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Chemical Datasheet


6.1 - Poisonous materials 4.1 - Flammable solid
Chemical Identifiers | Hazards | Response Recommendations | Physical Properties | Regulatory Information | Alternate Chemical Names

Chemical Identifiers

What is this information?
CAS Number - Chemical Abstracts Service registry number. Unique identification number assigned to this chemical by the American Chemical Society.

UN/NA Number - The United Nations-North America number (also called UN number or DOT number). 4-digit number identifying an individual chemical or group of chemicals with similar characteristics. Required on shipping papers; often shown on placards or labels. This numbering system was developed by the U.S. Department of Transportation, and then became the UN standard system for classifying hazardous materials.

DOT Hazard Label - U.S. Department of Transportation hazard warning label for the chemical (such as flammable liquid or corrosive). This label must be displayed on shipped packages, railroad tank cars, and tank trucks according to specifications described in 49 CFR 172.

CHRIS Code - 3-letter code used by the U.S. Coast Guard to identify individual chemicals included in its CHRIS (Chemical Hazards Response Information System) manual.

NFPA 704 - Text description of the diamond-shaped placard, which contains codes indicating the level of the chemical's health, flammability, and instability hazards, along with special hazards such as water- and air-reactivity. See a guide to the NFPA diamond.

General Description - Brief description of the chemical's general appearance, behavior, and hazardousness.

List of data sources.
CAS Number UN/NA Number DOT Hazard Label CHRIS Code
  • 7440-41-7
  • Poison
  • Flammable Solid
NFPA 704
Diamond Hazard Value Description
3 0
Blue Health 3 Can cause serious or permanent injury.
Red Flammability 1 Must be preheated before ignition can occur.
Yellow Instability 0 Normally stable, even under fire conditions.
White Special
General Description
A grayish-white hard light metal. Denser than water, but the powder may float. May be toxic by inhalation. Will burn if involved in a fire.


What is this information?
Reactivity Alerts - Special alerts if the chemical is especially reactive (see list of reactivity alerts).

Air & Water Reactions - Special alerts if the chemical reacts with air, water, or moisture.

Fire Hazard - Description of the chemical's fire hazards (such as flammability, explosion risk, or byproducts that may evolve if the chemical is burned).

Health Hazard - Description of the chemical's health hazards (such as toxicity, flammability, or corrosivity).

Reactivity Profile - Description of the chemical's potential reactivity with other chemicals, air, and water. Also includes any other intrinsic reactive hazards (such as polymerizable or peroxidizable).

Reactive Groups - List of reactive groups that the chemical is assigned to, based on its known chemistry. Reactive groups are categories of chemicals that react in similar ways because their chemical structures are similar. Reactive groups are used to predict reactivity when you add a chemical to MyChemicals. Read more about reactive groups.

List of data sources.
Reactivity Alerts
Air & Water Reactions
Highly flammable. Insoluble in water.
Fire Hazard
Special Hazards of Combustion Products: Combustion yields beryllium oxide fume, which is toxic if inhaled.

Behavior in Fire: Powder may form explosive mixture with air. (USCG, 1999)
Health Hazard
Any dramatic, unexplained weight loss should be considered as possible first indication of beryllium disease. Dust is extremely toxic when inhaled; symptoms include coughing, shortness of breath, and acute or chronic lung disease. There is no record of illness from ingestion of beryllium. Contact with dust causes conjunctival inflammation of eyes and dermatitis. (USCG, 1999)
Reactivity Profile
Boron trifluoride reacts with incandescence when heated with alkali metals or alkaline earth metals except magnesium [Merck 11th ed. 1989]. Finely divided or amalgamated metal reacts with HCl, dil HNO3, or dil H2SO4; attacked by strong base with evolution of hydrogen gas [Merck 11th ed. 1989]. It has been determined experimentally that a mixture of beryllium powder with carbon tetrachloride or with trichloroethylene will flash or spark on heavy impact [ASESB Pot. Incid. 39 1968]. The reaction between beryllium and the vapors of phosphorus proceeds with incandescence [Mellor 8:842 1946-47].
Belongs to the Following Reactive Group(s)

Response Recommendations

What is this information?
Isolation and Evacuation - Isolation and evacuation distance recommendations from the Emergency Response Guidebook (ERG).

Firefighting - Response recommendations if the chemical is on fire (or near a fire).

Non-Fire Response - Response recommendations if the chemical isn't on fire (or near a fire).

Protective Clothing - Recommendations for protective gear.

Dupont Tychem® Suit Fabrics - A table of normalized breakthrough times for DuPont Tychem suit fabrics for the chemical, if available.

First Aid - Recommended first aid treatment for people exposed to the chemical.

List of data sources.
Isolation and Evacuation
Excerpt from GUIDE 134 [Flammable Solids - Toxic and/or Corrosive]:

As an immediate precautionary measure, isolate spill or leak area for at least 25 meters (75 feet) in all directions.

