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FY 2009 International Affairs (Function 150) Congressional Budget Justification

Consistent with Secretary Rice's ongoing commitment to foreign assistance reform, the FY 2009 budget reflects an alignment of resources with U.S. national security and development objectives. The FY 2009 request represents the Administration's best judgment of the resources that are necessary to support U.S. efforts in the war on terror and confront other security challenges, restore the USAID's capacity to manage its increased responsibilities in managing and implementing assistance, redouble efforts to reduce poverty through economic and democratic transformation, respond to humanitarian crises, and promote human development around the world.

The annual Congressional Budget Justification (CBJ) for Foreign Operations details the funding requested as part of the International Affairs budget for various departments' and agencies' Foreign Operations programs and activities. The CBJ for Foreign Operations is available as a single PDF file or as separate PDF files for each section as listed below.

Please refer to the Summary Tables addendum for further information on specific funding levels.

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