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Oregon Survey and Inventory Program
The Purpose of the Survey Program
Geiser Grand Hotel, Baker City
Geiser Grand Hotel, Baker City
Surveys of historic and archaeological resources are important to the citizens of Oregon because they help us identify significant buildings and sites, and focus our limited resources on preserving them. Mandated by the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, and Amendments, surveys are carried out and supported by the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO), as well as by historic preservation professionals on contract to other state agencies, local governments, and businesses. A survey is the process of gathering and recording information about cultural resources. Once recorded, resources are listed on the statewide inventory maintained by the SHPO and on city or county inventories maintained by local jurisdictions. Conducting surveys and creating an inventory of resources are usually the first steps leading to local recognition and preservation of those resources most important to our state and local heritage.

The Oregon Survey Program
The survey program is designed as a three-part linear process beginning with identifying potential historic resources and culminating in the nomination of individual properties and historic districts to the National Register of Historic Places. Although the survey program is designed as a contiguous system, throughout this process there are many opportunities to produce products for use in community education and planning, which may include walking tours, community presentations, and interpretive signage. The survey process is also designed to meet the needs of those completing Federal Section 106 and 4F documentation and State and local agencies complying with State land-use law. Surveys involving archaeological resources follow different procedures and must comply with federal and state law.
Contact the appropriate SHPO staff member before completing any survey work.

Survey Guidelines and Resources
Guidelines for Conducting Historic Resource Surveys in Oregon – Oregon SHPO document with instructions for completing Reconnaissance and Intensive Level Surveys for documenting Historic Districts.
Oregon Historic Sites Database – Online database created by the Oregon SHPO office. Includes all surveyed and National Register-Listed properties.
National Register Bulletins and Brochures Page - National Park Service web page listing useful publications about completeing resource surveys and National Register documentation.

SHPO Contacts By Program Area

Oregon National Register and Survey Program
Ian Johnson, Historian                   
(503) 986.0678
Cara Kaser, Architectural Historian     
(503) 986-0784
National Register Web Page
Review and Compliance Program
Sarah Jalving, CLG Coordinator           
(503) 986-0679
Dr. Stephen Poyser, Review & Compliance
(503) 986.0686
Review and Compliance Web Page
Archaeological Services
 Dr. Dennis Griffin, State Archeologist
(503) 986-0674
Archaeological Services Web Page  

Page updated: August 28, 2008

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