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Presidential Management Fellows (PMF) at NIH

About the PMF Program

2010 Application Cycle

Application to the PMF class of 2010 will open October 1-15, 2009, via a vacancy announcement available on and a link under the Application Process section of this website. School nominations are due October 31, 2009.

Eligible students are encouraged to create an account on to build their online resume. During the application process, applicants will be required to link their USAJOBS online resume to their application.

General information about the process used to recruit incoming PMFs at the NIH may be found on the Application Process page; please note, however, that the exact dates and process apply to the 2009 class, and may be different for the class of 2010.


The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has participated in the PMF program since 1985. We pride ourselves on offering interesting, challenging, and flexible opportunities for all fellows. PMFs, along with their mentors, select rotations that are tailored to meet their individual career development goals and the agency's long-term succession planning needs. PMFs develop rotational assignments in a broad range of administrative and programmatic areas, including budget and finance, outreach and communications, information technology, grants management, program and management analysis, contracts management, human resources, and general administration.

PMFs are prepared to serve as leaders, often rising to the highest levels of management, and NIH can boast a record of 100% placement of all PMFs who choose to remain with the agency at the completion of the program.

The PMF program at NIH is unique in offering:

  • Dedicated Mentors:
    Each PMF will work closely with a mentor throughout the two-year internship. The mentor may provide advice on rotational assignments, training opportunities, and future career options.
  • Multiple Rotations:
    Rotational assignments may occur throughout NIH, as well as in other agencies of the Department of Health and Human Services, other executive branch departments, and Congress.
  • Comprehensive Training:
    Fellows receive a training budget of $2,500 per year to enhance their administrative and management skills and further their career development. In addition, PMFs participate in Georgetown University's Congressional Briefing Conference seminar and USDA Graduate School's Federal Budget Process course.
  • Professional Development Opportunities:
    Each class of NIH PMFs actively organizes and joins both individual and group professional development activities, including management seminars, brown bag lunches, and meetings with administrative leaders.

Additional Information About the PMF Program

This page was last reviewed on August 19, 2009.
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