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Press Release

Eight Jenin Schools Renovated with Support from USAID

June 18, 2009

Jenin, West Bank – Over 20,000 students in eight Jenin city public schools are enjoying improved school conditions due to extensive renovations conducted this year.  The $1.1 million renovation work was funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and responded to the priority needs of the Ministry of Education and Higher Education.

The renovations, which were implemented by CHF under USAID’s Emergency Jobs Program, aimed to relieve the over-crowded conditions in Jenin schools by building additional school classrooms.  The project also built and improved sanitary facilities, constructed new computer labs and libraries, painted and fixed infrastructure, and improved students’ safety. The schools renovated are:  Al Karamah Primary Boys School, Jenin Elementary Boys School, Al-Ibrahimain Elementary Girl School, Al-Salam Industrial School, Izziddin Boys Elementary School, Jenin Secondary Girls School, Hitteen Secondary Boys School and Al-Salam Boys Secondary School. 

This assistance is part of the U.S. Government’s $17 million development assistance package to Jenin, announced in 2008, to stimulate economic development and improve the quality of life forPalestinians in Jenin.  In addition to schools, the assistance includes the rehabilitation of Dr. Khalil Sulaiman Hospital, support for the Jenin Court, road and water projects in the Jenin Governorate, community support through the construction of youth and sports facilities and community infrastructure, and economic support for Jenin’s business community and the agriculture sector.

Since 1994, USAID has provided more than $2.2 billion in U.S. economic assistance to Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza via projects designed to reduce poverty, improve health and education, implement infrastructure and water projects, create jobs, and promote democracy and good governance.

  School renovations construction site
School students in renovated classrooms