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Child Nutrition

Results of the Feasibility Study of Estimating the Risk of Meal Claiming Error in the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) - May 2009

Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) Assessment of Sponsor Tiering Determinations 2007 - May 2009

Report Summary (34 KB)

Entire Report (1.46 MB)

Direct Certification in the National School Lunch Program: State Implementation Progress (Report to Congress) - December 2008

Report Summary (33 KB)

Entire Report (473 KB)

Accuracy of LEA Processing of School Lunch Applications - Regional Office Review of Applications (RORA) 2007 - October 2008

Entire Report (47 KB)

Diet Quality of American School-Age Children by School Lunch Participation Status:  Data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 1999-2004 - July 2008

Report Summary (40 KB)

Entire Report (1.39 MB)

Report to Congress: The Nebraska Rural Area Eligibility Determination Pilot for the CACFP - July 2008

Report Summary (83 KB)

Entire Report (1.12 MB)

School Lunch and Breakfast Cost Study - II - April 2008

Report Summary (31 KB)

Executive Summary (270 KB)

Entire Report (1.32 MB)

Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP): Assessment Of Sponsor Tiering Determinations 2006 - March 2008

The Pennsylvania SFSP Rural Area Eligibility Pilot Evaluation - February 2008

Report Summary (90 KB)

Entire Report (858 KB)

School Nutrition Dietary Assessment Study—III – November 2007

NSLP/SBP Access, Participation, Eligibility, and Certification Study – Erroneous Payments in the NSLP and SBP – November 2007

Direct Verification Pilot Study: First Year Report  - June 2007

Report Summary (37 KB)

Entire Report (676 KB)

Accuracy of SFA Processing of School Lunch Applications - Regional Office Review of Applications (RORA) 2006  - April 2007

Entire Report (51 KB)

Report to Congress: USDA's Simplified Summer Food Service Program 2001-2006 - April 2007

Report Summary (40 KB)

Entire Report (266 KB)

Data Matching in the National School Lunch Program: 2005 - December 2006

Report Summary (corrected January 2007) (39 KB)

Volume 1: Final Report (revised February 2007) (1.3 MB)

Volume 2: Select Case Studies (809 KB)

Approaches to Direct Certification and Direct Verification: Guide for State and Local Agencies (released April 2007)
(480 KB)

Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP): Assessment of Sponsor Tiering Determinations - December 2006

Analysis of Verification Summary Data School Year 2004-2005 (Corrected) - November 2006

Entire Report (114 KB)

Analysis of Summer Food Service Program and Food Needs of Nonparticipating Children - February 2006

Accuracy of SFA Processing of School Lunch Applications – Regional Office Review of Applications (RORA) 2005 - December 2005

Entire Report (41 KB)

Preliminary Report on the Feasibility of Computer Matching in the National School Lunch Program - January 2005

Evaluation of the School Breakfast Pilot Project: Final Report - December 2004

Measuring Competitive Foods in Schools - May 2004

Case Study of National School Lunch Program Verification Outcomes in Large Metropolitan School Districts - April 2004

Evaluation of the 14 State Summer Food Service Program Pilot Project - April 2004

Evaluation of the National School Lunch Program Application/Verification Pilot Projects

Volume I: Impacts on Deterrence, Barriers, and Accuracy - February 2004

Volume II: Data Collection, Study Methods and Supplementary Tables on Certification Impacts - February 2004

Entire Report (1.04 MB)

Volume III: Impacts on Participation - August 2004

Entire Report (447 KB)

Volume IV: Analysis of Pilot Operations and Costs - August 2004

Entire Report (305 KB)

Volume V: Analysis of Applications - August 2004

Entire Report (674 KB)

Survey Instruments for NSLP Application/Verification Pilot Projects and Case Study of NSLP Outcomes in Large Metropolitan School Districts - May 2004

For reports published before 2004, visit the archives.

Last modified: 07/29/2009