LARGE SPILL: Consider initial downwind evacuation for at least 100 meters (330 feet).

FIRE: If tank, rail car or tank truck is involved in a fire, ISOLATE for 800 meters (1/2 mile) in all directions; also, consider initial evacuation for 800 meters (1/2 mile) in all directions. (ERG, 2012)
Excerpt from GUIDE 134 [Flammable Solids - Toxic and/or Corrosive]:

SMALL FIRE: Dry chemical, CO2, water spray or alcohol-resistant foam.

LARGE FIRE: Water spray, fog or alcohol-resistant foam. Move containers from fire area if you can do it without risk. Use water spray or fog; do not use straight streams. Do not get water inside containers. Dike fire-control water for later disposal; do not scatter the material.

FIRE INVOLVING TANKS OR CAR/TRAILER LOADS: Fight fire from maximum distance or use unmanned hose holders or monitor nozzles. Cool containers with flooding quantities of water until well after fire is out. Withdraw immediately in case of rising sound from venting safety devices or discoloration of tank. ALWAYS stay away from tanks engulfed in fire. (ERG, 2012)
Non-Fire Response
Excerpt from GUIDE 134 [Flammable Solids - Toxic and/or Corrosive]:

Fully encapsulating, vapor protective clothing should be worn for spills and leaks with no fire. ELIMINATE all ignition sources (no smoking, flares, sparks or flames in immediate area). Stop leak if you can do it without risk. Do not touch damaged containers or spilled material unless wearing appropriate protective clothing. Prevent entry into waterways, sewers, basements or confined areas. Use clean non-sparking tools to collect material and place it into loosely covered plastic containers for later disposal. (ERG, 2012)
Protective Clothing
Skin: Wear appropriate personal protective clothing to prevent skin contact.

Eyes: Wear appropriate eye protection to prevent eye contact.

Wash skin: The worker should wash daily at the end of each work shift.

Remove: Work clothing that becomes wet or significantly contaminated should be removed and replaced.

Change: Workers whose clothing may have become contaminated should change into uncontaminated clothing before leaving the work premise.

Provide: Eyewash fountains should be provided in areas where there is any possibility that workers could be exposed to the substance; this is irrespective of the recommendation involving the wearing of eye protection. (NIOSH, 2003)
DuPont Tychem® Suit Fabrics
No information available.
First Aid
Eye: If this chemical contacts the eyes, immediately wash the eyes with large amounts of water, occasionally lifting the lower and upper lids. Get medical attention immediately. Contact lenses should not be worn when working with this chemical.

Breathing: If a person breathes large amounts of this chemical, move the exposed person to fresh air at once. Other measures are usually unnecessary. (NIOSH, 2003)

Physical Properties

What is this information?
This section contains physical properties, flammability limits, and toxic thresholds for this chemical (see definitions of each property). More property data is available for common chemicals.

See also the Levels of Concern guide for information on AEGLs, ERPGs, PACs, and IDLH values.

List of data sources.
Molecular Formula:
  • Be
Flash Point: data unavailable
Lower Explosive Limit (LEL): data unavailable
Upper Explosive Limit (UEL): data unavailable
Autoignition Temperature: data unavailable
Melting Point: 2349 ° F (NIOSH, 2003)
Vapor Pressure: 0 mm Hg (approx) (NIOSH, 2003)
Vapor Density (Relative to Air): data unavailable
Specific Gravity: 1.85 at 68.0 ° F (USCG, 1999)
Boiling Point: 4532 ° F at 760 mm Hg (NIOSH, 2003)
Molecular Weight: 9.01 (USCG, 1999)
Water Solubility: Insoluble (NIOSH, 2003)
IDLH: 4 mg/m3 As Be; A potential human carcinogen. (NIOSH, 2003)

AEGLs (Acute Exposure Guideline Levels)

No AEGL information available.

ERPGs (Emergency Response Planning Guidelines)

Chemical ERPG-1 ERPG-2 ERPG-3
Beryllium (7440-41-7) NA 0.025 mg/m3 0.1 mg/m3
NA = not appropriate.
(AIHA, 2011)

PACs (Protective Action Criteria)

Chemical PAC-1 PAC-2 PAC-3
Beryllium (7440-41-7) 0.0023 mg/m3 0.025 mg/m3 0.1 mg/m3
(SCAPA, 2012)

Regulatory Information

What is this information?
This section contains regulatory information from the Title III Consolidated List of Lists (see details about each regulatory field).

List of data sources.
Regulatory Name CAS Number/
313 Category Code
CAA 112(r)
Beryllium 7440-41-7 10 313 P015
Beryllium Compounds N050 *** 313

(EPA List of Lists, 2011)

Alternate Chemical Names

What is this information?
This section provides a listing of alternate names for this chemical, including trade names and synonyms.