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Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability
State and Regional Policy Assistance Banner Graphic
State and Regional Policy Assistance

The Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability (OE)'s mission with State and Regional Policy Assistance is to provide, on an as-requested basis, unbiased policy assistance and analysis to States and regions on State electricity policies, programs, laws, and regulations that facilitate electricity infrastructure investment needed to deliver clean, affordable, and reliable electricity to customers.

The program (View Fact Sheet PDF 361 KB)was transferred from the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, with a history going back to the early 1990's, as part of OE's 2003 creation. Efforts in the 1990's included the topics of integrated resource planning, plus seminal work on best practices for electricity information disclosure and consumer protection practices, state renewable portfolio standards, utility energy efficiency, electricity restructuring and market design issues. Much of this work is viewable in the archives section of the National Council on Electricity Policy website. More importantly, many State electricity-related laws and regulations of the period were informed by the technical assistance and work sponsored then.

Best practice-based technical assistance is provided through a combination of OE staff, and nationally-recognized experts at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, the Regulatory Assistance Project, the National Council on Electricity Policy, the National Council of State Legislatures, and the National Governors Association, and others.

With these entities, the expert technical assistance is provided on an as-requested basis to State public utility commissions, State legislatures, regional State associations, regional transmission organizations/independent system operators, Federal officials, Governors' offices, State energy offices, and sometimes individual electric utilities.

Currently, often-requested technical assistance or analysis is given on these State and regional electricity policy subjects: utility-related energy efficiency, renewable energy, demand response (reducing electricity use at peak times), portfolio management and resource planning methods both at the utility, state, or regional level, transmission siting; transmission planning; and portfolio management.

Particular best-practice emphasis is on encouraging the development of regional institutions and regional thinking among States on these and related topics that help modernize the grid and meet the needs of the Nation's 21st century economy and environmental concerns.

For an example of technical assistance, the National Council of State Legislatures uses OE funding to answer state legislators' and staffs' inquiries on state electricity-related policies, including the development of policy-oriented publications; hosting collaborative forums and workshops; and testimony to state legislative committees on topical issues ranging from siting and permitting of new renewable energy resources to strengthening the electric grid to increasing the use of utility-related energy efficiency.

In 2007, 46 states requested and received assistance under the OE State and Regional Policy Assistance Program. Assistance from OE ranged from quick response consultation to highly technical workshops.

Under the Federal Power Act of 1935, as amended, most matters related to generation and retail distribution of electricity is reserved to the States, and thus not under Federal jurisdiction. The siting of transmission is also reserved to the States, with Federal Energy Regulatory Commission jurisdiction granted in certain limited conditions under the Energy Policy Act of 2005. The Federal Power Act gives jurisdiction to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to set the rates, terms, and conditions for the sale of bulk power for resale and the use of transmission facilities.

Thus, OE's mission to modernize and expand America's electric grid cannot be achieved without the active and supportive involvement of the States. However, to conform with the Federal Power Act leaving most decisions to the States, the program does not advocate policies to the States, but instead serves as a clearinghouse for policymakers on best practices for effective electricity policy at the regional or state level, and that is obtained on an as-requested basis. More >

Recent Reports

  • National Council on Electricity Policy Publishes Second Report in Electric Transmission Series
    With funding provided by the DOE’s Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability (OE), the National Council on Electricity Policy published a report entitled “Coordinating Interstate Electric Transmission Siting:  An Introduction to the Debate” (PDF 887 KB) in July 2008.  This report is the second of four publications in the National Council’s Electric Transmission Series released for commissioners, staff, and other government officials to gain further understanding of electric transmission and distribution issues.  In this report, the National Council discloses State, regional, and Federal challenges regarding siting projects for new interstate transmission lines, noting Federal policy changes prompted by the Energy Policy Act of 2005 that may affect State transmission decision-making.  The report also provides a description of State siting statutes necessary for interstate transmission coordination as well as the potential of numerous mechanisms to assist with this coordination.  The report concludes with recommendations for State decision-makers.  The next report in the series — which will serve as a basis “primer” for State officials on alternatives to electric transmission — is expected to be released in late 2008. The first report in the series, "Electricity Transmission, A Primer" (PDF 2.0 MB), was published in June 2004.


  Related Links

DOE Announces Competitive Grant Selections for Innovative State Efficiency, Renewables Initiatives
On September 8, 2008, DOE’s Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability (OE) and Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) announced the award of competitively-selected grants worth about $4M (DOE share) to several States for projects focused on energy efficiency and renewable energy State or regional policies. More >.

The 2009 National Electricity Delivery Forum, February 18-19, 2009 - The National Electricity Delivery Forum is the nation's preeminent policy forum to address grid modernization. The 2009 Forum's theme is: Infrastructure Modernization Options in an Uncertain Economy. This is the fourth year for the National Electricity Delivery Forum. See past Forums

Utility sector leaders make firm commitment to energy efficiency through a National Action Plan for Energy Efficiency, facilitated by DOE and EPA. More information.

View the “List of Covered Electric Utilities” under the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (PURPA) as Applicable to “States-Must- Consider” Provisions under the Energy Policy Act of 2005 (EPACT 2005) and Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (EISA 2007)

Larry Mansueti
Director, State and Regional Assistance, Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability, U.S. Department of Energy
Phone: 202-586-2588

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