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Secretary Leavitt's 500-Day Plan

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Transform the Healthcare System

In 5,000 days, the Secretary sees a nation in which ...

  • Nearly all health records can be linked through an interoperable system that protects privacy as it connects patients, providers and payers – resulting in fewer medical mistakes, less hassle, lower costs and better health.
  • Consumers are better informed and have more choices.
  • Wellness and prevention are sought as rigorously as treatment.
  • New drugs and innovation are rapidly approved and continually monitored afterwards, and new information is proactively communicated to providers and patients.
  • Payers reward providers for healthy outcomes as well as quantity of care and services.
  • 12-14 million more Americans have health insurance.
  • Inequalities in health care are eliminated.
  • Common sense medical liability reform makes health care more affordable and accessible for all Americans.

In the next 500 days the Secretary will concentrate on ...

  • Expressing a clear vision of health information technology that conveys the benefits to patients, providers and payers.
  • Convening a national collaboration to further develop, set and certify health information technology standards and outcomes for interoperability, privacy and data exchange.
  • Realizing the near-term benefits of health information technology in the focused areas of adverse drug-incident reporting, e-prescribing, lab and claims-sharing data, clinic registrations and insurance forms.
  • Creating a drug safety board to monitor and respond to post-market adverse drug incidents.
  • Fulfilling the President’s goals for community health center expansion.
  • Enabling state insurance pools, association health plans and tax credits for workers unable to afford insurance.
  • Supporting community-based approaches to closing the healthcare gap, particularly among racial and ethnic minority populations, including American Indians and Alaska Natives.
  • Pushing for medical liability reform.

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Modernize Medicare and Medicaid

In 5,000 days, the Secretary sees a nation in which ...

  • Medicare and Medicaid are modernized to provide high-quality health care in a financially sustainable way.
  • The beneficiaries of Medicare and Medicaid are cost-conscious consumers with expanded choices of plans and treatments.
  • At their option, seniors and people with disabilities can be cared for in their home or community.
  • Medicaid is flexible and nimble enough to tailor benefits to need, allowing millions more to obtain insurance.
  • Medicare and Medicaid are viewed as leaders in the collaborative development and use of health information technology, quality measurement and pay for performance.

In the next 500 days the Secretary will concentrate on ...

  • Implementing the Medicare Modernization Act successfully by energizing broad participation, emphasizing preventive care, reaching out to those eligible for low-income subsidies and stimulating a competitive market.
  • Modernizing Medicaid to ensure program dollars are used appropriately, to make consumers more cost-conscious, to tailor benefits to need, to allow home and community care for the elderly and persons with disabilities, and to stop inappropriate intergovernmental transfers.
  • Creating workable methods of rewarding health providers for positive outcomes.
  • Positioning HHS at the forefront of the health information technology interoperability movement.

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Advance Medical Research

In 5,000 days, the Secretary sees a nation in which ...

  • Medications are safer and more effective because they are chosen based on the patient’s personal characteristics.
  • Research results more quickly benefit people and healthcare needs more quickly become research leads.
  • Broad scientific advances measurably reduce the burden of all chronic diseases.
  • Breakthroughs protect Americans from a broad range of biological, chemical, radiological and nuclear threats.
  • Comprehensive, novel early prevention and detection strategies increase healthy life potential such that:
    • Cancer is more preventable and curable,
    • Obesity and its consequences, such as diabetes and heart and vascular diseases, are greatly reduced, and
    • Causes of mental, neurological and behavioral diseases are better understood and managed.
  • Interdisciplinary and interagency collaboration in scientific pursuits is the standard.

In the next 500 days the Secretary will concentrate on ...

  • Creating an integrated electronic network of privacy-protected population data, genetic information and medical records to accelerate discoveries that will define an individual’s risk of disease, response to treatment and likelihood of a side effect.
  • Building interdisciplinary research teams that combine skills and knowledge from the biological, physical and social sciences to yield biomedical insights that could not have been achieved by a single-discipline approach.
  • Improving the clinical research network to advance better prevention, early diagnosis and treatment of disease.
  • Implementing a comprehensive plan for obesity research that will maximize collaboration among HHS stakeholders.

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Secure the Homeland

In 5,000 days, the Secretary sees a nation in which ...

  • State and local communities know how to help themselves and others in the event of a biological attack or flu pandemic.
  • HHS and its partners can seamlessly and rapidly provide resources and public health personnel when needed anywhere in the United States.
  • Surveillance of data in electronic health records provide early warnings of dangerous viruses or bioterrorism activities.

In the next 500 days the Secretary will concentrate on ...

  • Preparing for a potential H5N1 flu pandemic.
  • Providing early warnings of naturally occurring and manmade threats through improved domestic and international surveillance.
  • Developing a deployable mass casual ty care capability to enhance medical surge capacity in response to a variety of threat scenarios.
  • Aligning the force structure and deployment readiness of the Commissioned Corps with current needs.
  • Improving the size and readiness of the Strategic National Stockpile and the ability to distribute it effectively.
  • Enhancing emergency readiness of public health departments using risk-based investment.

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Protect Life, Family and Human Dignity

In 5,000 days, the Secretary sees a nation in which ...

  • Children are protected from abuse and neglect.
  • Seniors and persons with disabilities are cared for with dignity and respect.
  • Faith and community-based groups are given equal access to government grants.
  • Self-reliance and work are rewarded.
  • Protection of life and adherence to sexual abstinence outside of marriage are values supported by public policies and taught to future generations.
  • Family interests are protected and marriages strengthened.

In the next 500 days the Secretary will concentrate on ...

  • Promoting self-sufficiency and state flexibility in the reauthorization of TANF.
  • Increasing the commitment to faith and community-based grants, including Access to Recovery.
  • Improving Head Start coordination with state and federal departments of education.
  • Supporting the First Lady’s initiatives on Helping America’s Youth and Women’s Health and Wellness.
  • Supporting a culture of life and family in international policies.

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Improve the Human Condition Around the World

In 5,000 days, the Secretary sees a nation in which ...

  • The United States is recognized as a leader among nations for caring and compassion.
  • HIV/AIDS is reduced all around the world.

In the next 500 days the Secretary will concentrate on ...

  • Supporting emerging democracies with health diplomacy.
  • Implementing on schedule the goals of the President’s Emergency Plan for HIV/AIDS relief and reauthorizing the Ryan White Care Act.
  • Expanding the international network of early-warning infectious disease surveillance.

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Note: Sec. Mike Leavitt uses a 500-Day Plan as a management tool to guide his energies in fulfilling the President’s vision of a healthier and more hopeful America. The plan is a personal expression of many of Sec. Leavitt’s priorities and provides direction to the daily leadership and management of the Department. The strategies in the Plan focus on actions during a rolling 500-day period that will achieve significant progress for the American people over a 5,000-day horizon. The plan is updated every 200 days. For more information visit www.hhs.gov/500DayPlan.