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Technology Transfer Mechanisms

A major initiative of the FLC Education and Training (E&T) Committee is to provide technology transfer practitioners with useful information regarding the wide variety of technology transfer mechanisms used by federal agencies. This listing provides technology transfer mechanisms most commonly used by a cross-section of federal agencies and their laboratories for specific purposes, including templates and samples of Cooperative Research and Development Agreements (CRADAs), Education Partnership Agreements (EPAs), Material Transfer Agreements (MTAs), Patent License Agreements, Software Agreements, and many others. (A Technology Transfer Mechanisms Reference Guide is also included.) In addition, this listing identifies the agency that uses that specific mechanism.

The E&T Committee hopes that these model agreements and templates will help FLC members facilitate the transfer of federal laboratory technology. Please note that the documents in this listing are provided for information only. You should consult with your agency or laboratory's Technology Transfer Office to determine the availability of a specific agreement for use by your agency.