EDA Update







Vol. 4 No. 6 April 2007




In this issue...

  • Register Now for the May 16 EDA Economic Development Symposium in Long Beach, California; San Antonio Symposium a Success
  • Next Economic Development Today Telecast: "Growing and Keeping Your Region's Businesses," May 7, 3:00 EDT
  • Commerce Secretary Carlos Gutierrez Issues Call for Nominations for Nation's Highest Honor in Technological Innovation
  • 180,000 Jobs Created in March 2007
  • Recent Speeches and Presentations by Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Economic Development Sandy K. Baruah

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Register Now for the May 16 EDA Economic Development Symposium in
Long Beach, California; San Antonio Symposium a Success

The next EDA Economic Development Symposium, with the theme of "Global Gateways," will take place in Long Beach, California, on May 16. Register today for the free event, featuring sessions on:

  • Infrastructure as a Global Gateway: Capital and Technology Investments
  • Emerging Industries in the Global Economy for the 21st Century
  • Facilitating and Financing Emerging Partnerships in the Global Economy
  • Diversity and Entrepreneurs: New Assets in Global Economy

Speakers include:

  • Sandy K. Baruah, U.S. Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Economic Development
  • David Crane, Special Advisor to the Governor of California for Jobs and Economic Growth in Sacramento, CA
  • Jack Kyser, Senior Vice President and Chief Economist, Los Angeles County Economic Development Corporation
  • Julie Meier Wright, President and CEO, San Diego Regional Economic Development Corporation
  • James G. Ellis, Dean of Marshall School of Business, University of Southern California

The EDA Regional Symposia have been approved for recertification credits for those possessing the CEcD designation.

On April 12, EDA, in partnership with its Austin regional office, the International Economic Development Council and the National Association of Regional Councils, hosted a Regional Economic Development Symposium in San Antonio.

As the second of a five-part series, the symposium focused on regional strategies, policies, and best practices to create jobs and economic opportunity along the Southwest border. Over 200 attendees heard keynote addresses by Jim Wiseman, Vice President, Corporate Affairs for Toyota Motor Engineering & Manufacturing North America, and David Spencer, Chairman, State of Texas Emerging Technology Fund and President of Mandelbrot Ventures, Inc. Presentations featured the challenges and opportunities of U.S.-Mexico interdependence and guides for both industrial attraction and growing startup enterprises.

Best practices focused on keeping rural regions competitive by connecting clusters with urban centers; building business through cross-border collaboration; and workforce development for border business needs. The day's theme centered on accomplishments under NAFTA and the potential for the Southwest to become a hub for commerce in the western hemisphere. Presentations from the symposium are available now for download from the San Antonio symposium website.

Each symposium in the 2007 EDA series focuses on regional strategies, policies and best practices to create jobs and economic opportunity. Speakers include regional and national leaders from the private and public sectors. Upcoming dates, locations and themes include:

  • Wednesday, May 16, Seattle Region in Long Beach, Calif. on Global Gateways
  • Thursday, June 14, in Atlanta, Ga. on Building a Disaster-Proof Economy
  • Wednesday, September 26, a joint symposium by Denver and Chicago Regions in Kansas City, Mo., on Entrepreneurship

Visit the Symposia website for additional information regarding venues, program and online registration.

Economic Development Today

Next Economic Development Today Telecast: "Growing and Keeping Your Region's Businesses," May 7, 3:00 EDT

Register today for Web streaming! Register online and select Live Web Streaming as the preferred method of viewing. We will send you log-in instructions via email on May 1 and May 7. Only 175 slots available!

