Health Organisation (WHO)
(Iraq Page)



American Bar Association Rule of Law Initiative – Middle East and North Africa Division

American University of Iraq - Sulaymaniya

Maps of Iraq: City, country, and thematic

Iraq Suppliers

News Sites

Portal Iraq

Iraq Oil and Gas Net

Iraq Oil Report

Relief and Non-Profit Organizations

Islamic Foundation for Services and Relief in Kurdistan

Development Gateway Foundation – Iraq Relief and Recovery

Happy Family Organization for Relief and Development

Nahrain Relief Foundation for Development

Mercy Corps (Iraq)


Humanitarian Assistance (ReliefWeb) (Iraq Page)

Erbil Citadel (Historical/Archeological Site)

Job Sites

ReliefWeb (Humanitarian) Jobs

Civilian Contractor Jobs

Danger Zone Jobs

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