


July 1, 2005


Approved by:  Piermaria J. Oddone, Director


Revised 03/25/08



Table of Contents



Section 1 - Introduction

Section 2 - Fermilab Document Hierarchy

Section 3 - List of Fermilab Policies



Section 1

Fermilab Policy Manual

This Manual provides a compilation of the Fermilab Policies that constitute the management practices of the laboratory. The purpose of this manual is to control Fermilab policy, practices and procedures, to assure appropriate flowdown, response and implementation of externally imposed requirements and internally developed initiatives. The policy system includes necessary documentation for receipt, distribution, review, control and response of internally and externally imposed DOE Orders, Federal, state and local laws and regulations. The process further provides for consistent review and interpretation of DOE directives, Federal, State and local laws and regulations, formal establishment of policy with implementation guidance, development of specific implementation procedures by line organizations, independent review and formal approval of procedures, control of changes to policy and procedures, and independent audit and self-assessment of policy implementation.

Fermilab policies typically are initiated as a result of either external input (e.g., new DOE Orders or Federal, State and local laws and regulations) or internal Fermilab initiatives. External initiators, normally DOE Orders, are transmitted in formal correspondence. Internal initiatives usually result from managers becoming aware of Federal, state and local laws and regulations that have an impact on the laboratory.

Section 2

Document Hierarchy

1. Laboratory Policy

Laboratory policies are top-level documents that provide guidance to the laboratory. These documents are the expression of the Director's management philosophy and are the management documents for the laboratory. These policies are developed and approved by the Director with the assistance of the Associate Director for Administration.

All policy documents reside in the Fermilab Policy Manual, which is a controlled document. Subordinate documents implement the Director's policies and are the responsibility of the Division/Section Heads. It is the responsibility of the Division/Section Heads to ensure that all sub-ordinate documents developed by the Divisions and Sections are consistent with and in support of the Director's policy.

2. Programs

Program documents are developed by the Division/Section Heads to implement the policies formulated by the Director. These programs may be laboratory-wide if necessary or directed to specific activities as required. Programs consist of statements of strategies and objectives, and methods to accomplish policy objectives as stated by the Director in the Fermilab Policy Manual. Line management is responsible for the implementation of the programs.

3. Program Implementation Plans

Program Implementation Plans identify Division/Section organization, responsibilities, and resources that are necessary to accomplish the objectives of the Division/Section programs. The plans are developed by Division /Section personnel and are reviewed by Division/Section Heads for consistency with laboratory programs. They are approved by Division/Section Heads.

4. Procedures

Procedures are dated, detailed step-by-step courses of action for carrying out policy or program elements. Laboratory-wide procedures will be developed where a standard approach throughout the laboratory is deemed the best course of action. These procedures will be reviewed and approved by the appropriate Division/Section Head. If they are laboratory-wide in scope they will be approved by the Director or his designate. For example, Laboratory-wide procedures have been established for obtaining protective footwear and eyewear.


Section 3

List of Fermilab Policies


1.000 Policy on Policies

2.000 Personnel

3.000 ES&H

4.000 Operations

5.000 Maintenance

6.000 Procurement

7.000 Make or Buy

8.000 Design

9.000 Experiments

10.000 Quality Assurance

11.000 Property

12.000 Project Management

13.000 Document Control

14.000 Security & Site Access

15.000 Financial Management

16.000 Discretionary Funds

17.000 Community Outreach

18.000 Construction/Modification

19.000 Training

20.000 Assessments

21.000 Computing

22.000 Fermilab Scientific Appointments

23.000 Public Affairs

24.000 Freedom of Information Act Requests

25.000 Smoking

26.000 Substance Abuse

27.000 Anti-Harassment

28.000 Emeritus Status

29.000 Guest Appointments

30.000 Ozone Depleting Substances

31.000 Demonstrations

32.000 Honoraria

33.000 Interactions with Legislators

34.000 Loaning Tools

35.000 Foreign Travel Approval

36.000 Facility Reuse Program

37.000 Code of Conduct

No. 1.000 Rev. 0

1.0        Title

Policy on Policies


2.0        Effective Date



3.0        Scope

The Laboratory Director has overall responsibility for establishing and maintaining Fermilab’s policies. It is the policy of Fermilab to operate the Laboratory consistent with all contract requirements and commitments and to comply with all applicable DOE Orders, Federal, State and local laws and regulations. In all cases, the Directorate receives and reviews all new DOE Orders or other requirements imposed on the Laboratory, and establishes Fermilab policies. Specific responsibilities for policy development and conduct of the annual review of existing policies have been delegated to the Associate Director for Administration.


4.0       Applicability

All Fermilab policies issued by the Director have Laboratory-wide applicability. All Laboratory employees shall follow Fermilab policies that are implemented by Division/Section programs and procedures. The Directorate shall approve Division/Section programs and procedures that implement Laboratory-wide policies.


5.0        Process

Upon receipt of a DOE Directive, Order, or other outside initiative, the document shall be forwarded to the Associate Director for Administration, who is designated as the central point of contact for these documents. The Associate Director for Administration shall review the document, in conjunction with current policies and practices, for applicability at Fermilab. This includes an applicability review of the document against the Universities Research Association, Inc. (URA) contract for the operation of the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory to assess consistency with contract requirements and commitments. The Associate Director is responsible for developing a formal position on the applicability of the new directive, and determine one of three possible courses of action: 1.) the directive does not apply to Fermilab; 2.) a waiver or postponement of the directive's requirements should be sought; 3.) the directive does apply in whole or in part, and sets an implementation schedule and approach for the development of a policy and implementation plan.

The Associate Director for Administration, is responsible for implementing follow-up of the selected course of action. In the case of alternative 3, a policy-working group will normally be established by the Associate Director for Administration to draft the policy for review and approval.

Fermilab policies may also be internally initiated from the Office of the Director in which case the Associate Director for Administration will provide policy development guidance to a policy working group, which has the responsibility for drafting the policy for review and approval.

The policy working group assigned responsibility for a DOE Directive or internal Fermilab initiative normally prepares a plan for implementation of the Directive or initiative, and drafts a policy statement for the Director’s signature. This policy shall be consistent with the Fermilab contract and existing Fermilab policies, procedures and programs.

All Fermilab policies require review and signature of the Director. Approved policies shall be incorporated into the Fermilab Policy Manual, designated by sequential number with revision number and distributed as a formal, controlled, Laboratory-wide document.

If formal procedures are needed for the implementation of a new policy, the procedures will be prepared by the responsible implementing organization. Procedures shall then be reviewed by cognizant organizations, including the Directorate, and other line organizations, and approved by the cognizant authority. Required training shall be conducted prior to implementation. The Directorate shall approve all division/section level procedures that implement Laboratory-wide policies.

Self-assessments performed, as part of the ongoing Fermilab Self-Assessment Program, shall include policy reviews to assure that actual practices or operations are consistent with the intent of the policy and any implementing procedures.


6.0        Change Process

Change requests for all policies contained in this manual are to be submitted to the Associate Director for Administration in writing for processing. All changes to this manual require the Director's signature. Revisions to Division/Section policy implementing procedures shall require the same level of review and approval as required for issuance. Requesters will be notified of the disposition of their requests at the completion of the analysis of the impact on existing policies and procedures. No others may publish or disseminate policy that has scope or effect outside their immediate area of responsibility


No. 2.000 Rev. 0

1.0        Title


2.0        Effective Date


3.0         Scope

This policy addresses the employment practices of the laboratory that implement Federal, State and local laws and regulations.

4.0        Applicability

This policy applies to all employees of Fermilab, Users, Visitors, Fermilab contractors and their subcontractors.

5.0         Policy

It shall be the policy of Fermilab to employ qualified individuals without discriminating on the basis of race, gender, color, national origin, age, military background and disability. All employment decisions shall be based on objectively obtained data and uniformly applied information. The Laboratory Services Section will publish and maintain a Personnel Policy Guide that contains the procedures for use within the laboratory.

No. 3.000 Rev. 4

Environment, Safety and Health


2.0         Effective Date




3.0         Scope


            This policy addresses the laboratory-wide establishment of an ES&H program.


4.0         Applicability


            This policy applies to all employees of Fermilab and to Users, Visitors, Fermilab             contractors and their subcontractors when they are on-site.


5.0         ES&H Policy


Fermilab employees, subcontractors, and users will only conduct work and operations in a safe and environmentally sound manner.


All persons who enter shall fully comply with all procedures, instructions and directives contained in the Fermilab ES&H Manual in order to assure a safe and environmentally sound workplace.


It is Fermilab's policy to integrate environment, safety and health protection into all aspects of our work, utilizing the principles and core functions of the Integrated ES&H Management System and implemented through the appropriate lines of management.


Every person on site is responsible for hazard reduction and is accountable for performing all activities in a safe and environmental manner. Every person has the right and responsibility to stop work or decline to perform an assigned task because of a reasonable belief that the task poses an imminent risk of death, serious physical or environmental harm, or other hazards to workers.  No one will be subjected to reprisal for taking such an action, or for raising a concern.


The ES&H Section shall prepare, maintain and update an ES&H manual to implement this policy that is for use by all Division/Sections. Division/Section Heads shall establish and maintain an ES&H program for their respective areas of responsibility in accordance with the Fermilab ES&H Manual.


Safety and Health Policy


It is the policy of this Laboratory to provide a safe and healthful workplace for Employees, Users, Visitors, Contractors and their Subcontractors.

The Safety and Health (SH) Program includes the following features:


·        Compliance with applicable standards and Local, State and Federal legal requirements through Fermilab's Work Smart Set of Standards (WSS) and the contract between Fermilab Research Alliance and the Department of Energy.


·        Prevention of injury and ill health and continual improvement in SH management and performance.


·        Prompt abatement of identified hazards. To the maximum extent practicable, all hazards shall be eliminated or minimized through engineering or administrative controls. Where engineering or administrative controls are not feasible, appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) shall be provided by the organization free of charge. Where hazard abatement resources are limited, priorities shall be assigned to take care of the most serious problem first. Appropriate notices shall be posted to warn employees of unabated serious hazards and to define interim protective measures.


·        Procedures to review, in advance of construction/procurement, the design of facilities, systems and subsystems to ensure SH hazards are eliminated or controlled through the life cycle.


·        Thorough incident  investigations and a comprehensive OSH management information system which provides all SH data required by federal agencies and contractual requirements.


·        A comprehensive occupational health surveillance program, both medical and industrial hygiene, implemented by qualified personnel, including:


o       Industrial Hygiene programs that identify and monitor potential hazards in the workplace.

o       Medical surveillance programs that monitor employees who are exposed to potential hazards.

o       Trend analysis to identify increasing exposures or groups of employees exhibiting the same medical symptoms.


·        Documents and records to show compliance with the WSS, this policy and the Fermilab ES&H Manual.



Environmental Policy


Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory conducts scientific research with regard for the protection of the community and the environment and compliance with all applicable environmental laws and regulations.  We believe that high standards of environmental practice are fully consistent with our search for an understanding of the fundamental properties of nature.  Through our Environmental Management System (EMS) we are committed to protecting the environment in the daily conduct of experimental physics.


