USGS - science for a changing world

Real-Time Water Quality for the Nation



Continuous real-time water-quality data are used for decisions regarding drinking water, water treatment, regulatory programs, recreation, and public safety. Sensors in streams typically measure streamflow, water temperature, specific conductance, pH, dissolved oxygen and turbidity. Additionally, these measurements can be used as surrogates to compute real-time concentrations and loads of other water-quality constituents.

Click the Map for Real-Time Water-Quality Data. This Will Either Show:

1. This National Real-Time Water Quality (NRTWQ) website (currently only Maryland and Kansas) provides hourly computed concentrations and loads for sediment, nutrients, bacteria, and many additional constituents; uncertainty values and probabilities for exceeding drinking water or recreational criteria; frequency distribution curves; and all historical hourly in-stream sensor measurements.

2. WaterQualityWatch presents colorful maps of recent hourly measurements of streamflow, water temperature, specific conductance, pH, dissolved oxygen, and turbidity. The most recent 60 days of real-time data also are available for download. Similar to NRTWQ, its data are obtained from the USGS National Water Information System.

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Page Contact Information: National Real-Time Water Quality Information
Page Last Modified: Thu 15 January 2009