BART police go undercover to protect holiday shoppers

Crime rate down 15% on BART

Many BART Police officers will be going undercover this holiday season to prevent criminal activities from spoiling the holiday spirit, despite a recent 15% drop in crime on the BART system. BART officials expect a big increase in the number of people taking the trains to do their holiday shopping through out the holiday season.

"Holiday crime knows no boundaries," BART Board President Lynette Sweet said. "It can happen in a mall, a movie theater or on BART property. That's why we have both undercover police and uniformed officers on the lookout for law breakers. We'll also work in close conjunction with the San Francisco Police Department and other Bay Area law enforcement agencies to prevent crimes."

Crime is down on the BART system. In the first quarter of BART's fiscal year, there were 1.73 crimes per one million trips compared with the 2.04 crimes per one million trips from the previous quarter - a 15% drop. Using BART is a safe way to travel to your shopping destination; however, as BART police work to keep crime down, BART Police urge passengers to be diligent both as they shop and while using the system.


  • Don't carry large sums of cash; instead use a single debit or credit card for shopping
  • Don't carry wallets or other valuables in back pockets
  • Keep wallets secure - use purses or bags with zippered compartments
  • Keep iPods, cell phones, MP3 players and other small electronics in a safe place
  • Don't shop solo – it's safer and more fun to shop with friends and family
  • Be wary of someone trying to create a distraction, such as dropping coins
  • Report suspicious activity to BART Police toll free at (877) 679-7000
  • Program the BART police number above into your cell phone so you can call it quickly from almost anywhere in the BART system