To advance the goals of continual improvement in our programs for conserving, enhancing and restoring environmental quality, complying with applicable legal requirements and identified environmental aspects, and establishing the framework for setting and reviewing environmental objectives and targets, Fermilab's policy is to:


·   Integrate environmental considerations into our planning and decision-making processes, evaluate the environmental impact of our actions and take all necessary measures to mitigate adverse effects.


·   Employ sound pollution prevention and waste reduction practices by avoiding waste generation when possible, minimizing pollution at the source where feasible and aggressively pursuing recycling opportunities.


·   Minimize our emissions and effluents by employing cost-effective operational controls.


·   Employ products, whenever possible, through design or procurement, that contain recycled materials, prevent pollution, are safe, energy-efficient, and protective of the environment, and can be reused, recycled or disposed of safely.


·   Incorporate the philosophy of sustainability in all our activities wherever, and to the maximum extent, consistent with our mission.


·   Avoid harm to cultural resources (e.g., historic properties, archaeological resources, cemeteries, etc.), protected species, natural habitats and ecologically sensitive areas wherever and whenever feasible.


·   Continually improving our programs for protecting our environment through active self-assessment, and act swiftly and responsibly to correct conditions that may endanger health, safety, or the environment, report them promptly, and inform everyone that may be affected.


·   Demonstrate to the public the means to minimize or avoid the detrimental impact of scientific research on the environment and to foster environmental awareness in the community.


·   Educate experimenters and employees at all levels to appreciate and protect our environmental resources by adhering to and implementing this policy.




 No. 4.000 Rev. 0

1.0        Title


2.0        Effective Date


3.0        Scope

This policy addresses the safe operation of the equipment and facilities that comprise Fermilab. Particular emphasis is placed on continuous shift operations.

4.0         Applicability

This policy applies to all operations that are conducted at Fermilab.

5.0         Policy

It is the policy of Fermilab to conduct all operations in a safe, responsible manner. Division/Section Heads shall implement programs for their areas of responsibility to insure that all operations are conducted in this manner. Organizations that have continuous operations shall have procedures in place that assure the smooth and safe transition of operations to each succeeding shift.




No. 5.000 Rev. 0

1.0         Title


2.0         Effective Date


3.0         Scope

This policy covers all of the maintenance activities at the laboratory.

4.0         Applicability

This policy applies to all employees of Fermilab and Users, Visitors, Fermilab contractors and their subcontractors when on-site.

5.0         Policy

Fermilab has four general goals for its maintenance program.

1.      That facilities and equipment are maintained in an operating and safe condition.

2.      That maintenance operations are conducted in a safe, deliberate and efficient manner.

3.      That maintenance activities are carried out with minimal impact on facility or equipment availability.

4.      That systems are maintained with the objective of achieving high reliability within an established budget.

To achieve these goals, Fermilab incorporates the following specific policies.

 Facility Maintenance:

Fermilab will carry out facility condition assessment surveys on a three-year cycle. The facilities surveyed will include all buildings, structures, and utilities. The results of the assessment will be incorporated into a Maintenance Management Plan that will include prioritization of tasks and a long-term schedule for completion of maintenance related tasks.

Accelerator and Beam-Line Maintenance:

The accelerators and beam-lines will be treated as systems with specific operating goals. The relative success of achieving these goals will be tracked by performance measures. Goals are established by agreement with the Director. The maintenance program will be designed to meet the goals established for each accelerator and beam-line.

Fermilab's operating goals for accelerator and beam-line systems will include:

Operating Reliability, including up-time and availability.

Impact on ES&H. For example, to minimize waste streams, minimize accident loss time, and to provide healthful working conditions.

For each accelerator or beam-line system, the maintenance plan will be designed to optimize predictive, preventative and corrective maintenance activities during scheduled and unscheduled shutdowns. Each shutdown will be uniquely configured to balance the activities, logistics and crafts required. During periods of machine operations, short maintenance shutdowns are discussed at regularly scheduled operations meetings and then coordinated by the Beams Division Run Coordinator. For longer shutdowns, plans are presented at the weekly scheduling meeting and approved by the Director.

Detector Maintenance:

Major detector systems will be treated as systems with specific operating goals, including specific goals for up-time and availability. The relative success of achieving these goals will be tracked by performance measures. Goals are established by agreement with the Director.

Research equipment will be maintained under the direction of a responsible research scientist. Maintenance will be commensurate with the requirements of the research being done with the equipment. The maintenance program will include a budget and schedule, and a mechanism for tracking equipment failure. A program for preventive and predictive maintenance should also be developed if appropriate.



No. 6.000 Rev. 0

1.0         Title


2.0         Effective Date


3.0         Scope

This policy covers the negotiation and contracting for all goods and services that are obtained by the laboratory.

4.0         Applicability

This policy applies to all employees of Fermilab, Users and any others who use an account at Fermilab to acquire goods and services.

5.0         Policy

It is Fermilab's procurement policy to abide by all provisions of the prime contract, the applicable Federal, state and local laws and regulations, and good business practices. It is the policy of the Laboratory to obtain competition for goods and services in our procurements to the maximum extent practical.

Authority to Commit the Laboratory

All Division/Section Heads and a number of employees have been delegated signature authority in various dollar amounts. This authority is for internal management purposes and does not empower its holders to make commitments, orally or in writing, that contractually bind the Laboratory.

The authority to make contractual commitments outside of the Laboratory is delegated specifically to me by Universities Research Association, Inc., and I, in turn, have authorized the Head of the Business Services Section to bind the Laboratory contractually. He, in turn, has delegated parts of this authority to various procurement personnel. Only those persons possessing such specifically delegated authority may make commitments or sign documents that contractually bind the Laboratory.

Responsibility of Staff in Dealing with Outside Organizations

Scientific and technical staff personnel often become involved in the procurement process. These persons do not possess authority to commit the Laboratory, and they must exercise restraint and discretion in their communications with outside organizations so that their comments are not construed by the latter as commitments on behalf of the Laboratory. Even casual conversation can result in potential bidders, contractors, or vendors inferring the existence of a commitment when it was not intended by the Laboratory. In some instances, a legally binding oral contract or contract change could result. Procurement personnel, as assigned by the Head of the Business Services Section, are responsible for all negotiations on contracts and purchase orders. This authority cannot be assumed by other Fermilab personnel.

Non-Competitive Contracting

It is the responsibility of the Laboratory to obtain competition for goods and services in our procurements to the maximum extent practical. We have recently been questioned about the adequacy of our justification for placement of contracts without competition. I have requested the Head of the Business Services Section to review our procedures for sole source justifications to ensure that we meet the stringent criteria which we are legally bound to follow for non-competitive procurements.

After-the-Fact Requisitions

In the past, GAO has indicated instances of after-the-fact contracting which occurred at other laboratories as a result of Laboratory personnel dealing with contractors prior to involvement of the Business Services Section procurement personnel. The commencement of work can only be authorized by procurement personnel with proper authority. The Laboratory is not obligated and will not pay for work or services that were initiated before a legally binding contract or purchase order becomes effective. It is possible that the Fermilab staff person making a commitment could be personally liable to a party he or she induced to begin work prior to the existence of a contract.

Invoice Certification

Anyone certifying an invoice for payment by the Laboratory must be fully cognizant of facts related to such invoices, particularly that the services have been performed or the supplies delivered in an acceptable manner.


 No. 7.000 Rev. 0

1.0         Title

Make or Buy Policy

2.0         Effective Date


3.0         Scope

This policy addresses the appropriate use of "make or buy" decisions to maintain appropriate skills and expertise within the laboratory.

4.0         Applicability

This policy applies to all Fermilab employees.

5.0         Policy

In keeping with its research mission, Fermilab does not routinely engage in the type of operations (i.e., manufacturing) requiring "make-or-buy" decisions. It is the general policy of the Federal Government to rely upon the private sector for goods and services and to avoid competition with the private sector. It is likewise the general policy of Fermilab to procure needed products from the private sector at the most economical cost and not to fabricate an item or component in-house unless the item is not available (quality, quantity, delivery, and other essential factors considered) from a private source at equal or lower prices. Since circumstances may exist, however, where it is necessary and beneficial to utilize in-house facilities and labor, the Laboratory recognizes the need to maintain and support efficient in-house facilities and capabilities in program-critical areas.

When the requester of a product indicates that in-house sources (chargeback organizations) should be used and where the estimated value added would exceed $50,000, he or she shall prepare a justification which addresses the applicable factors from the following list. A description of the work to be performed and the justification shall then be submitted to the responsible Division/Section Head for concurrence. The Head of the Business Services Section will then review and approve this justification. When the estimated value exceeds $100,000, the Directorate will also review and approve the justification.

Factors to be Considered

The technical nature of the item, future maintenance and repair requirements, engineering, tooling, start-up costs, market conditions, and the availability of personnel and material.

The competence, abilities, experience, and operational capacities available from in-house and outside sources.

The effects on the employment levels, capacity, workload and capital investments of the in-house organization capable of providing the required product or service.

The maintenance of a well-trained work force to perform services not readily available from commercial sources; i.e., repair of radioactive components.

The environmental, safety, health, and/or legal ramifications associated with outside sources.

The impact of the product or service on the program schedule and/or criticality of operations.

The anticipated number and technical complexity of design changes inherent to the product.

General considerations such as the quantity, quality, delivery, and overall cost of the required item(s).


No. 8.000 Rev. 0

1.0         Title


2.0         Effective Date


3.0         Scope

This policy covers the design of equipment and apparatus used at Fermilab.

4.0         Applicability

This policy applies to all Fermilab employees, Users and Visitors.

5.0         Policy

All equipment designed for use in the laboratory shall be designed in accordance with the Fermilab Engineering Standards Manual and generally accepted Engineering best practices.

No. 9.000 Rev. 0

1.0         Title

Experimenters/Users Identification

2.0         Effective Date


3.0         Scope

This policy addresses the badge requirements for all Users and Visitors.

4.0         Applicability.

This policy applies to all Users and Visitors

5.0         Policy

All users are to have valid Fermilab users' identification cards. The Laboratory issues such ID cards only to bona fide users, defined as visiting scientists, graduate students or technical support staff affiliated with institutions participating in Fermilab experiments. The spokesperson for the applicant's Fermilab experiment signs the ID application form. (A person who lacks appropriate institutional affiliation may obtain a Fermilab user's ID card at the specific request of the spokesperson for the applicant's experiment, or at the request of the Fermilab Directorate.) To obtain a Fermilab user's ID, the applicant must certify current medical insurance coverage. Fermilab users' IDs are normally issued for two years. However, if a user's insurance coverage or institutional affiliation lapses, Fermilab considers the user's ID no longer valid.

No. 10.000 Rev. 2

1.0        Title

Quality Assurance


2.0        Effective Date





1.0 Purpose

The purpose of this policy is to express the fundamental intent and direction for quality assurance at Fermilab.


