NNN00-Fermilab Nucleon Decay and Neutrino Detector Workshop


August 7-8, 2000
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
Batavia, Illinois, USA

To continue the fruitful series of workshops on large scale detectors at StonyBrook and Irvine, we are organizing a small 2-day NNN Nucleon decay
and Neutrino Detector workshop at Fermilab August 7-8, 2000.  The purpose of this meeting is to consider the possibility of building  nucleon decay/neutrino detectors an order of magnitude more massive than present-day detectors. Such detectors could extend the lifetime range accessible for proton decay, provide an observatory for neutrinos for atmospheric, solar and astrophysical neutrinos and perhaps serve as the target for future long baseline neutrino experiments.

The meeting will consist of brief reviews of the current and projected status of nucleon decay and neutrino experiments followed by discussions of detector designs and implementation.

Preliminary AGENDA

Topics for discussion in working groups:

The meeting will be held in 1West in the Fermilab Hirise.

We encourage anyone interested in these discussions to contact the workshop organizers at nnn00-fermi@fnal.gov.  Some working groups
will be starting before the general meeting and presenting results at the workshop.

Information on travel and housing


There will be a 25$ registration fee payable on arrival at Fermilab.
There will also be a dinner at a good local restaurant on Monday evening, likely cost $35/person (not included in registration per DOE regulations)

To contact us, please send email to nnn00-fermi@fnal.gov

FNAL meeting organizers:
Chang Kee Jung
Hank Sobel 
Heidi Schellman 
(FNAL contact)
Bob Svoboda
Milind Diwan

June 16, 2000