Los Alamos National Laboratory
LANL  Environment  Water


  • Environmental Communication & Public Involvement
    P.O. Box 1663
    MS J591
    Los Alamos, NM 87545
    Phone: 505-667-0216
    FAX: 505-665-1812

NPDES Permits

Industrial Point Source (Outfall)

NPDES Industrial Point Source (Outfall) Permit Self-Monitoring Program

Under the NPDES Program, any industrial or municipal facility that can possibly discharge pollutants into any of the United States surface waters must obtain a discharge permit. LANL currently has 16 outfall permits that it must comply with under the NPDES and has set up a self-monitoring program to ensure that the NPDES guidelines are met.

The purpose of LANL's ongoing NPDES Industrial Point Source Permit Self-Monitoring Program is to:

  • ensure compliance with the Laboratory's NPDES Permit No. NM0028355 and the Clean Water Act (CWA) (1972 and amendments), specifically with the NPDES Permit Program established by the CWA (NPDES Permit No. NM0028355, Part III, Section A. 2.)
  • ensure that the Laboratory controls or manages releases of contaminants to the environment through the NPDES Permit Program as low as social, technical, economic, practical, and public policy considerations permit (ALARA)
  • ensure compliance with DOE Order 450.1, Environmental Protection Program, DOE Order 5400.5, Radiation Protection of the Public and Environment, and DOE Order 5480.1B, Environment, Safety, and Health Program for Department of Energy Operations, which establish environmental protection program policies, requirements, and responsibilities

Additional Information

Storm Water Multi-Sector

NPDES Storm Water Multi-Sector General Permit

During New Mexico’s rainy season there can be a high quantity of storm water flow. If this water flows over industrial facilities, it can pick up pollutants that may eventually contaminate surface water. LANL has various sampling stations to collect, analyze, and document sample results, which are published biannually in the Discharge Monitoring Report.

The Los Alamos National Laboratory (Laboratory) has established a comprehensive storm water program for its industrial activities. Historically, the Laboratory operated under the NPDES Baseline General Permit and then under the NPDES 1995 Multi-Sector General Permit. On December 23, 2000, the University of California and Department of Energy Office of Los Alamos Operations received NPDES coverage for its industrial activities under the 2000 Multi-Sector General Permit, Permit Nos. NMR05A734 and NMR05A735, respectively.

Construction Activities

Construction Activities Permit

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) requires a permit for any construction activity that disturbs one or more acres of land to help alleviate the amount of pollution entering storm water. When water runs through a construction site it can pick up various debris and chemicals, which can lead to polluted waters and possible erosion. LANL maintains construction permits in order to lessen the amount of pollution that storm water can carry.

LANL's NPDES Construction Activities Permit Program was established to achieve compliance with the regulations established by the EPA for NPDES Construction General Permits for Storm Water Discharges from large and small construction activities. This program has been developed in accordance with the provisions of the Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. 1251 et seq., as amended by the Water Quality Act of 1987, P.L. 100-4). Program tasks include:

  • developing and reviewing Storm Water Pollution Prevention (SWPP) Plans
  • developing, reviewing, and submitting Notice of Intent and Notice of Termination applications
  • overseeing implementation of SWPP Plans
  • conducting design reviews on project plans and specifications to ensure all Clean Water Act and NPDES requirements are incorporated
  • reviewing Laboratory PR-IDs and Excavation Permits to assess and provide pre-construction regulatory requirements and support documentation for construction projects that might require an NPDES Construction Permit
  • establishing management procedures for managing and tracking EPA permits, ownership identification, and environmental impacts
  • assisting Laboratory construction Project Managers with day-to-day technical assistance by conducting storm water inspections, providing oversight on non-compliance issues, and assessing environmental impacts
  • maintaining up-to-date data management systems and associated records to track active and inactive NPDES Construction Permits

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