2.0 Applicability

This policy applies to Fermilab Research Alliance, LLC (including all legal entities under its exclusive control) and all its employees, contractors, subcontractors, and Fermilab users.


3.0 Authority

The Director of Fermilab authorizes this policy by signature.


4.0 Policy

4.1   Quality assurance programs are intended to improve and sustain a facility’s ability to consistently, dependably, and cost-effectively meet or exceed programmatic and operational customer requirements. Implemented properly, an effective quality assurance program is transparent among business processes and creates a culture of continuous improvement.


4.2   At Fermilab, quality assurance is used to maintain a high state of readiness, reliability, and sustainability of programs that support the Nation’s efforts of using high-energy physics to advance our understanding of the fundamental nature of matter and energy.  Fermilab uses a graded approach to define the appropriate level of quality controls based upon risk of the subject initiative or operation.   Using a graded approach is paramount to an effective quality program to ensure that effort expended to maintain it provides value to the organization. 


4.3   The Fermilab Quality Assurance Program is composed of the Fermilab Integrated Quality Management Program (FIQMP), programmatic implementing procedures such as the Fermilab Graded Approach, and Divisions and Sections implementing procedures.  The FIQMP provides a single, integrated approach for assuring quality throughout Fermilab. The FIQMP implements the tenets of this policy, and those set forth in the current revisions of the referenced documents.


4.4   The FIQMP and programmatic procedures implement this policy; set expectations for divisions and sections to develop implementing procedures; establish and maintain a graded approach; perform audits and self-assessments; provide tools for continuous/process improvement and adoption of best practices; and provide guidelines for levels of inspection, documentation, and recordkeeping.


4.5   To the extent reasonable and appropriate, quality assurance activities at all levels should systematically aim to:

·        build enduring customer relationships;

·        earn customer and stakeholder trust;

·        keep activities relevant with current research directions and customer expectations;

·        choose partners and suppliers that share Fermilab’s enthusiasm and commitment to safety and quality;

·        reduce process complexity, variation and cost, and encourage organizational flexibility;

·        focus on preventive versus corrective actions;

·        embed organizational and personal learning, and improvement in our processes;

·        seek and accept complaints as opportunities to strengthen customer relationships; and

·        utilize national and international consensus standards where practical, consistent with contractual or regulatory requirements, or where a competitive advantage is achieved.


4.6 Suspect/Counterfeit Items Program

It is Fermilab’s policy to make every reasonable effort to prevent the use of suspect/counterfeit items in keeping with our policy of ensuring personnel and public safety, and environmental integrity, while safeguarding investments that affect the Laboratory’s mission.


Each individual is expected to be vigilant to detect and report suspect/counterfeit items according to Fermilab suspect/counterfeit procedures.  It is the responsibility of each individual to be aware of the consequences of incorporating suspect/counterfeit material into the operations of the laboratory. As appropriate for their job duties, all individuals shall make themselves aware of the various items that are likely to be suspect/counterfeit.


5.0 Responsibilities 

5.1 The Fermilab Director

·        Holds senior leaders accountable for implementation of, and compliance with, this policy

·        Provides financial support to senior leaders for pertinent quality assurance activities

·        Ensures the use of graded levels of documentation, recordkeeping, and assessment

·        Regularly reviews a system of metrics indicating the effectiveness of quality assurance activities


5.2 Division and Section Heads

·        Comply with this policy and implement the FIQMP for their areas of responsibility

·        Continue to minimize E,S,&H and other risk while improving consistency and reliability in the performance of Fermilab work

·        Financially support pertinent quality assurance activities such as employee training, process documentation, document and records control, inspection and acceptance testing, and independent assessments

·        Work closely with the Office of Quality and Best Practices to develop and maintain a graded approach for their areas of responsibility

·        Make quality assurance the responsibility of every Fermilab employee and contractor


5.3 The Office of Quality and Best Practices

·        Manages, improves and administers the Fermilab Quality Assurance Program

·        Maintains and improves the strategy for implementing graded quality assurance plans

·        Works with Division and Section Heads to build and implement graded quality assurance plans and procedures

·        Embeds personnel into programs and operations to assist in quality assurance implementation


6.0 References

6.1 Department of Energy (DOE) Order 414.1, Quality Assurance


7.0 Definitions

7.1  Assessment:  A review, evaluation, inspection, test, check, surveillance, or audit to determine and document whether items, processes, systems, or services meet specified requirements and perform effectively. (DOE O 414.1C)


7.2 Graded Approach: The process of ensuring that the levels of analyses, documentation, and actions used to comply with requirements are commensurate with: the relative importance to safety, safeguards, and security; the magnitude of any hazard involved; the life-cycle stage of a facility or item; the programmatic mission of a facility; the particular characteristics of a facility or item; the relative importance to radiological and non-radiological hazards; and any other relevant factors.


7.3 Quality Assurance: All those actions that provide confidence that quality and fitness for intended use is achieved.


7.4 Quality Assurance Program: The overall program or management system established to assign responsibilities and authorities, define policies and requirements, and provide for the performance and assessment of work. The Fermilab Quality Assurance Program is the vehicle to implement the Fermilab Quality Assurance Policy. It details the implementation of the tenets of the Policy and incorporates the requirements set forth in DOE O 414.1C Section 4.

No. 11.000 Rev. 0

1.0         Title



2.0         Effective Date


3.0         Scope

This policy addresses the management of real and personal property at the laboratory.

4.0         Applicability

This policy applies to all employees of Fermilab, Users and Visitors.

5.0         Policy

Fermilab is committed to maintaining a property management system that efficiently and economically manages and controls property entrusted to its care. The concept of property management at the laboratory is to assign accountability for property to the division, the line management, and the property custodian using the item. Operational details of the property management procedures may be found in the Fermilab Property Manual.

No. 12.000 Rev. 0


1.0         Title

Project Management

2.0         Effective Date


3.0         Scope

This policy covers all projects undertaken at Fermilab.

4.0         Applicability

This policy applies to all employees of Fermilab, Users and Visitors.

5.0         Policy

It shall be the policy of Fermilab that every major project be controlled using a project management system that includes baseline definition supported by formal cost estimates, schedules, and specifications of technical components contained in the project. Performance is to be monitored against this baseline to achieve project completion within cost and schedule. Change control will also be exercised on all projects.

No. 13.000 Rev. 0

1.0         Title

Document Control

2.0         Effective Date


3.0         Scope

This policy addresses the control of documents at the laboratory.

4.0         Applicability

This policy applies to all employees of Fermilab, Users and Visitors.

5.0         Policy

All policies, program documents, program implementation plans, and procedures shall be controlled by the issuing organization in accordance with their internal policies. At a minimum, all documents shall have Document number, Revision, Issue and Date in the heading of each controlled document. The issuing organization shall schedule reviews and updates for each document under its control as prescribed by each document. Responsible organizations shall perform the actual reviews with assistance from the other interested parties as applicable.

No. 14.000 Rev. 0


1.0         Title

Security and Site Access

Security and Site Access

2.0         Effective Date


3.0         Scope

This policy covers all Security operations at Fermilab.

4.0         Applicability

This policy applies to all employees of Fermilab, Users and Visitors.

5.0         Policy

It shall be the policy of Fermilab to provide physical security to ensure appropriate levels of protection against unauthorized access; loss or theft of government property; and other acts that may cause unacceptable or adverse impacts to programmatic activities or the health and safety of Fermilab and DOE employees, the public, or the environment.

Employees, Users, and Subcontractor personnel are expected to exercise care toward meeting the goals of this policy. Potential threats will be identified and measures taken to prevent loss. Where losses have occurred, they will be reported to the responsible manager and to the Security Department. The Security Department of the ES&H Section has specific responsibility to provide physical security. This includes personnel security, security patrols, traffic control, investigation of property loss, and assistance in dealing with threats of violence.

Fermilab permits access to the site only through controlled access points. Access to the site is controlled by the use of a Fermilab car sticker, Fermilab identification card, or a pass issued by Fermilab. During special events such as concerts or public lectures attendees and other site visitors are permitted on site without a pass at designated gates. However, on-site travel is limited to the specific area or building where the special event is taking place and visitors are required to leave the site upon completion of the event.

People requiring continuous daily access to the laboratory for Fermilab business for more than six months should be issued ID cards and stickers.

Daytime only passes are issued for periods up to six months for temporary hires, seasonal hires, non-laboratory employees (vendors and subcontractors) who have regular business with the laboratory, students enrolled in education programs that last more than a day, and teachers in summer programs. Passes are good at any open gate designated on the pass. These passes are issued by the Division/Section Office or by the Key and ID Office. A list of the names of those to whom passes are issued, and for what period of time, is transmitted weekly by e-mail to the Key/ID Office, which keeps an electronic master list.

24 hour passes are issued for periods up to six months for people who need access at any hour, typically temporary hires or subcontractors on shift or working outside the normal daytime hours. This pass is issued by the Division/Section Office or by the Key and ID Office. A list containing the names of those to whom passes are issued is transmitted weekly by e-mail to the Key/ID Office, which keeps an electronic master list.

Gate passes are color coded by gate (Batavia or Pine Street), marked with the date and issued to the public for one-time use only, to enter the site to use designated recreational facilities, participate in a scheduled event, or visit a person working or housed on site. The passes are issued by the automated security system at the gate and reclaimed by the system when vehicles leave the site at a designated gate (Pine Street or Batavia).

Security collects reclaimed passes daily and maintains statistics on issue and returns, by gate.

No. 15.000 Rev. 0

1.0         Title

Financial Management

2.0         Effective Date


3.0         Scope

This policy covers all financial activities carried out under the URA-DOE prime contract.

4.0         Applicability

This policy applies to all employees of Fermilab and Laboratory Users.

5.0         Policy

Budgeting - It is the responsibility of the Director's Office to oversee the budget process. The Director will offer general guidance and define the goals of the laboratory. Division/Section Heads shall insure that methodology is in place to execute the budget process.

Accounting - All financial activities will be carried out in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, The Department of Energy accounting manuals and orders, the URA contract, Department of the Treasury, Labor, and Health and Human Services regulations.

No. 16.000 Rev. 1 (11/09/00)

1.0         Title

Discretionary Fund

2.0         Effective Date


3.0         Scope

This policy addresses the use of discretionary funds at the laboratory.

4.0         Applicability

All Fermilab employees.

5.0         Policy

Documentation Requirements

Use of all Discretionary Funds must be well documented, identifying at a minimum the following:

1.      Purpose

2.      A direct benefit to the Lab must be shown.

3.      Individuals present and their relationship to the Lab

4.      A list of names and the organizations they represent shall be well documented. For example: business lunches shall include a list of those in attendance. If the list is extensive, such as would be the case for an awards ceremony, a list of those invited and/or recognizable groups may be substituted.

5.      Time and Date of the Expenditure

6.      Time and date shall be tied to the occasion for which the expenditure is being made, as well as the date the expense was incurred.

Note: Proper documentation must accompany all reimbursement requests to URA Headquarters.