On May 7, learn from host Sandy K. Baruah and a panel of experts in a discussion about business retention and expansion. The telecast will focus on "how-to" examples that feature local, regional, state, and multi-state initiatives. Panelists include:

  • Amy Bunton, General Manager, Business and Community Resources, Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA). Ms. Bunton oversees the TVA's efforts to assist power distributors, communities, and industry in new job creation and capital investment.
  • Terry Dickey, Director, Economic Development, Cincinnati USA Partnership. Mr. Dickey will present a win-win approach to business retention using a regional committee that meets with 300-400 companies annually within the Cincinnati region.
  • Joseph McClure, Executive Director, Big Sky EDA, Billings, Montana. Mr. McClure will demonstrate how a rural area successfully incorporated volunteers into its business retention program.

Tune in to what promises to be a lively discussion on business retention and expansion and learn how to maximize results, retain jobs and talent, and increase exports. Discover new ways to partner, collaborate, and cooperate in a regional setting.

For access information, visit narc.org/events/telecasts/upcoming-telecast.html. For free registration, go to www.regonline.com/Checkin.asp?EventId=121463.

For telecast questions, contact Peggy Tadej, (202) 986-1032, ext. 224, or email at tadej@narc.org.

Commerce Secretary Carlos Gutierrez Issues Call for Nominations for Nation's Highest Honor in Technological Innovation

On March 15, Commerce Secretary Carlos M. Gutierrez issued the Call for Nominations for the 2007 National Medal of Technology, the nation's highest honor awarded by the President to America's leading inventors and technological innovators. Through the National Medal of Technology, the President recognizes American innovators who have made lasting contributions to advancing our global competitiveness, economic prosperity, and quality of life.

"The face of competition today is global, and innovation lies at the heart of this competition," said Gutierrez. "The National Medal of Technology recognizes American innovators who have made lasting contributions to advancing our global competitiveness, economic prosperity, and quality of life. These pioneers in the amazing world of science and technology are American heroes."

Secretary Gutierrez encouraged this year's nominators to consider the high-impact contributions which colleagues, mentors, or associates have made in areas such as, but not limited to:

  • Technology Manpower/Workforce Training/Education
  • Technology Management and Policy
  • Technology Product and Process
  • Environmental Technology

The deadline for submitting 2007 nominations is close of business (5:00 p.m. EST) May 31, 2007. Nomination forms and guidelines may be downloaded from the National Medal of Technology Web site at www.technology.gov/Medal/Nomination.htm and should be submitted by email to NMT@technology.gov, by fax or regular mail to the number and address listed on the nomination form.

Established by an act of Congress in 1980, the National Medal of Technology was first awarded in 1985. The Medal is given to individuals, teams and/or companies/divisions for accomplishments in the innovation, development, commercialization and management of technology as evidenced by the establishment of new or significantly improved products, processes, or services.

Questions should be addressed to the Office of the Under Secretary for Technology, U.S. Department of Commerce, 1401 Constitution Avenue, N.W., Room 4824, Washington, D.C. 20230, phone (202) 482-1575, email NMT@technology.gov.

180,000 Jobs Created in March 2007

On April 6, the Bureau of Labor Statistics released new jobs figures � 180,000 jobs were created in March. Since August 2003, more than 7.8 million jobs have been created, with nearly 2 million jobs created over the last 12 months. Our economy has now added jobs for 43 straight months, and the unemployment rate remains low at 4.4 percent.

Recent Speeches and Presentations by Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Economic Development Sandy K. Baruah

Remarks as Prepared for Delivery: IEDC Federal Economic Forum, Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Remarks as Prepared for Delivery: EDA Philadelphia Regional Symposium, Tuesday, March 13, 2007. Click here for the accompanying PowerPoint presentation.

Statement to the U.S. House of Representatives, Committee on Appropriations Commerce, Justice and State Subcommittee, March 7, 2007

EDA Update is brought to you as a benefit of a partnership among the Economic Development Administration (EDA), the International Economic Development Council (IEDC) and the National Association of Regional Councils (NARC), to provide information about economic development practices and programs to economic development practitioners who serve distressed communities throughout the
United States. This partnership also provides six telecasts and a quarterly magazine. For more information, visit the EDA website at www.eda.gov.



American Jobs, American Values - U.S. Department of Commerce