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Child & Adult Care Food Program


Policy memoranda are often issued as guidance or to clarify an issue.  All files are in Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format.  Implementing memoranda pertaining to the Child Nutrition and WIC Reauthorization Act of 2004 can be found here.




Clarification of SA Review Requirements for Donated Foods in the NSLP & Other Child Nutrition Programs   Memo



Meal Disallowance Policies for Family Day Care Homes in CACFP  Memo



FY 2009 Reallocation of State Administrative Expense (SAE) Funds   Memo



Record Maintenance Requirements for Family Day Care Home Providers in the CACFP  Memo



Guidance on Reallocation of CACFP Audit Funds Memo



Small Business Tax Filing Updates   Memo




Automatic Eligibility for Early Head Start Participants  Memo



Simplified Acquisition Threshold  Memo



Streamlining At-Risk Afterschool Meal Participation for School Food Authorities Currently Participating in the NSLP  Memo



Automatic Eligibility for Free Meal Benefits Extended to All Children Enrolled in Head Start  Memo



Rebates from the Economic Stimulus Act of 2008  Memo



Sharing Income Eligibility Information between Child Nutrition
Programs  Memo



Guidance on Reallocation of CACFP Audit Funds  Memo



Fiscal Year (FY) 2008 Reallocation of State Administrative Expense (SAE) Funds  Memo



*Issued to Regional Directors only



 Facility Applications and Agreements in the CACFP  Memo




Documentation of Block Claims Submitted by Sponsored Child Care Centers and Family Day Care Homes  Memo



 National Interim Head Start Grantee Participation in the CACFP: Community Development Institute  Memo



Food Distribution Program: Value of Donated Foods From July 1, 2006 through June 30, 2007 Correction Memo



Accommodations for Non-Traditional Program Operators Memo



Electronic Record and Reporting Systems Memo



Documentation of Tier I Eligibility Determinations in the CACFP Memo



Update on Electronic Transactions in the Child Nutrition Programs Memo



Operation of Child Nutrition Programs during a Pandemic Memo



Additional State Agency Requirements Memo



Fiscal Year 2007 Reallocation of State Administrative Expense Funds Memo



Guidance on Reallocation of FY2006 CACFP Audit Funds Memo



CACFP Paperwork Reduction Memo and Final Report



Retention of records relating to institutions, responsible principals or responsible individuals, and family day care homes on the National Disqualified List; retention of records relating to serious deficiencies Memo




Clarification on the Substitution of NSLP Meals and Use of Offer versus Serve for CACFP Meals Prepared by Schools  Memo



U.S. Armed Forces Family Supplemental Subsistence Allowance – Permanently Excluded from Income Consideration for the Child Nutrition Programs  Memo



Administrative Reimbursements for Non-Claiming Homes in the CACFP - Clarifies that sponsors of day care homes may not include non-claiming homes in the total number of homes reported for determining administrative reimbursements.  Memo 6/29/06  


Issues Relating to Block Claims Submitted by Sponsored Child Care Centers and Family Day Care  Memo 5/23/06


Prohibition on State Agencies’ Establishing Geographic Territories for Sponsoring Organizations in the CACFP  Memo 4/13/06


Free and Reduced Price Meal Eligibility Determinations Reauthorization 2004  Memo 3/30/06


Income Eligibility Guidelines (Memo)    IEG Notice 4/4/06


Building for the Future Award Winners for FY 2006 - Announces the winners for the FY 2006 Building for Future Awards. 3/17/06


Questions & Answers on State Oversight Tools, Sponsor Oversight Tools, and Training and Other Operational Issues - Memorandum provides answers to questions raised during the training on the subject topic.  Memo 2/23/06


FY 2006 Reallocation of State Administrative Expense (SAE)Funds - Memorandum provides guidance on how to request reallocated SAE funding.  Memo 1/24/06


Guidance on Reallocation of FY 2005 CACFP Audit Funds - Memorandum provides guidance on how to request reallocated audit funding.  Memo   1/24/06


Sponsor Monitoring of Facilities - Provides clarification for sponsor monitoring of various meals services at their facilities.  Memo    5/23/06


Serious Deficiency Questions and Answers - Provides answers to several questions on the topic.  Memo 11/7/05


Treatment of Family Subsistence Supplemental Allowance and National Flood Insurance Program payments in Income Eligibility Determinations for FNS Programs - Provides clarification for he treatment of income for certain households in areas stricken by recent disasters. 10/29/05


Extending Waivers from Hurricane Katrina to Hurricane Rita - Extends waiver authority provided to victims of Hurricane Katrina to victims of Hurricane Rita.  Memo 10/6/05



Conducting a 5-Day Reconciliation in Centers - Explains how to conduct a 5-day reconciliation in child care centers.  Memo 9/23/05


Q&As Regarding Institution Applications - These were taken from the Denver and New Orleans trainings conducted earlier in the year. 9/23/05


Emergency Feeding in the CACFP in Areas Affected by Hurricane Rita - Letter to SWRO regarding areas effected by Hurricane Rita. 9/23/05
  Extension of Emergency Feeding in the CACFP in Areas Affected by Hurricane Katrina 9/22/05


