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SES Vacancies -- Most Frequently Asked Questions

1) Must my current supervisor be contacted?

Answer. No, it is not mandatory but would strengthen your application.

2) Do I have to submit the supervisory appraisal form along with my application?

Answer. No - you may submit your most recent performance evaluation form instead.

3) Must I have Federal Service to apply?

Answer. The vacancy announcement will specify under Area of Consideration; as to who may apply.

4) Does government service in the legislative branch qualify as Federal Service?

Answer. YES

5) Does military service qualify as Federal Service?

Answer. NO

6) How long does the application process take?

Answer. Between 90 to 120 days on average. Once selected for the position, applicant must receive approval from OPM's QRB and must undergo an agency background check.

7) Will current SES members be paneled?

Answer. YES

8) How and when will I be notified?

Answer. By process end, all applicants are notified in writing.

9) Do you retain applications for future SES Merit Staffing vacancies?

Answer. Applications will not be used for future vacancies - you must reapply.

10) Will Agency pay relocation?

Answer. YES, only for new appointees into SES who sign a 12 month service agreement.

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