August 21, 2009
News Release 09-064
Inv. Nos. 701-TA-467 and 731-TA-1164-1165 (P)
Contact: Peg O'Laughlin, 202-205-1819


The United States International Trade Commission (ITC) today determined that there is a reasonable indication that a U.S. industry is threatened with material injury by reason of imports of narrow woven ribbons with woven selvedge from China that are allegedly subsidized and from China and Taiwan that are allegedly sold in the United States at less than fair value.

All six Commissioners voted in the affirmative.

As a result of the Commission's affirmative determinations, the U.S. Department of Commerce will continue to conduct its countervailing and antidumping duty investigations on imports of these products from China and Taiwan, with its preliminary countervailing duty determination due on or about October 2, 2009, and its preliminary antidumping duty determinations due on or about December 16, 2009.

The Commission's public report Narrow Woven Ribbons with Woven Selvedge from China and Taiwan (Investigation Nos. 701-TA-467 and 731-TA-1164-1165 (Preliminary), USITC Publication 4099, August 2009) will contain the views of the Commission and information developed during the investigations.

Copies of the report are expected to be available after September 21, 2009, by emailing, calling 202-205-2000, or writing to the Office of the Secretary, 500 E Street SW, Washington, DC 20436. Requests may also be faxed to 202-205-2104.

Office of Industries
Washington, DC 20436


Certain Narrow Woven Ribbons with Woven Selvedge from China and Taiwan
Investigation Nos. 701-TA-467 and 731-TA-1164-1165 (Preliminary)

Product Description: Narrow woven ribbons with woven selvedge are fabrics composed in whole or in part of manmade fibers, metal threads and/or metalized yarns, or any combination thereof with a width (measured at the narrowest span of the ribbon) less than or equal to 12 centimeters. They typically are used to adorn or embellish apparel, footwear, home furnishings, crafts, or floral arrangements; however, narrow woven ribbons also have functional uses and can be used to create articles such as hair bows, sashes, and to wrap packages. Narrow woven ribbons are constructed with a woven selvedge that provides a durable, longitudinal seam, and are thus washable. They are often used in keepsake items such as scrapbooks because they do not fray easily and are colorfast by nature of their fiber content and dyeing process.

Status of Proceedings:

1.  Type of investigations:  Preliminary antidumping and countervailing duty.
2.  Petitioner:  Berwick Offray LLC, Berwick, PA, and its wholly owned subsidiary Lion Ribbon
         Company, Inc., Berwick, PA.
3.  Preliminary investigations instituted by the USITC:  July 9, 2009.
4.  Commission's conference:  July 30, 2009.
5.  USITC vote:  August 21, 2009.
6.  USITC determinations to the U.S. Department of Commerce:  August 24, 2009.
7.  USITC views to the U.S. Department of Commerce:  August 31, 2009.

U.S. Industry:

1.  Number of producers in 2008:  Two.
2.  Location of producers' plants:  Maryland, Pennsylvania, and South Carolina.
3.  Employment of production and related workers in 2008: (1)  
4.  Apparent U.S. consumption in 2008: (1)
5.  Ratio of the value of total U.S. imports to total U.S. consumption in 2008: (1)

U.S. Imports:

1.  From the subject countries during 2008:  $65.0 million.
2.  From other countries during 2008:  $5.2 million.
3.  Leading sources during 2008:  China and Taiwan (in terms of total value).

(1) Withheld to avoid disclosure of business proprietary information.

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