Extension of Emergency Feeding in the CACFP in Areas Affected by Hurricane Katrina 9/9/05


Emergency Feeding in the CACFP in Areas Affected by Hurricane Katrina 9/2/05
  CACFP Procurement Questions and Answers - Provides clarification on several procurement issues in the CACFP. 7/27/05


Block Claiming Determinations - Provides clarification and guidance on the issue of block claiming. 7/1/05
  Transfer of Data Related to the CACFP and the Food Stamp Program - Memorandum explains that sponsors are to share provider information for homes receiving Tier I reimbursements with the State Food Stamp Program office. 3/29/05


Enrollment Form Collection System Deadline - Explains that the deadline for State agencies to have an enrollment form collection system in place.  3/11/05
  Policy Exception for Military Families - Memorandum further clarifies program policy for families affected by deployments in the Middle East.  1/7/05
  Additional Guidance on the CACFP Second Interim Rule  Memo 12/23/04
  Letter to Providers - This is a re-issuance of a Welcome Letter to CACFP day care home providers.   11/24/04


Use of Enrollment Data for Establishing Claiming Percentages and Determining the Eligibility of Proprietary Centers - Provides clarification on establishing a claiming percentage for Proprietary centers in the CACFP.  11/15/04
  Clarification on Acceptable Infant Formula - Provided clarification to the NERO on acceptable infant formula in the CACFP.  11/09/04


  Implementing Changes to the CACFP in Interim Rule entitled, "CACFP: Improving Management and Program Integrity"        State Agency Guidance -- Sponsoring Organization Guidance -- Independent Center Guidance 9/1/04
  Overpayments in the CACFP: the law allows disregard of collection of overclaims of $600. 9/17/04
  Acceptable Infant Formula - Sent a reply to our Northeast regional office regarding acceptable infant formula 9/14/04
  Extension of the Child Nutrition Provisions -  Military Housing Privatization Initiative and for-profit centers 4/02/04


Sponsor Monitoring Requirements - Provides clarification based upon questions received on the topic in the recent past.   1/27/04
  Extension of the Child Nutrition Provisions - Military Housing  Privatization Initiative and for-profit centers   1/12/04
  Shared Maintenance Fee Policy Clarification - Clarifies what is considered allowable and unallowable costs when food and/or other items are received from a food bank or other source.   12/05/03


  Extension of the Child Nutrition Provisions - Extended several Child Nutrition provisions.  The extension expires on Oct. 31, 2004.   9/30/03
  Budget Approval Issues - Provides guidance to several sponsor budget approval issues and concerns raised over the past several months.    6/30/03
  FNS Instruction 788-16 Clarification - Guidance to concerns regarding for-profit multi-State sponsoring organizations and the applicability of FNS Instruction 788-16 to Program operations.  6/25/03
  At-Risk Review Requirements - Guidance to concerns regarding the review requirements for At-Risk sites in the CACFP.  6/03/03
  Reimbursement for Infant Meals - Allows reimbursement of meals containing breastmilk or iron-fortified infant formula that is supplied by the parent or by the facility. 4/28/03
  Recruiting For-Profit Centers - Encourages State agencies to recruit for-profit centers to participate in the CACFP based upon 25% free and reduced price meal applications as the eligibility criteria.  4/17/03
  Guidelines for Retroactive Reimbursement to For-Profit Centers - Provides guidelines and a deadline for retroactive submission of a claim for reimbursement to for-profit child care centers meeting the 25% F/RP meal applications eligibility criteria.  3/05/03
  Policy Exception for Military Families - Clarifies program policy for families affected by deployment during Operation Enduring Freedom.  2/27/03
  Monitor Staffing Standards Guidance - Provides guidance on monitor staffing standards for sponsoring organizations and methodology for establishing State staffing factors.   Memo 2/21/03
  Military Families and Eligibility - Clarifies program policy for families affected by military service deployments.  2/04/03
  Baby Fruits and Vegetables with DHA - Clarifies that certain baby food items containing DHA cannot be served a part of a reimbursable meal in the CACFP.   12/19/02


  Afterschool Care Snacks at Emergency Shelters in the CACFP - Explains that homeless shelters may be considered automatically eligible for the at-risk provision of the CACFP by virtue of the economic status of their clientele.  Memo 6/12/02
  Obligation to Offer Meals to All Infants in Care - Clarifies that all eligible children in care must be offered a Program meal, especially infants in care.  Memo 5/17/02
  Flexibility in Meal Time Requirements for At-Risk Meal Services - Provides flexibility for meal times when the State serves both snacks and suppers.  This policy applies only to those States that are authorized to serve at-risk suppers.  3/21/02
  Use of Stop Payments in CACFP - Clarifies that the use of "stop payments" is no longer  a valid means to enforce Program compliance.   Memo   3/01/02
  Recruiting For-Profit Centers to Participate in the CACFP  Memo 12/21/01
  FNS Instruction 796-2, Rev. 3 - Additional Guidance to the implementation of FNS Instruction 796-2, Rev. 3   Memo 11/01/01

