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Rock Creek Park
Be A Junior Ranger

* Junior Ranger Activity Books * We have Junior Ranger and Advanced Junior Ranger activity books, that can be picked up at the Nature Center, Peirce Barn or the Old Stone House.

Once completed, please return them to a park ranger and the child will receive a Rock Creek Park Junior Park Ranger badge or patch.

2008 Junior Ranger Camp
NPS photo
2008 Junior Ranger Camp

2009 Junior Ranger Camps

Our Junior Ranger Camps introduce youngsters, ages 7-12, to many of the natural, cultural, and recreational opportunities available at Rock Creek Park. Park Rangers will lead a total of six two-day camps, two for each of the following age groups:

Awesome Animals of Rock Creek Park
Explorers, ages 7-8:

  • July 8-9th; Enrollment ends on June 14nd
  • July 29-30th ; Enrollment ends on July 5th 

¡En Español! (Spanish Camp), ages 7-10:

  • July 15-16th; Enrollment ends on June 21th

Relationships with the Land
Discoverers, ages 9-10:

  • August 5-6th; Enrollment ends on July 12th

Space Camp
Adventurers, ages 11-12:

  • July 22-23rd; Enrollment ends on June 28th

Junior Ranger Camps begin at 10 AM and end at 4 PM. Campers should wear appropriate clothing and bring water, a bag lunch, and snacks.

ALL CAMPS ARE FREE!!!! Enrollment Begins MAY 1ST. There is a maximum of 30 children per camp, so please hurry! For more information or to enroll, contact the Rock Creek Nature Center @ (202) 895-6070.

Ranger leading a program
Ranger led programs
Rock Creek Park conducts ranger led programs. Check our calendar of events for dates and times.
Planetarium Spitz SciDome projector
Planetarium Spitz SciDome projector
Rock Creek Park Planetarium
Peirce Mill  

Did You Know?
Peirce Mill was built in the early 1820's by Isaac Peirce. It operated commercially until the main shaft broke in 1897.

Last Updated: May 01, 2009 at 12:38 EST