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Analysis Division

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Civil Penalties Effectiveness Study
The original Civil Penalties Effectiveness Study was completed in December 2004 and the results documented in a report to Congress. Section 222d of the Motor Carrier Safety Improvement Act of 1999 required the Secretary of Transportation to “conduct a study of the effectiveness of the revised civil penalties established in the Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century (TEA-21).” The study examined the impact of the newly revised penalty schedule on motor carrier behavior in terms of the number and types of offenses found during the compliance review process, as well the dollar amount of the penalties assessed and the timeliness of payments associated with these penalties.

Because only limited data were available at the time the original study was performed, FMCSA planned at that time to repeat some of the analyses at a later date after more data became available. This updated study addresses this issue by repeating many of the original analyses, and using more years of data in order to check the validity of the original results.

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