  Health and Safety Standards for Outside-School-Hours Care Centers (OSHCCs) and At-Risk Afterschool Care Centers   Memo 7/6/01
  State Agency Approval of Sponsored Facilities’ Applications and Reimbursement to Facilities at the Time of their Initial Approval in the CACFP   Memo 5/14/01

  Termination and Program payments during the administrative review process   Memo 10/17/00
  Monitoring Requirements for Sponsoring Organizations in the CACFP   Memo 10/16/00
  Implementing Statutory Changes to the CACFP Mandated by the Agricultural Risk Protection Act of 2000 (Pub. L. 106-224)   Memo 7/20/2000
  Licensing/Approval in Family and Group Day Care Homes in the CACFP   Memo 5/11/2000
  Feeding Infants in CACFP - Answers specific questions about serving reimbursable meals to babies.   Memo 4/20/00
  Categorical Eligibility of Pre-Kindergarten Even Start Participants for Free Meal Benefits   Memo 4/4/00
  Participation of Emergency Shelters in the CACFP—Questions and Answers   Memo 3/14/00
  Afterschool Snacks in the NSLP and the At-Risk Component of the CACFP, Questions and Answers, Edition 3  Memo 12/1/1999

  Guidance on Tax Exempt Status for Churches in CACFP & SFSP Memo 9/29/1999
  CACFP State Agency Maintenance of Lists of Seriously Deficient Facilities/Individuals  Memo 9/13/1999
   Timing of Corrective Action in Serious Deficiency Cases  Memo 9/13/1999
  Guidance on Training for Sponsored Facilities in the CACFP  Memo 8/23/1999
  Reimbursement under the NSLP for Snacks Served in After School Care Programs Operated by Residential Child Care Institutions (RCCI)   Memo 8/18/1999

Homeless Shelters Receiving Commodities in the CACFP   Memo


Automatic Eligibility of State-Funded Pre-Kindergarten Participants for Free Meals in the CACFP, NSLP, and SBP   Memo



Further Guidance on the Use of Unannounced Visits in the CACFP  Memo 7/2/1999
  WIC Information for CACFP  Memo 4/14/1999
  Afterschool Snacks in the NSLP and the At-Risk Component of the CACFP, Q&As, Edition 2   Memo 4/9/1999


Participation of Emergency Shelters Serving Homeless Children  Memo 3/30/1999
  CACFP One and One-Half Percent Audit Funds  Memo 2/22/1999


Afterschool Snacks in the NSLP and the At Risk Component of the CACFP  Memo 2/17/1999


Reimbursement for Snacks in After School Care Programs  Memo 1/14/1999
2-99 Limited Disclosure of Children’s Free and Reduced Price Meal or Free Milk Eligibility Information  Memo 12/7/1998
3-99 Implementation of Public Law 105-336  Memo 12/3/1998
1-99 Participation of Tribal Child Care Facilities in CACFP  Memo 10/23/1998

  Audit Requirements - CACFP Proprietary Title XIX and Title XX Institutions  Memo 8/13/1998
  Incorporated Providers  Memo 7/30/1998

  Two-tiered Reimbursement Structure for Day Care Homes in the CACFP: Approaches to Establishing the Eligibility of Enrolled Children in a Tier II Day Care Home   Memo 6/2/1997
  Verifying a CACFP Provider’s Household Income Through Use of the Internal Revenue Service Form 1040   Memo 5/29/1997
  Automatic Eligibility of Children From Families Receiving Assistance Under the State Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Program (TANF)   Memo 5/19/1997

Q&As #4

Two-tier Reimbursement Structure for Family Day Care Homes Participating in the CACFP   Memo 5/16/1997
  Elementary School Attendance Area Determinations: Two-Tiered Reimbursement Structure for Family Day Care Homes in the CACFP  Memo 4/25/1997

Q&As #3

Two-tier Reimbursement Structure for Family Day Care Homes Participating in the CACFP  Memo 3/12/1997
  CACFP Improved Targeting of Day Care Home Reimbursement - Provision of Elementary School Attendance Area Information  Memo 2/10/1997
  Welfare Reform Advisory Memo #2: Changes to the CACFP as Mandated by the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 (Pub. L. 104-193)   Memo 1/27/1997

Q&As #2

Two-tier Reimbursement Structure for Family Day Care Homes Participating in the CACFP   Memo 1/24/1997
  Policy Regarding the Obligation of a Child Care Facility to Offer Infant Formula in the CACFP   Memo 12/16/1996
  Public Law 104-193 Changes to Applications for Waivers
in the Child Nutrition Programs   Memo


 P.L. 104-193: Two-tier Reimbursement Structure for Family Day Care Homes (FDCHs) Participating in the CACFP   Memo 11/25/1996

  State Agency Public (Media) Release on behalf of CACFP Institutions   Memo 9/18/1996
  Welfare Reform Advisory Memo # 1: Limitations on Reimbursement for Meals Served in the CACFP and the SFSP   Memo 8/13/1996
  CACFP Seriously Deficient Providers   Memo 5/3/1996
  Criteria for Sponsoring Organizations under the CACFP Exempt Organizations Handbook, Section 34 (14)   Memo 2/6/1996


Last modified: 06/16/2009