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August 25, 2009   
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Departmental and Program-Specific Recovery Plans

On February 18, 2009, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) issued a memorandum entitled "Initial Implementing Guidance for the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act." Sections 2.6 and 2.7 of the memorandum describe the actions and deliverables needed to satisfy the OMB requirements for Departmental and program-specific American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (Recovery Act) Plans.

The Department of Labor plans describing how Recovery Act funds will be managed are listed below.

Departmental Plan

  • United States Department of Labor — [MS Word] [PDF]

Program-Specific Plans

  • COBRA Premium Assistance — [MS Word] [PDF]
  • Davis-Bacon and Related Act Wage Determination and Government Contract Labor Standards Enforcement — [MS Word] [PDF]
  • Dislocated Worker National Emergency Grants — [MS Word] [PDF]
  • Federal Contract Compliance Programs — [MS Word] [PDF]
  • Financial Oversight and Reporting, Hiring, and Procurement — [MS Word] [PDF]
  • Mass Transit Employee Protection Program — [MS Word] [PDF]
  • National Emergency Grants for Health Coverage Assistance — [MS Word] [PDF]
  • Office of Job Corps (OJC) — [MS Word] [PDF]
  • Office of the Solicitor (SOL) — [MS Word] [PDF]
  • Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) — [MS Word] [PDF]
  • Senior Community Service Employment Program — [MS Word] [PDF]
  • Trade Adjustment Assistance — [MS Word] [PDF]
  • Training Grants for Green Jobs and Emerging Industry Sectors — [MS Word] [PDF]
  • Unemployment Insurance — Extension of the Emergency Unemployment Compensation, 2008 (EUC08) and Federal Additional Compensation Program (FAC) — [MS Word] [PDF]
  • Unemployment Insurance — Modernization ($7 Billion Incentive Fund) — [MS Word] [PDF]
  • Unemployment Insurance — Special Transfer for Administration ($500 Million) — [MS Word] [PDF]
  • Wagner-Peyser Act Employment Service — [MS Word] [PDF]
  • Workforce Investment Act Adult Program — [MS Word] [PDF]
  • Workforce Investment Act Dislocated Worker Program — [MS Word] [PDF]
  • Workforce Investment Act Section 166 Native American Program, Supplemental Youth Services Program — [MS Word] [PDF]
  • Workforce Investment Act Youth Program — [MS Word] [PDF]
  • YouthBuild — [MS Word] [PDF]



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