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Redoubt Volcano Plume


Title: Redoubt Volcano Plume
Description: Beginning in early November 2008 Redoubt Volcano, 106 miles southwest of Anchorage, AK, began to show signs of unrest including significant changes in gas emission and heat output. On November 5, 2008, the Alaska Volcano Observatory (AVO) raised Redoubt's Aviation Color Code to Yellow and the Volcano Alert Level to Advisory. A significant increase in earthquake activity caused AVO to raise the Aviation Color Code to ORANGE and Volcano Alert Level to Watch on January 25, 2009. Since November 2008 AVO staff conducted seven observation flights to monitor changes at Redoubt. Many of these flights have also served to measure the amount and types of gasses emanating from the volcano using specialized equipment. This video collected on February 7, 2009 illustrates vapor plumes emanating from holes in the newly deformed Drift Glacier near the volcanoes summit and on its north flank.
Location: Anchorage, Chigmit Mountain Range, and Cook Inlet, AK, USA
Date Taken: 2/7/2009
Video Producer/Videographer: Stephen M. Wessells (vog.sgsu@sllessews), , U.S. Geological Survey
Note: Please contact the individual above (if listed) for more information on this clip. Please contact us if you're interested in broadcast quality for all USGS owned video.
For more information concerning the current activity of Redoubt visit the Alaska Volcano Observatory Redoubt Activity Web page.
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Page Last Modified: Tuesday, August 04, 2009