\section{International Muon Ionization Cooling Experiment} \label{mice} \subsection{Motivation} Ionization cooling of minimum-ionizing muons is an important ingredient in the performance of a Neutrino Factory. However, it has not been demonstrated experimentally. We seek to carry out an experimental demonstration of cooling in a muon beam. Towards this goal, we have developed (in collaboration with a number of physicists from Europe and Japan interested in neutrino factories) a conceptual design for an International Muon Ionization Cooling Experiment (MICE).A proposal for MICE has recently been submitted to the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory in England~\cite{mice-prop}. The aim of the proposed cooling experimental demonstration is \begin{itemize} \item to show that we can design, engineer and build a section of cooling channel capable of giving the desired performance for a neutrino factory; \item to place it in a beam and measure its performance, {\em i.e.}, experimentally validate our ability to simulate precisely the passage of muons confined within a periodic lattice as they pass through energy absorbers and rf cavities. \end{itemize} The experience gained from this experimental demonstration will provide important input to the final design of a real cooling channel. The successful operation of a section of a muon cooling channel has been identified (most recently by the U.S. Muon Technical Advisory Committee~\cite{MUTAC-report}) as a key step in demonstrating the feasibility of a Neutrino Factory or Muon Collider. \subsection{Principle of the experiment} Fundamentally, in a muon cooling experiment one needs to measure, before and after the cooling channel, the phase space distribution of a muon beam in six dimensions~\cite{cernmice}. Such a measurement must include the incoming and outgoing beam intensities and must avoid biases due to the decay of muons into electrons within the channel and due to possible contamination of the incoming beam by non-muons~\cite{summers}. Two techniques have been considered: i) the multi-particle method, in which emittance and number of particles in any given volume of phase space are determined from the global properties of a bunch; and ii) the single-particle method, in which the properties of each particle are measured and a ``virtual bunch" formed off-line. The full determination of the covariance matrix in six dimensions is a delicate task in a multi-particle experiment, and the desired diagnostics would have to be developed specifically for this purpose; moreover, a high-intensity muon beam bunched at an appropriate frequency would need to be designed and built. For these reasons, the single particle method is preferred. The single-particle approach, typical of particle-physics experiments, is one for which experimental methods already exist and suitable beams are already available. In the particle-by-particle approach, the properties of each particle are measured in magnetic spectrometers before and after the cooling channel (Figure~\ref{fig:MICE-measurement}). Each spectrometer measures, at given $z$ positions, the coordinates $x, y$ of every incident particle, as well as the time. Momentum and angles are reconstructed by using more than one plane of measurement. For the experimental errors not to affect the measurement of the emittance by a significant factor, the rms resolution of the measurements must be smaller than typically 1/10th of the rms equilibrium beam size in each of the six dimensions~\cite{Blondel-cooling}. \begin{figure} \centerline{{\includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{MICE-measurement.eps}}} \caption{Conceptual layout of MICE upstream spectrometer: following an initial time-of-flight (TOF) measurement, muons are tracked using detector planes located within a solenoidal magnetic field. Although in principle three $x,y$ measurements as shown suffice to determine the parameters of each muon's helical trajectory, in practice additional measurement redundancy will be employed; for example, a fourth measurement plane can be used to eliminate very-low-momentum muons that would execute multiple cycles of helical motion. A similar spectrometer (but with the time-of-flight measurement at the end) will be used downstream of the cooling apparatus.} \label{fig:MICE-measurement} \end{figure} \subsection{Conceptual design} Figure~\ref{fig:MICE} shows the layout under consideration for MICE, which is based on two cells of the Feasibility Study II ``Lattice 1" cooling channel. The incoming muon beam encounters first a beam preparation section, where the appropriate input emittance is generated by a pair of high-$Z$ (lead) absorbers. In addition, a precise time measurement is performed and the incident particles are identified as muons. There follows a first measurement section, in which the momenta, positions, and angles of the incoming particles are measured by means of tracking devices located within a uniform-field solenoid. Then comes the cooling section itself, with hydrogen absorbers and 201 MHz rf cavities, the lattice optics being provided by a series of superconducting coils; the pairs of coils surrounding each absorber have opposite magnetic fields (``bucking" solenoids), providing tight focusing. The momenta, positions, and angles of the outgoing particles are measured within a second solenoid, equipped with a tracking system identical to the first one. Finally, another time-of-flight (TOF) measurement is performed together with particle identification to eliminate those muons that have decayed within the apparatus. \begin{figure} \centerline{\scalebox{0.6}{\includegraphics{MICE-fig.eps}}} \caption{Schematic layout of MICE apparatus.