Fort Collins Science Center

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Our Research: From Species to Systems

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A female White-tailed Ptarmigan is banded for a FORT study to assess the possible consequences of environmental changes brought about by climate change on wildlife populations. It is thought that alpine ecosystems will be one of the first habitats affected by climate change, and the impact on ptarmigan and other alpine-dependent species could be significant. Photo by Greg Wann, Colorado State University
LEFT: A female White-tailed Ptarmigan is banded for a FORT study to assess the possible consequences of environmental changes brought about by climate change on wildlife populations. It is thought that alpine ecosystems will be one of the first habitats affected by climate change, and the impact on ptarmigan and other alpine-dependent species could be significant. Photo by Greg Wann, Colorado State University. Used with permission.
RIGHT: Aerial view of the prairie pothole region in the Missouri Coteau, Burke County, N.D. These prairie pothole and wetland landscapes are critical for migratory birds on the central flyway. Photograph by J. Ringelman, Ducks Unlimited. Used with permission.
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