CMB News & Updates


The WMAP Science Team has announced the final data release of the WMAP nine year mission:


The WMAP Science Team has announced the 7 year results of the WMAP mission:


The WMAP Science Team has announced the 5 year results of the WMAP mission:

The Sloan Digital Sky Survey has announced the availability of Data Release 5 (DR5):


The WMAP Science Team has announced the 3 year results of the WMAP mission:


The Sloan Digital Sky Survey has announced the availability of Data Release 4 (DR4):


The Boomerang group has come out with new measurements of the CMB anisotropy from their 2003 flight:


Three groups have come out with new measurements of the E-mode CMB polarization:


The Sloan Digital Sky Survey has announced the availability of Data Release 3 (DR3):


Members of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey team have released power spectrum data derived
from observations of the Lyman-alpha forest:


The 6dF Galaxy Survey (6dFGS) Team has announced its first data release:


The Sloan Digital Sky Survey has announced the availability of Data Release 2 (DR2):


New joint analysis of SDSS and WMAP data:


The 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey (2dFGRS) has announced its final data release:


For new CMB anisotropy results for BOOMERanG:


For new results from DASI on the first detection of CMB polarization:


For new CMB anisotropy results for VSA:


For new CMB anisotropy results for Archeops:


For new CMB anisotropy results for ACBAR:


For new CMB anisotropy results for CBI:

A service of the HEASARC and of the Astrophysics Science Division at NASA/GSFC
Goddard Space Flight Center, National Aeronautics and Space Administration
HEASARC Director: Dr. Alan P. Smale
LAMBDA Director: Dr. David T. Chuss
NASA Official: Dr. David T. Chuss
Web Curator: Michael R. Greason