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Industry Circular

Number: 58-35
Date: December 29, 1958

Office of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue Alcohol and Tobacco Tax Division



Importers, and others concerned:

Purpose. The purpose of this circular is to inform importers of wine of the provisions of the Federal wine labeling regulations regarding certificates of origin and identity and certificates of authenticity of vintage dates.

Background. Regulations 4, Relating to Labeling and Advertising of Wine, (27 CFR Part 4) has been amended by Treasury Decision 6319 to authorize the Director, Alcohol and Tobacco Tax Division, effective January 2, 1959:

1. To require in the case of imported bottled wine bearing a vintage date, a certificate identical with that required in the case of imported vintage wine bottled in the United States, if the issuance of such a certificate with respect to such wine has been authorized by the foreign government concerned.

The regulations now provide, with respect to imported wines bottled in this country, that the year of vintage may be stated only if the bottler possesses a certificate issued by a duly authorized official of the country of origin of such wine identifying the original container as containing vintage wine as defined in Article I (h) of the regulations, and certifying:

(a) That the laws of the country of origin regulate the appearance of vintage dates upon labels of wine produced for home consumption.

(b) That the wine in question has been produced in conformity with such laws.

(c) That the wine would be entitled, under such laws, to bear the vintage date if sold in such country.

2. To require, in the case of any imported wine, a certificate issued by a duly authorized official of the foreign government concerned, (if the issuance of such certificate with respect to such wine has been authorized by the foreign government) certifying as to the identity of the wine and that the wine has been produced in compliance with the laws of that foreign government regulating the production of wine for home consumption.

Conclusion. Although the Director will be authorized on the effective date of amendment to require certificates of origin and identity and certificates of authenticity of vintage dates, such certificates will not be demanded until such time as the Director has definitely established that the laws of the foreign governments concerned authorize the issuance of such certificates. When it has been determined that the countries have laws which authorize the issuance of certificates and certificates are actually being issued pursuant to such laws, importers of wines from such countries will be advised through official directives that on and after a specified date certificates will be required to effect release from Customs Custody of such imported wines.

Inquiries. Correspondence in regard to this industry circular should refer to its number and be addressed to the Director, Alcohol and Tobacco Tax (O:AT:BT), Washington 25, D. C.

Dwight E. Avis
Director, Alcohol and Tobacco Tax Division

IRSD. C. 44724

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