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We have begun our annual recertification initiative for 2009. We will be contacting all enrolled users in IPP by July 2009. This initiative is part of the Treasury's ongoing effort to ensure application security.

As part of PHASE I of the process, Primary Administrators (PAs), MUST recertify that their IPP account is still valid.  You will be recertified once you reply to the PHASE I email from IPP.

If you have secondary users that you have created on IPP, you will recertify those users during PHASE II of this process.  You will be contacted regarding PHASE II of this process after PHASE I is complete.

What is the IPP?

The Internet Payment Platform (IPP) is a secure web-based payment information system provided by the Department of the Treasury’s Financial Management Service (FMS). The IPP services are available free of charge to all Federal agencies and their suppliers.

In production as of November 2007, the IPP represents an opportunity for Federal agencies to transform their existing paper-based order-to-pay processes into a streamlined electronic flow. 

Federal agencies may use the IPP to send electronic purchase orders (POs) to suppliers, and may receive electronic invoices from suppliers, and use IPP Workflow for approvals.

The IPP uploads payment remittance information from the Treasury and non-Treasury disbursed agencies. Agencies and their supplier may view and download payment information.

The President's Financial Management Line of Business (FMLOB) initiative is currently defining a standard agency process for payment transactions and has recognized the IPP as a best practice for electronic receipt of invoices from suppliers.


IPP Supplier Services:

To register for Payment Notification Services for over 160 government agencies, click here for directions

Click here for a list of government agencies participating in the IPP.

**Suppliers First Time Registration video**

view video here


IPP demonstrations are available on Wednesdays from 10:00 -11:00 a.m. ET. Click on News & Events for Supplier demonstrations dates.

To sign-up for one of the demonstrations please contact:
Paula Stephens

Contact us to schedule an information session.


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Updated: June 24, 2009    
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Financial Management Service
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