} \label{fig:MICE} \end{figure} \subsection{Performance} Simulations of MICE have been carried out for a configuration including four tracking stations per spectrometer, each station consisting of three crossed planes of 500-micron-thick square-cross-section scintillating fibers (Figure~\ref{fig:MICE-tracking}), immersed in a 5\,T solenoidal field. Time of flight is assumed to be measured to 70\,ps rms. As shown in Figure~\ref{fig:MICE-resolution}, measurement resolution and multiple scattering of the muons in the detector material introduce a correctable bias in the measured emittance ratio of only 1\%. (For this study the effect of the cooling apparatus was ``turned off" so as to isolate the effect of the spectrometers.) \begin{figure} \centerline{\scalebox{0.7}{\includegraphics{MICE-tracking.eps}}} \caption{A possible MICE tracking-detector configuration.} \label{fig:MICE-tracking} \end{figure} \begin{figure} \centerline{\scalebox{0.5}{\includegraphics{MICE-resolution.eps}}} \caption{Distribution of ratios of output to input six-dimensional emittance for 1000 simulated experiments, each with 1000 accepted muons. The top figure shows the distribution of this ratio for the emittances as generated by simulation; the bottom figure, as ``measured" in the simulated experiments. The curves are Gaussian fits to the points.} \label{fig:MICE-resolution} \end{figure} Figure~\ref{fig:MICE-sim1} illustrates the muon-cooling performance of the proposed MICE cooling apparatus. The normalized transverse emittance of the incoming muon beam is reduced by about 8\%. The longitudinal emittance increases by about the same amount, thus the net cooling in six dimensions is also about 8\%. These are large enough effects to be straightforwardly measured by the proposed spectrometers. % \begin{figure}[htb!] \begin{minipage}[b]{0.46\linewidth} %emit-trans-vs-s.ps \centering\includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{MICE-200MHz-cooling.eps} \end{minipage}\hfill \begin{minipage}[b]{0.46\linewidth} %emit-long-vs-s.ps \centering\includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{MICE-200MHz-long.eps} \end{minipage}\hfill \caption{Results from ICOOL simulation of MICE: normalized transverse (left) and longitudinal (right) emittances {\em vs.}\ distance.} \label{fig:MICE-sim1} \end{figure} The CERN Neutrino Factory Working Group has studied a variant of the proposed MICE cooling apparatus, in which 88-MHz rf cavities are employed in place of the 201-MHz devices (the 88- and 201-MHz designs have similar cooling performance)~\cite{Hanke-cooling}. Figure~\ref{fig:MICE-sim2} (from the CERN study) elucidates further experimental issues. As shown in Figure~\ref{fig:MICE-sim2}a, for input emittance above the equilibrium emittance of the channel (here about 3500\,mm$\cdot$mrad), the beam is cooled, while for input emittance below equilibrium it is heated (and, of course, for an input beam at the equilibrium emittance, the output emittance equals the input emittance). Figure~\ref{fig:MICE-sim2}b illustrates the acceptance cutoff of the cooling-channel lattice; for input emittance above 6000\,mm$\cdot$mrad, the transmission probability falls below 100\% due to scraping of the beam. Figure~\ref{fig:MICE-sim2}c shows the effect of varying the beam momentum: cooling performance improves as the momentum is lowered~\footnote{Despite the increased cooling efficiency at low muon momentum, simulations of an entire muon production section and cooling channel suggest that momenta near the ionization minimum represent the global optimum for Neutrino Factory performance.}, as quantified here in terms of the fractional increase in the number of muons within the phase-space volume accepted by a hypothetical acceleration section downstream of the cooling channel. The goal of MICE includes verification of these effects in detail in order to show that the performance of the cooling apparatus is well understood. Subsequent running could include tests of additional transverse cooling cells, alternative designs, or emittance exchange cells. \begin{figure} \centerline{{\includegraphics[width=0.6\linewidth]{MICE-88MHz-cooling.eps}}} \caption{Simulation results for 88-MHz variant of MICE apparatus: a) output emittance {\it vs.}\ input emittance, with 45$^\circ$ line (dashes) superimposed; b) beam transmission {\it vs.}\ input emittance; c) cooling performance (see text) {\it vs.}\ input emittance for various beam kinetic energies (top to bottom: 140, 170, 200, 230 MeV).} \label{fig:MICE-sim2} \end{figure} One critical aspect of this experiment is operation in the presence of backgrounds due to dark currents from the rf cavities. While it is possible to operate the experiment using comparatively low rf gradients, it would be highly desirable to produce cavities which would yield less dark current at higher gradients. This would permit more efficient use of the rf cavities and power supplies. We are trying to develop cavities with low dark currents.