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Available NETL Property

Buying Property from NETL
NETL offers surplus equipment for sale to the public and provides opportunities for colleges and universities to acquire laboratory equipment. It also provides gifts of math and science equipment to eligible recipients in the field of education.

Personal Property Sales Program
The following surplus personal property is available for sale to the public:
Energy Related Lab. Equipment (ERLE) Grant Program
NETL's ERLE Coordinator is Richard Griffith

This program permits universities, colleges, and other non-profit educational institutions to acquire used energy-related laboratory equipment. All non-profit educational institutions of higher learning that are interested in establishing or upgrading energy-oriented educational programs in life, physical, and environmental sciences or in engineering are eligible. Access information about available equipment or call (202) 586-7231.

Math and Science Equipment Gift Program
NETL’s Coordinator is Frances M. Wright

This program provides for gifts of excess or surplus education-related, federal research equipment to eligible recipients to improve math and science curricula or to conduct technical and scientific education and research. This program is applicable to kindergarten through twelfth grade. The Pennsylvania Department of Education, Office of School Services, conducts NETL's Math and Science Gift Program. Contact Marion Gray at (717) 783-3750, and in West Virginia contact the Board of Education offices in Marion, Monongalia, Preston, Wetzel, and Taylor counties. These offices will have equipment lists (i.e., spectrometer, chromatograph, laboratory equipment, computers, etc.) that are generated monthly. Access more information about this program.

Computers Donated under the DOE Math and Science Gift Program
Primary and secondary (kindergarten through twelfth grade) schools can acquire free Windows operating software for donated computers through the Fresh Start Program.
For additional information on any of the above programs, please contact Richard Griffith (304) 285-4044, email or Frances M. Wright (412) 386-4530, email