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Chairs' Summary: Third Preparatory Meeting of the Major Economies Forum on Energy and Climate

Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs
Jiutepec, Mexico
June 23, 2009

The third preparatory meeting of the Major Economies Forum on Energy and Climate met in Jiutepec, Mexico, June 22-23, 2009, attended by Leaders representatives and other officials from seventeen major economies, as well as the United Nations and Denmark.

Participants agreed on the need for a strong political message in support of action on climate change including for a successful outcome in Copenhagen at the upcoming Leaders’ Meeting in Italy, building on the outcome from the Leaders’ Meeting in Hokkaido Toyako, Japan, in July 2008. Participants continued active discussions on key elements that Leaders might focus on in their discussions including mitigation, financing, technology, and adaptation.

President Calderón of Mexico spoke to delegates, noting there is not time to lose and calling for urgent unilateral and cooperative actions to address climate change with efficient mechanisms to support them.

Discussion on mitigation focused on such issues as long-term goals, mid-term targets, peaking years, and low-carbon growth plans, consistent with the science. Many Leaders’ representatives expressed support for agreeing to a global long-term goal by 2050 in the context of a specific developed country 2050 goal, and robust mid-term actions for developed countries. There was discussion of the importance of mitigation actions by all, taking into account equity and national circumstances, and the development of low-carbon growth plans.

There was a clear view on the importance of financing, and discussion about various possible financing concepts, including the Mexican Green Fund proposal. There was broad interest in exploring proposals for possible fast-track funding to address specific mitigation and adaptation challenges.

On adaptation, participants recognized the need for enhanced support for developing countries which will be disproportionally affected, and discussed supporting formulation and implementation of adaptation programs and their integration into national development plans. Many noted the special needs of Africa and small island developing states.

On technology, there was a determination that major economies have a key role to play to drive innovation in transformational low-carbon technologies. Countries called for discussions on removing barriers, establishing incentives and sharing best practices, technology transfer, and substantially increasing public investments in research, development, and demonstration of such technologies.

Participants looked forward to the meeting of Leaders in L’Aquila, Italy, on July 9.