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Central Intelligence Agency


The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is an independent US Government agency responsible for providing national security intelligence to senior US policymakers.
Central Intelligence Agency
The Work of a Nation. The Center of Intelligence

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Creating Global Intelligence

Document List


A bill for the establishment of NIA and CIA,

Central Intelligence Group,
CIG Directive No 16 Coordination of Biographic Intelligence
CIG Directives Index
CIG Interoffice Routing Slip
CIG Memoranda Index
CIG Routing Slip
CIHNCAFPAC FBIS request for space
Comparison of provisions in CIA bill and president's letter
Coordinating Intelligence Related to Foreign Industrial Establishments \
Copy of Draft Bill Establishing NIA and CIA

DCID 3-2 Policy on Interdepartmental Approval of National Intelligence Estimates 13 5
DCID3-1 SOP for Producing National Intelligence
Draft Appropriations Authorities
Draft Functions of DCI
Draft monitoring foreign Press
Draft of Bill Establishing NIA and CIA
Draft of National Defense Act
Draft Organization Chart

Establishment of Central Repository for Enemy Documents
FBIS organization
Function of monitoring press and propaganda of foreign press
Future Relations between FBIS and BBC monitoring
General Spaatz testimony National Security Act

Index of Administrative Authorities of CIG
Index of CIG Administrative Orders
Index of CIG Directives
Index of CIG Memoranda
Index of CIG's basic administrative authorities
Index of NIA Directives
Index of NIA Papers
JRDB 49-2
Justification for Creating Central Intelligence Organization
Katz's criticism of State Department plan

Liaison between OR &Far East Commission
Liaison between ORE & State Dept.
Liaison relations between ORE and War Department
List and Summary of NSCIDs
List of documents
Memo from Wright
Memo on liaison with Far Eastern Commission
Memo on liaison with War Department
Memo on proposed legislation for CIG
Memo to George Kennan on Dulles-Jackson-Correa Committee
Monitoring foreign press

National CIG Organization Chart
National Security Act of 1947
NIA 6 Coordinating the Acquisition of Foreign Press
NIA Authorityeww
Notes for Roundtable Discussion on Coordinating Agency Activities
Office of Special Operation Routing Slip
Organizational chart showing POTUS, NSC, DOD, and NSRB,
Outlines of Titles II, III, & IV, plus hand-written comments,
Paragraph mentioning DCI's authority to hire and fire,
Proposed Legislation for CIG

Remarks to Congress,
Statement before SASC Admiral Swanson,
Statement of Vandegrift to SASC on National Defense Act,
Unspecified table of contents,
War Secretary Comments on NIA Directive No 5