Limitations on Expenditures

Good Business Practices should be observed in order to maximize the effectiveness of the Discretionary Funds. Accordingly, the following limitations will be observed unless there are extenuating circumstances

Individuals attending the functions or benefiting from the expenditures shall be directly associated with the Lab either through an employment or business relationship.

As a general rule, unless the guests of honor are encouraged and are bringing their spouses, employee spouses will be excluded from official functions that rely on Discretionary Funds to cover the costs.

Certain exceptions will apply, i.e., spouses of employees who are being honored for outstanding service, on the occasion of their retirement, or upon their transfer to another position outside the Laboratory, or spouses who play a significant role in hosting an event, e.g., informal gatherings at private residences.

On those few occasions involving Laboratory-wide activities, this rule may be relaxed.

Alcoholic beverages, served where appropriate at business meetings, may be served in strict moderation.

Food and beverage costs, associated with various time periods of the day, shall observe the following average cost limitations:

Breakfast   $15.00

Lunch         $30.00

Dinner        $55.00

Personal expenses are to be excluded from reimbursement.

Telephones in residences are by definition construed to be a personal expense, unless the line is a dedicated line for official business only. This does not preclude individual business calls from being reimbursed. Similarly, cellular telephones are not reimbursable, unless their installation and use can be identified as justifiable from a business standpoint (periodic reviews should demonstrate a minimum of 86% business use). Individual business calls from cellular telephones are reimbursable.

Cleaning personal residences, such as the Director's residence, will not be reimbursed unless it is done immediately prior to, or after, an official function being held at the residence.

Stocking personal liquor cabinets at private residences is prohibited from reimbursement unless the alcoholic beverages are stored in a locked cabinet that is separate from the personal stock. Use of the contents of a cabinet stocked for business purposes will be restricted to business use only. Given the potential negative public perception associated with this expense, these expenses will be discouraged. Rather, alcoholic beverages if any should be purchased and reimbursed for a specific business occasion

Donations to Private Charities.

Donations to private charities are not reimbursable unless done in lieu of flowers to honor a deceased employee or other person connected with the Laboratory. The donation in lieu of flowers should be at the request of the deceased’s immediate family. Lab personnel authorized to approve these expenditures should be sensitive to the appearance of discriminating against other charities not selected.

Civic Participation.

Civic participation, using Discretionary Funds, shall be limited to Lab oriented outreach programs. As such, they should be reviewed for possible reimbursement via the contract itself, where appropriate. Additionally, personnel authorized to approve these expenditures must be sensitive to the potential for the Lab to appear to favor one group over another.

Gifts and Mementos

Gifts and mementos are to be limited to (a) rare occasions, e.g., the exchange of gifts with international visitors and (b) a dollar value not to exceed $100. The Laboratory Director or Associate Director for Administration must approve all expenditures of Discretionary Funds for gifts or mementos.


Honoraria will not be provided to any employee of a DOE Laboratory nor to any individual who is compensated directly, in whole or in part, from an URA Laboratory funded program.

Items Requiring Sensitivity

Frequency of Events:

Events that can be construed to be primarily social shall be reviewed for frequency as well as purpose. Discretionary Funds shall not be used to celebrate birthdays, promotions, change of position, etc. The intent of the Discretionary Funds is to benefit the Lab, not one or a few specific persons.

Commingling Personal with Business Expenditures:

Where available, a separate business club membership account shall be maintained when the frequency of use by Lab personnel dictates such an account would be appropriate and desirable in preserving a focused audit trail.

Authorization for Exceeding Guideline Limitations

Authorization for reimbursing expenditures that exceed the guideline limits shall be vested with the Laboratory's Director or Associate Director for Administration. Appeals regarding disagreements are to be channeled to the URA Vice President or Treasurer.

The extenuating circumstances dictating a need to exceed these guidelines should be well documented, identifying the circumstances, the rationale, and the need to do so.

Internal Controls

Proper internal controls will be implemented to ensure that all Discretionary Funds are expended in accordance with these guidelines.




No. 17.000 Rev. 0

1.0         Title

Community Outreach

2.0         Effective Date


3.0         Scope

This policy addresses all outreach operations conducted by the laboratory.

4.0         Applicability

This policy applies to all employees of Fermilab, Users and Visitors.

5.0         Policy

Fermilab will conduct an active, ongoing program to involve the community and all stakeholders in the decision processes that impact the laboratory’s relationship with the surrounding communities. Fermilab also utilizes its resources to further academic excellence in the surrounding communities.


 No. 18.000 Rev. 1

1.0         Title


2.0         Effective Date


3.0         Scope

This policy addresses all construction activities at Fermilab and assigns oversight responsibility for construction.

4.0         Applicability

This policy applies to all employees of Fermilab and Users.

5.0         Policy

A single line of management will be established for each construction project regardless of the number of phases involved and/or crossover of organization lines. Where different divisions/sections are responsible for individual phases of work, a memo of understanding will be generated by the organization holding the budget, clearly establishing line responsibilities and interfaces for project management and oversight including ES&H.

Unless the director delegates the responsibilities to another organization for a specific project, FESS shall have the responsibility for all construction activities. Professional architectural and engineering principles shall be applied to the planning, design and construction of facilities and other structures at Fermilab. Contractors and Subcontractors shall be monitored by FESS personnel, or others as delegated by the director, to assure compliance with all applicable Fermilab policies and procedures, including ES&H requirements. The ES&H Section will independently oversee the performance of construction contractors and provide support to the FESS Construction Task Managers. The Associate Director for Operations Support will review all proposed building construction and modifications for sustainability and compliance with building and safety codes. The director or his deputy will review all modifications for aesthetic considerations. Building modifications are defined as any modification which modifies any structural element of the building, adds or removes additional interior walls, or modifies any of the existing high voltage electrical, HVAC, fire protection, sanitary sewer, potable water, or industrial water services. Review of technical equipment modifications is not included in this definition unless it necessitates modifying one of the above. FESS's Engineering & Planning Group will review any proposed modifications and report to the Associate Director for Operations Support.

No. 19.000 Rev. 1

1.0         Title


2.0         Effective Date


3.0         Scope

This policy covers all training activities at the laboratory.

4.0         Applicability

This policy applies to all employees of Fermilab, Users, Visitors and any others that may accomplish work at the laboratory. It currently only applies rigorously to ES&H training. Work is underway to expand it to apply to all training.


5.0         Policy

It is the policy of the laboratory to assure all necessary training has been provided to employees of the laboratory and any others that may perform work at the laboratory. All mandatory training required of an employee that must be renewed shall be reported by the training organization. All training records shall be maintained in the central database, which will be utilized by all Divisions and Sections. No work for which training is required may be performed by an employee whose training has expired. Grace periods, if allowed for Laboratory-imposed retraining requirements, will be specified in the Laboratory document imposing the requirement. It shall be the responsibility of line management to develop training plans for each employee in their organization and ensure that training as planned is received by each employee.

The Training and Development Department, a part of Laboratory Services, shall begin the transition to accept responsibility for all training records and training databases. They shall also notify line management of the status of each employee's training requirements. They shall provide appropriate reports for line management's use. Line management is responsible for defining ITNAs and assuring that all training requirements are met for each of their employees. Organizations that provide unique operational training will continue to do so while providing the central training organization with necessary data.

 No. 20.000 Rev. 0

1.0         Title

Self Assessments

2.0         Effective Date


3.0         Scope

This policy addresses the use of self-assessment methods by all Fermilab organizations.

4.0         Applicability

This policy applies to all Divisions/Sections of Fermilab.

5.0         Policy

It shall be the policy of Fermilab to continually improve its systems and processes by utilizing a system of self-assessments. Results of the assessment process are to be used to identify areas in need of improvement and set priorities for actions that will institutionalize improved more efficient processes.

Each Division/Section Head shall insure that all of the significant processes and activities under his/her control are assessed at least once every three years and appropriate corrective action taken if necessary.

  No. 21.000 Rev. 2 - (4/26/2007)

1.0         Title


2.0         Effective Date


3.0         Scope

This policy covers all computing operations at Fermilab.

4.0                  Applicability


This policy applies to:

-    all Fermilab owned systems regardless of whether they are connected to the   Fermilab network;

-    all systems, regardless of ownership, when they are attached to the Fermilab network (or are assigned a Fermilab IP address);

-    all users of these systems. 

In all cases where this policy applies, individuals have waived their rights to privacy.


5.0         Policy

Fermilab’s Computing Policy is a set of mandated user and system behaviors designed to:

-    operate an effective and efficient computing and networking environment;

- maintain an open environment supporting global collaboration and innovation    and free exchange of scientific information;

- guard the laboratory’s reputation and protect its computing systems, data, and operations against attacks and unauthorized use;

- ensure compliance with all applicable mandates, directives and legal requirements for computing.


The Computing Division has been assigned the responsibility for the laboratory’s computing and networking infrastructure.  Complete details of the various policies can be found by following the appropriate links at http://security.fnal.gov/Policies which are maintained by the Computing Division. 


Personal Conduct

Ø            Appropriate use: All computer users are required to behave in a way that maintains the security of the laboratory computing environment.  Laboratory computers should only be used for laboratory business with exceptions made for limited incidental use consistent with the computing policy on prohibited activities. 

Ø            Incident reporting: All users are required to comply with computing policy on reporting suspected computer security incidents.

Ø            Information handling: All users must comply with laboratory policies dealing with information categorization and protection, in particular with protecting personally identifiable information (PII).

Ø            Data integrity and backup: All computer users (“data owners”) are responsible for determining what data requires protection and how their data is to be recovered if the online copy is destroyed (either by accidental or malicious damage).

Ø            Security training: All computer users must participate in periodic security training.  System administrators receive more advanced training.

Ø            Respecting rights of privacy: All computer users are required to abide by the computing policy about access to private files or data as stated at http://security.fnal.gov/Policies.


Computing Systems

Ø            System registration: All devices attached to the laboratory network must be registered and have a registered system administrator with an up-to-date email address.  (The system administrator is the individual responsible for applying security patches to the device and choosing system and software configurations.)

Ø            Virus protection, patching, and configuration management: Computing systems should be running recent and supported versions of operating systems, regardless of network connectivity, as specified in the baseline configurations that can be viewed at http://security.fnal.gov/Baselines.  In particular this includes virus protection for Windows systems.  Systems not meeting the baselines must document the reasons why the system cannot be brought up to date and must document how the system is patched and configured to provide the same level of security as provided in baseline configurations. 

Ø            Restricted services: Services that would create a significant security risk or would interfere with the operation of site computing or networking infrastructure can only be operated by systems authorized by the Fermi Computer Security Coordinator (FCSC).  A current list of such restricted services can be found at http://security.fnal.gov/Policies

Ø            Access control: All applications, other than those intended for the general public, must support appropriate levels of authentication and authorization.  In particular, any systems allowing arbitrary program execution or data transfer require authentication consistent with computing strong authentication policy at http://security.fnal.gov/StrongAuthentication


Policy Enforcement

Ø            Individuals who violate this policy will be denied access to laboratory computing and network facilities and may be subject to further disciplinary action depending on the severity of the offense.

