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U.S. - India Agreements and Achievements

Bureau of Public Affairs
Office of the Spokesman
Washington, DC
July 20, 2009

Date: 2009-07-20 00:00:00.0 Description: Secretary Clinton and Minister of External Affairs S.M. Krishna sign a bilateral science and technology endowment agreement.  © State Dept ImageAt the close of U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton’s meetings with the Government of India today, the two governments issued a joint statement regarding their intentions to accelerate the growth of their bilateral relationship to enhance global prosperity and stability in the 21st century. The two governments also signed agreements and announced commitments as follows:

The two governments outlined a Strategic Dialogue that will focus on five principal pillars. Through a coherent structure of bilateral working groups, the two governments will address a wide range of issues with the goal of producing concrete results:

  1. Strategic Cooperation working groups will address nonproliferation, counterterrorism and military cooperation;
  2. Energy and Climate Change working groups will continue our successful energy dialogue and begin discussions on actions to address the challenge of global climate change;
  3. Education and Development working groups will enhance our partnership in education and initiate discussions about women’s’ empowerment;
  4. Economics, Trade and Agriculture working groups will continue and strengthen our discussions on business, trade and food security; and
  5. Science and Technology, Health and Innovation working groups will explore new areas for cooperation in leading technologies and in addressing global health challenges.

During their joint press conference today, Secretary Clinton and Indian Minister of External Affairs S. M. Krishna signed an agreement jointly creating a $30 million endowment to be used for joint research and development, innovation, entrepreneurial, and commercialization activities in science and technology. The agreement builds on a strong history of U.S.-India collaboration in science and technology and will strengthen and expand cooperation by stimulating capacity building, contributing to economic growth, encouraging opportunities for job creation, and improving the quality of life for citizens of India, the U.S. and the rest of the world.

Separately, today, the two governments signed a Technology Safeguards Agreement and associated side letters pertaining to the use of U.S.-licensed components on spacecraft launched from Indian facilities. Practically, the agreement will facilitate the launch of U.S.-licensed spacecraft components and safeguard protected technologies and data of both countries. The side letters commit the United States and India to enter into consultations regarding the market for commercial space launch and satellite services.

External Affairs Minister Krishna announced the Indian government’s agreement to End Use Monitoring arrangements for high technology military sales between India and the U.S. The agreement will boost India’s ability to defend itself through the acquisition of U.S. defense equipment while promoting American high tech exports.

As part of the two governments’ continuing cooperation in civilian nuclear energy, the Government of India pledged to designate two nuclear energy park sites in India for development by U.S. companies.

PRN: 2009/754