Archive for August 17th, 2009

From The Big Read mailbox

Monday, August 17th, 2009

August 17, 2009
Washington, DC




Photo by Oskay from Flickr

A couple of weeks ago, I posed this question to folks around the office: What would you carry as you headed—literally or metaphorically—into battle? Here’s a response sent into the blog by Susan Gregory of Pioneer Library System in Norman, Oklahoma. (A Repeat Reader, Pioneer Library will host a Big Read of The Maltese Falcon next March.)

A 1928 Book of Common Prayer that my dad gave me when I was eight; a large hunting knife (in case the prayers are taking too long); Mace (does it work on snakes?); photos of my son and my brother’s family; pens and notebooks; a mirror, to signal for help and to check for jaundice; Immodium A-D; Tootsie Rolls; toothbrush; St. Francis medal that my son brought me from Assisi; did I mention Immodium A-D?