Ø            Computing systems with unpatched critical vulnerabilities or exhibiting unusual network behavior typical of hacking activity will be blocked from network access until the condition is mitigated.



Use of computers in systems that protect people, property or the environment

It is Fermilab policy to avoid reliance on a computer as an essential element of any system that is necessary to protect people from serious harm, to protect the environment from significant impact, or to protect property the loss of which would have a serious impact on our mission.




No. 22.0000 Rev. 1

1.0        Title

Fermilab Scientific Appointments

2.0        Effective Date


3.0        Scope

This policy covers all appointments for scientific staff at Fermilab.

4.0        Applicability

All Fermilab employees.

5.0        Policy


I.          PRINCIPLES


            Personnel practices for scientific staff at Fermilab are based on the following principles:


(a)         Fermilab was built as a national laboratory and is intended primarily for the use of visiting scientists.  Every member of the scientific staff at Fermilab is expected to contribute to the development and operation of the Laboratory.


(b)         In order to ensure that Fermilab's program is of the highest quality, it is essential that members of the scientific staff, as noted in Section IV, be given the opportunity to engage in self-directed research in areas of science related to the Laboratory programs.


(c)         Intellectual contributions in areas of physics related to the Laboratory programs, technology related to the Laboratory programs, and leadership, shall be recognized on an equal footing.


(d)         Personnel practices shall be uncomplicated and made known to all who are affected by them.  They shall be applied fairly and uniformly.


(e)         Fermilab will strive to remain competitive with other similar institutions in attracting and retaining qualified scientific staff members.


(f)                    It is the policy of Fermilab to pursue its scientific goals with an emphasis on equal employment opportunity and a special dedication to human rights, diversity, and dignity.





            The Director shall appoint a Fermilab Committee on Scientific Appointments (FCSA) normally consisting of about ten Scientists or Applied Scientists who would serve staggered three-year terms.  FCSA shall be involved in the hiring, review, promotion, and termination of scientific staff members in order to ensure that the personnel practices are applied fairly and uniformly, and that the proper professional standards are maintained.  FCSA shall be an advisory committee to the Director.  The Director shall appoint an individual to function as a permanent, non-voting, secretary to FCSA.





            The following classifications exist for members of the scientific staff at Fermilab:


(a)        Associate Scientist (includes Wilson Fellow and Peoples Fellow): Scientific staff members on term appointments are appointed as Associate Scientists.  This appointment usually represents the first step beyond the level of Research Associate.  Associate Scientists are appointed by the Director, after review by FCSA, and they serve at the Director's pleasure.  The position roughly corresponds to Assistant Professor at a university. The letter of appointment shall specify the exact duration of the term appointment (generally three years) and shall indicate the fraction of time which the appointee may devote to self-directed research in areas of science related to the Laboratory programs.  (This time fraction will henceforth be referred to as the research fraction).  Since Wilson and Peoples Fellows are devoted entirely to research, the direction of their work is made by agreement with the appropriate Associate Director.


(b)        Applications Physicist:  Scientific staff members who have the experience typical of a Ph.D. and several years in science related to the Laboratory's programs, who have specific areas of expertise, and who can apply the skills of that background to Fermilab's accelerator and facility support, may qualify for appointment as an Applications Physicist.  This appointment may be without time limit and is made by the Director, who may request FCSA advice on the appointment.  Applications Physicists serve at the Director's pleasure.


(c)        Applied Scientist:  Scientific staff members who have distinguished themselves by their contributions in one particular area of applied science may qualify for an appointment without time limit as Applied Scientist.  These appointments are made by the Director, after review of the candidate's qualifications by FCSA.  Initial appointment as an Applied Scientist or Scientist is subject to approval by the Fermilab Board of Overseers. The Applied Scientist classification is subdivided into three levels of increasing rank: Applied Scientist I, Applied Scientist II and Applied Scientist III (roughly corresponding to university Associate Professor, Full Professor, and Distinguished/University Professor, respectively).


            In the event that an Applied Scientist must be terminated, such an action shall require a written statement of the reasons, a majority vote of FCSA, the consent of the Director, and approval by the Fermilab Board of Overseers.  In exceptional circumstances such as a major restructuring of the Laboratory, termination of Applied Scientists will require the approval of only the Fermilab Board of Overseers.


(d)        Scientist:  Scientific staff members who have distinguished themselves by a wide range of contributions in physics related to the Laboratory programs, technology related to the Laboratory programs, or leadership, may be recognized by an appointment without time limit as Scientist. These appointments are made by the Director, after review of the candidate's qualifications by FCSA.  Initial appointment as a Scientist or Applied Scientist is subject to approval by the Fermilab Board of Overseers.  The Scientist classification is subdivided into three levels of increasing rank:  Scientist I, Scientist II and Scientist III (roughly corresponding to university Associate Professor, Full Professor, and Distinguished/University Professor, respectively).


            In the event that a Scientist must be terminated, such an action shall require a written statement of the reasons, a majority vote of FCSA, the consent of the Director, and approval by the Fermilab Board of Overseers.  In exceptional circumstances such as a major restructuring of the Laboratory, termination of Scientists will require the approval of only the Fermilab Board of Overseers.


(e)        Guest Scientist:  This is a term appointment made by the Director.  Guest Scientists normally have positions at other institutions and receive appointments at the Laboratory to carry out specific duties and responsibilities related to the Laboratory programs.  Fermilab scientists who have retired from employment at the laboratory may also receive Guest Scientist appointments to continue their self-directed activities.


(f)         Emeritus Appointments:  The Director may recommend Emeritus status for a retiring Fermilab scientist to the Fermilab Board of Overseers. The Laboratory support and resources to be made available to the Emeritus Staff Member will be determined by the Director.  The individual will be eligible to apply for research grants.


On occasion the Laboratory and an Emeritus Staff Member may agree that the latter be returned to active service to assist in some task in either a part-time or full-time salaried position.  Continued participation in the Laboratory research activity would be typical.





            Associate Scientists, Applied Scientists and Scientists may undertake self-directed research in areas related to the Laboratory programs, with the fraction of their time devoted to this being negotiated with the Division/Section Head or in some instances the Director.  For Applications Physicists, such work is not normally undertaken, but can be with the approval of the appropriate Division/Section Head.





            All Associate Scientists, Applications Physicists, Scientists and Applied Scientists receive annual reviews of their performance; an up-to-date CV shall be provided as a part of this review.  Also included in the review will be performance in the area of Environment, Safety and Health.  The results of these reviews shall be used as the primary basis for salary adjustments and as part of the basis for promotions.  The research fraction may be reviewed and changed through negotiations as noted in Section IV.





Associate Scientist


Successful candidates for Associate Scientist appointments will be highly recommended from inside and outside the immediate circle in which they work, and from members and non-members of the Fermilab staff.  They will also be judged to have the potential to make contributions to the Laboratory that will subsequently qualify them either for a Scientist I or an Applied Scientist I appointment.  Candidates' abilities are judged on the basis of past career performance, their qualifications with respect to a posted job description, and on their future potential.


Promotion to Scientist I or Applied Scientist I


Associate Scientists who are promoted to either scientist category will have demonstrated an ability to do self-directed work.  They will have made original contributions either in science or in an area of technology.  These contributions shall be recognized as significant by the broader international community of scientists working in and out of the candidate’s area of expertise.


Scientists will have a broad ability to contribute to the programs of the Laboratory and could be expected to successfully contribute in many of the following areas:  development of scientific theory and phenomenology, technology development and construction, software development, initiation and implementation of analyses, publishing of results, and leadership of others in organizations devoted to achieving these goals or in the operation of the Laboratory.


Applied Scientists will have an ability to contribute to the programs of the Laboratory with a level of achievement at the same level as that required of a Scientist but in a more narrowly focused way with a high level of specialization and achievement in either science or technology.


The criteria to be considered for promotion from Associate Scientist to Scientist I or Applied Scientist I fall generally into three areas: scientific achievements, technical achievements, and leadership.  The standard for performance in each of these areas is as follows:


1.         Science:  The candidate should demonstrate an ability to carry out original, significant research leading to publication in refereed journals.  The record of publications will be among the criteria considered.  The body of this work should reflect significant intellectual contributions from the candidate that are recognized by scientists working in the area as well as those who are not.


2.         Leadership:  Leadership can be demonstrated in a number of ways that can range from the successful completion of important projects, from small to large, to the management of a large operating organization.  Successful leadership in any of these environments will include the ability to plan, organize, direct, and oversee the work of others and to do so in a way which effectively accomplishes the goal of the organization while inspiring others to follow the direction of the candidate.  The ability to make good decisions and take actions which use the resources of the Laboratory effectively and to efficiently carry out the mission of the organization should be demonstrated.  Leadership may also be demonstrated by actions taken to influence the scientific or technical direction and success of the Laboratory leading to new programs or capabilities or developing new competencies.


3.         Technical expertise:  This can be demonstrated by designing or creating technical apparatus or software at or beyond the state-of-the-art to further the scientific program of the Laboratory.  The technical expertise should be exceptional in that the candidate should be judged by peers and others to be an acknowledged expert in the area.  This expertise will generally consist of a strong technical component and should transcend standard engineering practices.  Technical expertise may be demonstrated by publications, drawings, technical memos, or existing software or hardware.  The existence of a working system should be accompanied by appropriate publications and documentation.  Recognition of technical expertise should also be demonstrated by letters from independent experts.


An Associate Scientist who becomes a parent by birth or adoption will be granted an additional year of this appointment, with a concurrent year’s delay in consideration for promotion, upon written request to the Associate Scientist’s Division Head and to the Head of the Laboratory Services Section.  Other written requests for delay of promotion consideration may be granted for reasons such as serious illness.


Promotion to Scientist II or Applied Scientist II


Promotion to Scientist II or Applied Scientist II requires additional accomplishments beyond the level for Scientist I or Applied Scientist I.  The normal expectation would be for promotion to be considered after about six years as Scientist I or Applied Scientist I.  Promotion to Scientist II (or Applied Scientist II) is expected in the sense that all Scientist Is (or Applied Scientist Is) should, in the normal course of their work, be promoted.  Scientist II or Applied Scientist II is usually the highest rank achieved by a scientist during their career at the Laboratory.


Promotion to Scientist III or Applied Scientist III


For promotion to the level of Scientist III or Applied Scientist III, the same general criteria shall be used as have been established for appointment to the general categories of Scientist and Applied Scientist.  However, the candidate must have demonstrated substantial and sustained professional contributions to the Laboratory or have established a comparable record of significant professional achievement in the field, recognized by the broader scientific community.


Clear evidence of superior performance relative to one’s peers shall be necessary.  Appointment to Scientist III or Applied Scientist III is reserved for those Laboratory scientists who have distinguished themselves by exceptional achievements.


