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Unix Hosting Services

The NIH Data Center Unix-based application hosting service provides an efficient, reliable and economical computing environment. CIT specifically works with customers to tailor hardware and software configurations to meet their requirements.


The Unix environment—more than 160 servers—is appropriate for any important Unix-based application and has specific capabilities for applications that use Oracle databases.

The Unix Virtual Server service allows multiple operating system instances to pull resources from a pool of servers. 

Operating Systems — HP-UX, Sun Solaris, x86 Solaris on virtual servers

Databases — Oracle on shared or dedicated Unix servers

Connectivity — FISMA-compliant highly available, secure connectivity, such as:

  • SSH
  • Connect:Direct

Middle Tier Application Servers

  • Oracle Application Server
  • Apache Web Server
  • Sun Java System Web Server 

More information on hardware and software is available on the CIT website.

Disaster recovery is offered for Unix Hosting Services.


The hosted Unix systems are validated for hosting critical applications and sensitive data. For further information, see security.

Additional Information and Assistance

 View a sample Service Level Agreement and associated documents:

Users will find the following CIT publications useful:

New users should subscribe to the web-based periodical, Interface via NIH Listserv.

For more information about hosting an application in the Unix-based environment, please contact us.

Assistance is available from the NIH Help Desk at 301-496-4357 (local), 866-319-4357 (toll free), or 301-496-8294 (TTY).

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This page last reviewed: July 10, 2009