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Bureau for Africa Vision Statement

The Africa Bureau will set the standard of excellence in fostering successful African-led development. Our mission is to reduce poverty and improve the quality of life throughout the region so that Africans and Africa can achieve their full potential. In so doing, we will draw on the American values of democracy and social and economic freedom.

As a responsible member of the global community, it is in the strategic and foreign policy interests of the United States to include all of the world's poor in an expanding circle of development, specifically to: promote equitable economic growth, open societies to commerce and investment, expand political freedom, further empower women, prevent and mitigate conflict, reduce the spread of HIV/AIDS, secure public health, emphasize education, aid agricultural development, and encourage the sound management of Africa's natural resources.

We will base our development strategy on effective partnerships, solid research, and best practices. Consistent with the Millennium Challenge Account principles, our programs will promote ruling justly, investing in people, and economic freedom. We will demonstrate leadership and forge partnerships with the governments, the private sector, non-governmental and faith-based organizations of Africa and the international community, and other bilateral and multilateral foreign assistance agencies.

As we meet the challenges and harness the opportunities for development, we insist on maintaining the highest standards of integrity, accountability, and professionalism and will encourage each member of the Africa Bureau to expand his or her professional knowledge and capabilities to achieve our vision.

In collaboration with our partners, the Africa Bureau will realize this vision through investments and innovation that:

  • Promote Africa's economic growth, trade, and competitiveness in the global economy to increase household incomes and reduce poverty;

  • Improve governance and democratic practices and reduce corruption;

  • Prevent and mitigate economic, political, and historic conflict;

  • Reduce the spread of HIV, provide care and support for people living with AIDS, and provide cross-sectoral mitigation of the HIV/AIDS pandemic;

  • Improve overall health of the population and provide family planning;

  • Support education and develop human capacity to participate in, contribute to, and derive benefits from the economy and society;

  • Enhance agricultural productivity and end hunger;

  • Manage the natural resource base for sustained productivity and enhanced livelihoods;

  • Improve rural and urban infrastructure and service delivery for secure access to potable water, sanitation, and energy; and

  • Strengthen disaster preparedness and mitigation capability in terms of food security, droughts, floods, and violent conflict.


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