The candidate must have demonstrated considerable and unusual leadership ability pertaining to the scientific or technical achievements of the Laboratory, a professional specialty, or a significant area of laboratory management.  Leadership ability is indicated, not only in a managerial context, but also by the person’s ability to inspire, influence, and direct others to significant goals and achievements.





Associate Scientist


The initial appointment of an Associate Scientist is generally for a term of three or more years ending on a September 1. Usually, a second Associate Scientist term is recommended by FCSA to the Director, to end on September 1 three years after the end of the first term.


Associate Scientists are reviewed by FCSA again by the beginning of the last year of their term, which gives them a year’s notice if there is no further appointment granted.  This review generally results in a recommendation to promote (Applications Physicist, Applied Scientist, Scientist) or terminate at the end of the current Associate Scientist term.  Consideration by FCSA for promotion of an Associate Scientist before the beginning of the last year of their term is occasionally carried out on the recommendation of a candidate’s Division Head; it can also be initiated by the candidate.


The terms of Peoples and Wilson Fellows, including one evaluation and renewal, are five years.  Associate Scientists in particle- or astro- theory have a single five year term.


The candidate’s Division Head makes the case to FCSA for a promotion by providing a CV and reference letters; generally about three letters from Fermilab staff members and three letters from persons outside Fermilab are provided.


In its evaluation of a candidate for promotion, FCSA uses the criteria given in Section VI, above.  It is looking for overall excellence, with evidence of scientific initiative and innovation.  FCSA should be cognizant of the fact that the tasks assigned to the candidate by the Division Head may allow less time for one or more of the three areas of science, technical expertise, and leadership.


Letters supporting promotion are requested by the candidate’s Division Head or designee, from suggestions by the candidate and from the Division Head’s own knowledge.  The request letters should be based on a common template, and comparison of the candidate with others should be included.  Some of the letters should be from outside the immediate collaborators of the candidate.  FCSA may also obtain additional information on the candidate, by interviews and letters.


FCSA makes a written recommendation to the Director regarding the promotion, or otherwise, of a candidate.  The Director may make a recommendation for promotion, together with supporting material, to the Fermilab Board of Overseers.  In submitting the recommendation to the Board of Overseers, the Director will make clear what are the expectations for the role that the candidate scientist will play in the Laboratory.


In the case of a candidate for whom the Division/Section recommendation is for no further appointment after the termination of the current Associate Scientist appointment, FCSA will review the documentation supplied by the Division/Section Head for consistency, and make comments on this in a memo to the Director.


Promotions from Scientist or Applied Scientist I to II:


Annually, FCSA requests recommendations from Division Heads for promotions of Scientist/Applied Scientist Is to IIs.  The Division Head provides a written recommendation, generally with an accompanying note from the candidate’s supervisor.  In addition, FCSA reviews all Scientist Is and all Applied Scientist Is, and may decide to consider candidates additional to those suggested by Division Heads; the process can also be initiated by a candidate.  FCSA may obtain additional information on candidates, by interviews and letters.  In its review of the candidate, an important consideration for the Committee is whether the candidate has demonstrated some significant achievement since becoming a Scientist I or Applied Scientist I.


FCSA provides a written summary to the Director of its recommendations for promotion, and also of any recommendation not to promote a candidate who had been recommended for promotion by a Division Head.


Promotions from Scientist or Applied Scientist II to III:


About every two years, the Director appoints an ad-hoc committee of Scientist IIIs to recommend promotions to Scientist III or Applied Scientist III.





            The Laboratory Personnel Policy Guide applies in all instances to scientific staff members except where this policy on appointments makes specific statements regarding procedures.





            Actions taken or proposed relative to Associate Scientists or Applications Physicists can be appealed through the normal grievance procedure or to the Director.  Appeals for individuals classified as Applied Scientists or Scientists can be made through the grievance procedure or to the President of URA.  Appeals should be in written form.





No. 23.000 Rev. 0

1.0        Title

Public Affairs


2.0        Effective Date



3.0        Scope

This policy addresses the management of public affairs at Fermilab.


4.0        Applicability

All Fermilab employees.


5.0        Policy

Tell the truth.


Respond promptly.


Have some style.

Use technology.

Show discretion.

Try new ideas.

Take people to lunch.


Marshall resources.

Say thank you.



No. 24.000 Rev. 0

1.0        Title

Freedom of Information Act Requests

2.0        Effective Date


3.0        Scope

This policy addresses the processing of Freedom of Information requests.

4.0        Applicability

All Fermilab employees.

5.0        Policy

If you receive a request for information citing the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), you are to advise the Fermilab Legal Office and work with them in preparing the necessary response or in taking any other appropriate action. The Legal Office has a formal procedure in place for handling FOIA requests.

It is important to note that under the terms of our prime contract, certain Fermilab-related records belong to URA, and not to DOE. These types of records primarily involve procurements (subcontracting) and personnel. In this regard, a request citing FOIA which is addressed to a URA employee and seeks records that are the property of URA is not a proper FOIA request, and the records are not subject to release under FOIA. You are nevertheless to advise the Legal Office if you receive what appears to be a FOIA request of this nature.


No. 25.000 Rev. 0

1.0        Title


2.0        Effective Date


3.0        Scope

This policy addresses smoking at Fermilab.

4.0        Applicability

This policy applies to all employees of Fermilab, Users, Visitors, Fermilab contractors and their subcontractors.

5.0        Policy

Smoking is not permitted in any of the buildings at Fermilab. Smoking within 25 feet of any building entrance or air intake is not permitted.

No. 26.000 Rev. 0

1.0        Title

Substance Abuse

2.0        Effective Date


3.0        Scope

This policy addresses substance abuse at Fermilab

4.0        Applicability

This policy applies to all employees of Fermilab, Users, Visitors, Fermilab contractors and their subcontractors.

5.0        Policy

Substance abuse in the workplace poses undue health and safety risks for the user and all others in our environment. It is every employee's responsibility to make Fermilab a drug-free workplace. Resources are available to assist an employee with a potential substance abuse problem before it becomes a disciplinary concern. Evaluations and referrals can be arranged through the laboratory physician or the employee assistance counselor. All such referrals shall be kept strictly confidential.

Employees shall notify the Laboratory of any criminal drug statute conviction for a violation that occurred in the workplace within five days of such a conviction. All employees are obliged to abide by the terms of this policy as a condition of continued employment.


No. 27.000 Rev. 0

1.0        Title


2.0        Effective Date


3.0        Scope

This policy addresses working conditions at Fermilab.

4.0        Applicability

This policy applies to all employees of Fermilab, Users, Visitors, Fermilab contractors and their subcontractors.

5.0        Policy

It is the policy of Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory that all our employees and guests will enjoy a work environment free from all forms of harassment, to include those based on gender or sexual preference.

Sexual harassment is a form of misconduct that undermines the integrity of the employment relationship. No employee-either male or female-should be subjected to unsolicited and unwelcome sexual overtures or conduct, either verbal or physical.

Sexual harassment does not refer to occasional compliments of a socially acceptable nature. It refers to behavior which is not welcome, which is personally offensive, which debilitates morale, and which, therefore, interferes with our work effectiveness.

Such conduct, whether committed by supervisors or non-supervisory personnel, independent contractors or vendors or guest researchers, is specifically prohibited. This includes: repeated offensive sexual flirtation; advances or propositions; continued or repeated verbal abuse of a sexual nature; graphic or degrading sexual comments about an individual or his/her appearance; or any offensive or abusive physical contact. This policy also prohibits the use of electronic communications to download or transmit materials with pornographic, profane or sexually explicit content.

In addition, no one should imply or threaten that an applicant or employee’s "cooperation" of a sexual nature (or refusal thereof) will have any effect on the individual's employment, assignment, compensation, advancement, career development, or any other condition of employment.

We require employees to promptly report sexually harassing conduct they experience, learn of, or witness. All complaints will be investigated promptly, thoroughly, and with respect for the confidential nature of these complaints to the extent possible and practical. Offenders will be subject to corrective action, including discipline, up to and including termination. The Laboratory will not tolerate any form of retaliation against persons who make a complaint, assist in the investigation of a complaint, or cooperate in the investigation.

If an employee has any questions regarding this policy or feels he or she may have a complaint of harassment, the employee should contact the Equal Opportunity Manager, the employee's department head or the employee’s immediate supervisor if appropriate. If the alleged harasser is a supervisor, the employee should bring the complaint to one of the individuals outside of the chain of command as indicated in this policy.



No. 28.000 Rev. 0

1.0        Title

Emeritus Status

2.0        Effective Date


3.0        Scope

This policy addresses Emeritus status for retiring employees.

4.0        Applicability

All Fermilab employees.

5.0        Policy

The Director may recommend Emeritus status for a retiring Fermilab scientist or engineer to the Fermilab Board of Overseers. If approved by the Board, the individual will be offered Emeritus status. The Laboratory support and resources to be made available to the emeritus Staff Member will be determined by the Director. The individual will be eligible to apply for research grants.

On occasion the Laboratory and an Emeritus Staff Member may agree that the latter be returned to active service to assist in some task in either a part-time or full-time salaried position. Continued participation in the laboratory research activity would be typical.


No. 29.000 Rev. 0

1.0        Title

Guest Appointments

2.0        Effective Date


3.0        Scope

This policy addresses guest appointments at the laboratory.

4.0        Applicability

All visiting professional employees of other organizations.

5.0        Policy

From time to time it will be desirable and necessary to support the Fermilab mission by making temporary or term appointments to visiting professionals. Motivations for such appointments can range from fostering international collaboration to fulfilling a short-term need for specific expertise. When it becomes desirable to make such appointments the following policy will apply:

    1. The Director will make all guest appointments.
    2. Guest appointments are usually proposed to the Director by a host Division or Section which assumes the responsibility to budget for the salary of the guest.
    3. All guest appointments will be approved by the Division or Section Head in whose organization the appointment is made prior to submitting the appointment request to the Director.
    4. Candidates for guest appointments will normally have a position at another institution to which they will return after the completion of their appointment at Fermilab. Only under exceptional circumstances will consideration be given to offering a guest appointment to a person that does not have such a position. The guest appointment is not to be used as a trial period of employment.


 No. 30.000 Rev. 0

1.0                    Title


Ozone Depleting Substances

2.0        Effective Date


3.0        Scope

This policy addresses the protection of the ozone layer.

4.0        Applicability

This policy applies to all employees of Fermilab, Users, Visitors, Fermilab contractors and their subcontractors.

5.0        Policy

To alleviate depletion of the stratospheric ozone layer, Fermilab is committed to insuring that its operations significantly reduce the use of ozone-depleting substances over the next several years, where practicable, and minimize the emissions of these substances to the atmosphere, with a goal of ultimately phasing out their use. It is Fermilab's policy to maximize the use of safe alternatives for ozone-depleting substances. To promote this, Fermilab shall establish cost-effective, affirmative procurement programs to acquire safe alternatives. Preference shall be given to procuring alternative chemicals, products and manufacturing processes that reduce overall risks to human health and the environment by reducing the depletion of ozone in the upper atmosphere. Fermilab shall exercise leadership by maximizing recovery, recycling and conservation of ozone-depleting substances, and by minimizing emissions of these substances beyond regulatory requirements, where practicable.



