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About the DEC
The Development Experience Clearinghouse (DEC) is the largest online resource for USAID funded, international development documentation. What Can the DEC Do For You?

You are able to download USAID documents from our DEXS database that contains records for over 154900 USAID technical and program documents with over 65800 available for electronic download. The DEC offers four major online services:

  1. Submit USAID Documentation
    (USAID Contractors/Grantees)
  2. Search the DEXS Database
    Downloading USAID reports in .pdf format is FREE!
  3. USAID Automated Directives System CD-ROM
  4. Free Subscription to DEC Express
    Receive the latest USAID reports every two weeks by e-mail for FREE!

Who Does DEC Serve?

The purpose of the DEC is to strengthen USAID's development projects, activities, and programs by making these development experience documents available to USAID offices and mission staff, PVO's, NGO's, universities and research institutions, developing countries, and the public worldwide.

Brief Description of DEC Services

Submitting USAID Documentation (USAID Contractors/Grantees)

Find out how (and where!) to submit USAID-funded development experience documentation. In addition to being included in the Development Experience System (DEXS) and posted on the USAID Web sites, your documents will be posted on DEC Express and sent to hundreds of subscribers.

More information on submitting documents...

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Search the DEXS Databases

This newly revised interface for the DEXS permits a quick search using words or phrases and searches of fields in the database. Results can be sorted by relevancy or by date. In addition, results can be displayed either in title list format or in a summary list that provides crucial information about each document together with links to allow for ordering or download. * USAID .pdf (Portable Document Format) documents are best viewed using Adobe® Reader® 7.0.

Click here for a free download.

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Free Subscription to DEC Express

DEC Express is an electronic, biweekly publication that provides you with the latest USAID documents. Up to 100 new USAID reports are posted in each Web edition. Topics include:

Sustainable Agriculture - Economic Growth - Privacy Markets - Human Rights - Democracy - Girls' Education - Human Capacity Development - Family Planning - Nutrition - Population - HIV/AIDS - Disease Prevention - Urbanization - Energy - Biodiversity - Global Climate Change - Natural Resources - Conflict Resolution - Disaster Relief - Women in Development - Communications - Housing - Transportation - Water - Labor - Food Supply - Sanitation - Policy - Strategic Planning - Evaluation - Appropriate Technologies - Scientific Research...

For a FREE subscription...

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Subscriptions for USAID's Automated Directives System (ADS) CD ROMs are no longer available through the DEC. Individual issues of ADS CD are still available for ordering through the DEXS database, however. You can order the latest issue of ADS CD, number 43, via its database citation (click here).

For more information on ADS CD, visit USAID's ADS page.

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