BART's Lost and Found tracking system goes online

No matter how carefully you check for your belongings before getting off a BART train, there's always the possibility you might drop your gloves or your keys, or leave an umbrella behind.

Now, there's a fast and easy way for you to try to get your lost belongings back. Just visit bart.gov/lostandfound to report items you've lost in the BART system.

Fill out the online form and provide as much detail as you can when describing your item. You'll also need to describe when and where you traveled on BART and when you believe you lost the item. A return email will confirm receipt of your claim.

BART Lost and Found representatives will contact you only when they find your item. It may take up to three weeks for us to match your item, retrieve it and contact you. If we don't contact you within four weeks, unfortunately it means we couldn't recover your item.

Please be patient and don't report the same lost item more than once. Repeated claims delay returns.

By the way, BART does care about protecting your privacy. We will keep your personal information in accordance with our privacy policy.

If you'd rather report a lost item by phone, please leave a message on our Lost and Found phone line at 510.464.7090.