No. 31.000 Rev. 0

1.0              Title



2.0        Effective Date


3.0        Scope

This policy addresses the rights of demonstrators at the laboratory.

4.0        Applicability

This policy applies to all employees of Fermilab, Users, Visitors, Fermilab contractors and their subcontractors.

5.0        Policy

We are obligated to protect the right of any citizen to express their opinion under the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States. However, The First Amendment right to freedom of speech is not absolute. When the expression of an opinion is coupled with an act or actions which disrupt the activities of the Laboratory, obstruct the legitimate activities of others or jeopardize the life/safety of others, it is no longer protected.

Off-Site Demonstrations

It is the policy of the Security Department to merely observe the conduct of demonstrators operating in close proximity to Fermilab. Security Officers will NOT engage demonstrators in conversation or argue points of view. In the event demonstrators obstruct the passage of persons onto or from Fermilab, the senior on- duty Fermilab Security Representative should be contacted. That person will make appropriate notifications to local law enforcement.

On-Site Demonstrations

Unless otherwise directed by Fermilab Management, Security Officers will merely observe the conduct of demonstrators. Security Officers will not engage demonstrators in conversation or argue points of view. Security Officers will immediately report the presence of demonstrators to the senior on-duty Fermilab Security Representative who will go to the scene and unobtrusively observe.

Should the demonstrators engage in conduct which negatively impacts the operation of the Lab or jeopardizes the life/safety of the demonstrators or others, the Fermilab Security Representative will ask for voluntary cessation of the action/conduct.

If necessary, the appropriate local law enforcement agency will be contacted and the demonstrators removed from the Federal property.

Off-normal occurrence notifications will be made in either event to the Chief of Security, Head, Emergency Management, the Directorate and, as directed, the Legal Department and Public Affairs Office.

 No. 32.000 Rev. 0

1.0                Title



2.0        Effective Date


3.0        Scope

This policy addresses the payment of honoraria.

4.0        Applicability

All Fermilab employees.

5.0        Policy

Fermilab on occasion invites outside experts to review or advise on parts of the Laboratory's program; in addition to expenses the Laboratory sometimes provides honoraria to these experts. It will be Fermilab policy that an honorarium can only be paid to a DOE-supported expert (e.g. an employee of another DOE national laboratory) when the review/advice is for Fermilab activities outside of its core high-energy physics program.


No. 33.000 Rev. 0

1.0                Title


Interactions with Legislators

2.0        Effective Date


3.0        Scope

This policy addresses the interactions of Fermilab staff with legislators.

4.0        Applicability

This policy applies to all Fermilab employees and users.

5.0        Policy

Fermilab staff may receive requests for information from legislators or their staffs. It is imperative that the response to these requests, prepared during working hours or using government owned equipment, meet the following conditions:

1. Before any work is done, the Public Affairs Office of the Directorate must be notified of the request. Often a request for a particular piece of information is made to more than one person and Public Affairs can prevent unnecessary duplication of work.

2. The response must be transmitted to the legislator or staff person through Public Affairs.

3. The response must result from a documented request, either prepared by the requester, or a note to file outlining a verbal request. The latter should include the name and title of the requester, plus the date and substance of the request. A copy of this documentation is to be provided to Public Affairs along with the response.

4. As required by the URA-DOE contract, the response must contain the following disclaimer; "This information does not present the views of DOE."

The reason for the above requirements is: first, to be sure that some central point in the laboratory is cognizant of such requests and to assure accurate and consistent information is supplied to such requesters. Second, without adequate documentation, DOE auditors or the Inspector General could disallow the costs, forcing URA to pay all costs associated with preparing and sending the response.

Any questions where some request for information is covered by these requirements, contact Public Affairs, the Legal Office, or the Associate Director for Administration.

No. 34.000 Rev. 0

1.0                Title


Loaning Tools

2.0        Effective Date


3.0        Scope

This policy covers the use of Fermilab owned tools and equipment used in the accomplishment of subcontractor work at the laboratory.

4.0        Applicability

This policy applies to all subcontractors of Fermilab and all those entities that bid on work at the laboratory.

5.0        Policy

It is the policy of Fermilab to require all subcontractors to supply and use their own tools in the performance of work at the laboratory. The only exceptions that may be made are in those instances where the loan of tools is in the best interest of the laboratory. If tools are loaned, appropriate paperwork must be completed and the laboratory held harmless should accident or injury occur during the use of loaned tools.


1.0       Title                                                                                                   No.    35.000   Rev. 6


Foreign Travel Approval



2.0       Effective Date



3.0       Scope

            This policy addresses the signature authority and approval levels for foreign travel to both sensitive and non-sensitive countries.  It further addresses the necessary approval levels that must be attained before airline tickets may be purchased.


4.0       Applicability

           This policy applies to all laboratory employees and all users of the laboratory expending DOE funds from the laboratory's financial plan.


5.0     Policy

CH has delegated the responsibility for final approval of non-sensitive foreign travel that does not include a major conference to the Director of the laboratory.  This authority also includes the final approval for late exception travel that meets the above criteria. The Director of the laboratory has further delegated signature authority in the following manner.


Non-sensitive Countries/Topics

1.      The Deputy Laboratory Director will approve foreign travel to non-sensitive countries for the Laboratory Director.

2.      The Laboratory Director will approve foreign travel to non-sensitive countries for the Deputy Laboratory Director.

3.      The Deputy Laboratory Director will approve foreign travel to non-sensitive countries for all Associate Directors. 

4.      In the Deputy Laboratory Director’s absence from the laboratory, his signature authority for all foreign travel related functions is delegated to the Associate Director for Administration

5.      In addition, the Deputy Laboratory Director will approve foreign travel requests to non-sensitive countries that include a major conference as defined by the Department of Energy in the Federal Travel Management System.  In his absence this approval authority is delegated to the Associate Director for Administration.

6.      The Associate Director for Administration will approve foreign travel to non-sensitive countries

7.      No approval authority for foreign travel may be delegated below the associate director level. 

8.      Users of the laboratory using funds resident in our accounts receivable system will be issued tickets only after Accounting has verified sufficient funds to pay for the tickets and other related expenses.  Accounting will also verify that the traveler is authorized to expend funds for the proposed travel from the account.

9.       Users of the laboratory expending DOE funds from the laboratory’s financial plan will initiate their Requests for Approval of Foreign Travel in the Foreign Travel Management System (FTMS) through the Principal Investigator to which they are assigned.

Final approval authority for foreign travel to sensitive countries or foreign travel to non-sensitive countries concerning sensitive topics or major conferences has not been delegated to the laboratory.  The Department of Energy must approve all travel in these categories. Signature authority in the laboratory is as follows.




Sensitive Countries/Topics

1.      The Deputy Laboratory Director will provide local review and approval of all Request for Approval of Foreign Travel forms to sensitive countries or to non-sensitive countries concerning sensitive topics or major conferences.

2.      In the absence of the Deputy Laboratory Director, the Associate Director for Administration will approve travel requests in these categories.

These various categories of foreign travel further necessitate timely submissions of an approved Request for Approval of Foreign Travel to the Directorate Foreign Travel Representative.  The following applies to all foreign travel requests.

Document Submission Requirements

1.       All Request for Approval of Foreign Travel must be submitted to the Directorate Foreign Travel Representative forty calendar days prior to the departure date.

2.       All Request for Approval of Foreign Travel forms are to be submitted to the Directorate Foreign Travel Representative after receiving appropriate Division/Section Head approval.  The Directorate Foreign Travel Representative will obtain the necessary Directorate approval and will notify the Division/Section travel representative promptly if a trip request is denied. 

3.       All Request for Approval of Foreign Travel for sensitive foreign travel that arrive at the Directorate with less than the required forty calendar day lead time must be accompanied by an exception waiver generated by the traveler and approved by the cognizant Division/Section Head*.  Travel authorizations that do not meet this  criteria will be returned to the appropriate Division/Section travel representative for corrective action.  The Associate Director for Administration must approve all such exception waivers.

4.       Airline tickets may be purchased upon approval of the travel authorization by the cognizant Division/Section Head*.  For travel to a sensitive country the authority to buy tickets before full approval may, on a country by country basis, be withdrawn by the Directorate based on information concerning DOE's likelihood of approval.  Travelers are required to verify travel approval prior to commencing travel.  Users of the Laboratory may not purchase tickets until travel is approved by the Assistant Director for Administration.

5.       Hotel reservations and Conference Registration fees may be made after the cognizant Division/Section Head approves the trip request.

6.       Once the Request for Approval for Foreign Travel has been approved by the Directorate Foreign Travel Representative the Request for Approval for Foreign Travel is considered final.  Changes can only be made under extraordinary circumstances documented by the cognizant Division/Section Head and approved by the Associate Director for Administration.  Changes must be signed by the traveler and re-submitted to the Directorate Foreign Travel Representative, Division/Section Head signature is not required unless the change is considered a major change in accourdance with the FTMS User Guide definitions.

7.       Enroute changes cannot be made without prior approval of the Associate Director for Administration.  Changes related to weather, visas or unforeseen airline problems must be promptly reported to receive approval.

*   In some cases a project manager may be delegated the Division/Section Head authority for project related travel to specific locations that is charged to specific pre-approved accounts.  Such delegation is for a defined period of time and shall occur through an appendix to this policy signed by the Deputy Director.


6. 0  References

CH 551.1a enclosure 3, Federal Travel Management System (sensitive countries list, list of major conferences, etc.).

FTMS User Guide v4.1.1.doc, 11/02/2003 pg. 7-14







1.0       Title                                                                                              No.    36.000   Rev. 2


Facility Reuse Program





2.0       Effective Date





3.0       Scope

This policy covers all facilities at Fermilab




4.0       Applicability

All Fermilab facilities and operations.




5.0      Policy

Every facility at Fermilab is assigned to a division/section head for an intended use.  The division/section head is responsible for the success of the programs carried out in the facility under his/her direction and the maintenance and safety of the operations conducted therein as per FESHM Chapter 1030, B. and Director’s Policy No. 5 (Maintenance).


If the mission or program of the Lab changes such that the intended function of the facility is no longer needed, the responsible division/section head shall notify the Fermilab Capital Asset Manager (CAM) (Associate Director for Operations Support).  The responsible division/section head will continue to be responsible for the facility until it is reassigned or excessed.  In either scenario, the DOE Facility Information Management System (FIMS) database shall be updated when a final determination is made on facility reuse. This will allow facility disposition to be tracked and recorded relative to future laboratory needs.


The CAM will be responsible for soliciting and evaluating proposals for reuse.  Proposals for reuse must consider the facility status, adequacy of available utilities, contamination by hazardous material, and cost of bringing the facility up to current standards for proposed uses and must include a life-cycle cost benefit analysis for reuse If the responsible division/section head has a proposal for reuse of the facility, he/she will inform the CAM.  The Fermilab CAM, with the assistance of the responsible division/section head, FESS, and the ES&H Section, will determine the general condition of the facility and assess the adequacy of the facility for the proposed reuses.  The CAM will support the Director in evaluating proposals.  The Director will make the final decision on reuse. 


