Every "Tiny Ticket" counts

It's Tiny Tickets time again!

BART and the East Bay Community Foundation are sponsoring a contest to make this the most exciting and productive Tiny Tickets effort yet. Once again, local nonprofits will be asking you to search high and low for all those low value BART tickets taking up space in your purses and drawers.

Look for Tiny Tickets collection boxes will be placed in Montgomery and Embarcadero BART stations on December 6 and 7 if you'd like to contribute tickets but don't have a specific agency in mind.

The three nonprofits collecting the most Tiny Tickets will share a $5,000 gift certificate from the East Bay Community Foundation for training or other technical assistance, and the "Bonus Tickets" deposited at Montgomery and Embarcadero BART stations on December 6 and 7.

You've proved that every Tiny Ticket counts! Since 2002, BART riders have donated Tiny Tickets valued at over $100,000 to their favorite nonprofit agencies. Please join us again. Check with the East Bay Community Foundation for a listing of participating agencies at www.eastbaycf.org, or call 510/836-3223.