If the facility is reassigned to another division/section head, the CAM shall determine whether a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) will be developed by and accepted by both division/section heads.


The level of detail and items covered, in the MOA will be negotiated between the division/section heads and will be commensurate with the complexity of the transfer.   The MOA shall address, but not be limited to the following issues:


·        A list of facilities to be transferred.

·        A condition assessment survey (CAS) for each facility and identified maintenance/repair actions that must be completed prior to reuse.

·        A characterization of each facility that provides the new owner with an understanding of the nature, level, and probable extent of contamination.  This shall include a hazardous and radiological material/waste inventory to be transferred.

·        An agreed-to schedule for completion of any prerequisite activities before the transfer and a transfer date.

·        The MOA must be approved by the CAM.


The CAM will maintain the record copy of the MOA.  Copies will also be provided to FESS and the ES&H Section.


If the facility is not expected to be reused within a reasonable period (as determined by the CAM), the responsible division/section head will develop an Interim Maintenance and ES&H Plan or a D&D plan in the case of excessing a facility.  In either case the plan must ensure that all expenses incurred over the interim period, prior to reuse or excessing actions, be within the allowable cost categories.  This plan must be developed in consultation with FESS and the ES&H Section, approved by the CAM and a copy put in the D&D files in the ES&H Section.


Demolition activities of excess facilities, including personal property trailers, are subject to review & approval by DOE.  HUD’s 55Title V Property Survey, GSA Standard forms 118 and 118A & the Fermilab Environmental Evaluation Notification Form must be submitted to the Fermi Site Office.  Once approval is granted, demolition may proceed.  FESS must also be notified when such actions are initiated.


Building names at Fermilab are frequently derived from the functional use.  When a facility reuse includes a functional usage change of such an asset, a building name change may be appropriate, even if the landlord does not change.  In the case of any building name change and after approval by the directorate, the landlord must notify all Division and Section Heads of the name change.  Specific notification shall also be provided to the Fire Department, Security, Communications Center, Office of Public Affairs, FESS, and ES&H Emergency Planning.  The change will be effective no earlier than one month after such notification.   In the case of joint use of a building by multiple Divisions or Sections, only one building name will be allowed per asset. 


Note:  Though trailers and port-a-camps are typically personal property, the CAM should be notified of any change since an inventory of this property is maintained in the DOE FIMS database for purpose of recording square footage and property location.  In order to maintain FIMS database accuracy, FESS must be notified when a trailer or port-a-camp is purchased or moved.  For excess actions, all disposal activities as discussed in this policy apply.      




1.0       Title                                                                                              No.    36.000   Rev. 2


Facility Reuse Program





2.0       Effective Date





3.0       Scope

This policy covers all facilities at Fermilab




4.0       Applicability

All Fermilab facilities and operations.




5.0      Policy

Every facility at Fermilab is assigned to a division/section head for an intended use.  The division/section head is responsible for the success of the programs carried out in the facility under his/her direction and the maintenance and safety of the operations conducted therein as per FESHM Chapter 1030, B. and Director’s Policy No. 5 (Maintenance).


If the mission or program of the Lab changes such that the intended function of the facility is no longer needed, the responsible division/section head shall notify the Fermilab Capital Asset Manager (CAM) (Associate Director for Operations Support).  The responsible division/section head will continue to be responsible for the facility until it is reassigned or excessed.  In either scenario, the DOE Facility Information Management System (FIMS) database shall be updated when a final determination is made on facility reuse. This will allow facility disposition to be tracked and recorded relative to future laboratory needs.


The CAM will be responsible for soliciting and evaluating proposals for reuse.  Proposals for reuse must consider the facility status, adequacy of available utilities, contamination by hazardous material, and cost of bringing the facility up to current standards for proposed uses and must include a life-cycle cost benefit analysis for reuse If the responsible division/section head has a proposal for reuse of the facility, he/she will inform the CAM.  The Fermilab CAM, with the assistance of the responsible division/section head, FESS, and the ES&H Section, will determine the general condition of the facility and assess the adequacy of the facility for the proposed reuses.  The CAM will support the Director in evaluating proposals.  The Director will make the final decision on reuse. 


If the facility is reassigned to another division/section head, the CAM shall determine whether a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) will be developed by and accepted by both division/section heads.


The level of detail and items covered, in the MOA will be negotiated between the division/section heads and will be commensurate with the complexity of the transfer.   The MOA shall address, but not be limited to the following issues:


A list of facilities to be transferred.

A condition assessment survey (CAS) for each facility and identified maintenance/repair actions that must be completed prior to reuse.

A characterization of each facility that provides the new owner with an understanding of the nature, level, and probable extent of contamination.  This shall include a hazardous and radiological material/waste inventory to be transferred.

An agreed-to schedule for completion of any prerequisite activities before the transfer and a transfer date.

The MOA must be approved by the CAM.


The CAM will maintain the record copy of the MOA.  Copies will also be provided to FESS and the ES&H Section.


If the facility is not expected to be reused within a reasonable period (as determined by the CAM), the responsible division/section head will develop an Interim Maintenance and ES&H Plan or a D&D plan in the case of excessing a facility.  In either case the plan must ensure that all expenses incurred over the interim period, prior to reuse or excessing actions, be within the allowable cost categories.  This plan must be developed in consultation with FESS and the ES&H Section, approved by the CAM and a copy put in the D&D files in the ES&H Section.


Demolition activities of excess facilities, including personal property trailers, are subject to review & approval by DOE.  HUD’s 55Title V Property Survey, GSA Standard forms 118 and 118A & the Fermilab Environmental Evaluation Notification Form must be submitted to the Fermi Site Office.  Once approval is granted, demolition may proceed.  FESS must also be notified when such actions are initiated.


Building names at Fermilab are frequently derived from the functional use.  When a facility reuse includes a functional usage change of such an asset, a building name change may be appropriate, even if the landlord does not change.  In the case of any building name change and after approval by the directorate, the landlord must notify all Division and Section Heads of the name change.  Specific notification shall also be provided to the Fire Department, Security, Communications Center, Office of Public Affairs, FESS, and ES&H Emergency Planning.  The change will be effective no earlier than one month after such notification.   In the case of joint use of a building by multiple Divisions or Sections, only one building name will be allowed per asset. 


Note:  Though trailers and port-a-camps are typically personal property, the CAM should be notified of any change since an inventory of this property is maintained in the DOE FIMS database for purpose of recording square footage and property location.  In order to maintain FIMS database accuracy, FESS must be notified when a trailer or port-a-camp is purchased or moved.  For excess actions, all disposal activities as discussed in this policy apply.      







    1.0      Title                                                                                 No.    37.000   Rev. 0


 Code of Conduct


2.0       Effective Date



3.0       Scope

            This policy covers all business relationships at Fermilab


4.0       Applicability -

           All Fermilab Employees


5.0           Policy-


Universities Research Association, Inc. (URA) requires that all employees conduct themselves with the highest standards of integrity, honesty and fair dealings to preclude either an actual conflict or the appearance of conflict between URA's performance, including its contractual obligations to DOE, and the personal interest of individual employees.


Employees shall not accept any gratuity, gift or special favor from individuals or organizations with whom URA is doing business or proposing to do business in accomplishing work under the contract.  Except for advertising novelties of minimal value, gratuities shall be refused or returned.  Services offered to employees, loans of equipment to employees or work performed outside URA's contractual obligation to DOE for employees shall be refused. 


Meals to discuss business matters may be accepted only where provision for separate payment by the employee cannot reasonably be made. 


Gifts from foreign governments or agencies, which cannot be appropriately refused, may be accepted and Legal Counsel shall be notified.  Legal Counsel will provide advise on appropriate disposition.


An employee shall not, directly or indirectly, give, offer, or promise anything of value, or offer anything that might reasonably be interpreted as an attempt to influence the recipient, to any actual or potential subcontractor or subcontractor employee.  An employee shall not, directly or indirectly, give, offer, or promise anything of value to any actual or potential subcontractor or subcontractor employee, which could possibly incur an obligation.  Any solicitation, acceptance or attempt to accept any “kickback” is specifically prohibited.


Any violation of this policy will result in disciplinary action up to and including termination.


    1.0      Title                                                                              No.    38.000   Rev. 0


Personally Identifiable Information


2.0       Effective Date



3.0       Scope

            This document establishes Policy guidance, Definitions, and Classes for the protection of Personally Identifiable Information (PII) at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory.



4.0       Applicability -

           All Fermilab Employees


5.0              Policy-




All electronic copies of Protected PII will reside within an accreditation boundary protected at least at the moderate level.  Protected PII is not to be downloaded to mobile devices (such as laptops, personal digital assistants or removable media) or to systems outside the protection of the accreditation boundary.




If there is an operational or business need to store Protected PII outside the accreditation boundary (in particular on laptops and mobile devices) a waiver may be granted by the Designated Approval Authority (DAA). In instances where a waiver has been granted, the controls as specified by DOE CIO CS – 38 will be applied.  In particular, encryption (FIPS140 – 2 compliant) will be used to protect PII and a 90-day review policy will be enforced.


Remote Access


If there is an operational need to access Protected PII data from outside the accreditation boundary an automatic disconnect after 30 minutes of inactivity will be enforced. In addition, 2-factor authentication will be required to access Protected PII.


Incident Reporting


Within 45 minutes after discovery of a real or suspected loss of Protected PII data, Computer Incident Advisory Capability (CIAC) needs to be notified (ciac@ciac.org). Reporting of incidents involving Public PII will be in accordance with normal incident reporting procedures. 




6.0              Definitions


PII is any information concerning an individual maintained by the laboratory, including but not limited to, education, financial transactions, medical history, and criminal or employment history that can be used to distinguish or trace an individual’s identity.  This may include information such as Social Security Number (SSN), date and place of birth, mother’s maiden name, biometric records, as well as any other personal information that is or could be linked to an individual.


Classes of PII


The Lab has identified two types of PII as follows:


            1) Public PII


Publicly available or Public PII is PII already available in public sources such as telephone books, public websites, business cards, university listings, etc. This PII includes, for instance, first and last name, address, work telephone number, email address, home telephone number, and general educational credentials. This category of PII will be referred to as Public PII and must be protected with at least NIST SP 800 -53 low-level controls.


            2) Protected PII


Protected PII requires enhanced protection. This typically includes information that, if compromised by being left unprotected and/ or made available in any public manner, can cause serious or severe harm to an individual through Identity Theft or other unauthorized use/misuse of this information.


            An individual’s first initial and last name in combination with any one or more of the following data elements types of information including, but not limited to, social security number, passport number, credit card numbers, clearances, bank numbers, biometrics, date and place of birth, mother’s maiden name, criminal, medical and financial records, educational transcripts, requires enhanced protection.






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Last Update – 08/06/02 – M. Smith
