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U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service News
May 12, 2009
  Department of the Interior Honors Fish and Wildlife Service Employees at 66th Awards Convocation Ceremony  

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 Craig Rieben 703-358-2225 craig_rieben@fws.gov

During a special awards ceremony held recently in Washington, DC, Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar cited the safety efforts of the Service’s heavy equipment operators and the career accomplishments of one member of senior management, Cynthia Dohner, Deputy Regional Director of the Southeast Region headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia.

Mrs. Dohner was honored with the Department’s highest honor, the Distinguished Service Award and cited for her longstanding dedication to public service leading to outstanding national accomplishments in the field of wildlife conservation. Most recently, she was instrumental in efforts to secure water allocations for endangered mussels in the Southeast and has been involved in a number of major accomplishments regarding endangered species. She was presented the award during a special ceremony last December.

Steve Flanders, the Service’s heavy equipment program manager received the Award of Merit, the Department of Interior’s most prestigious safety award for his outstanding leadership and contributions to heavy equipment safety. His efforts include development of a successful training program and comprehensive written safety policies.

According to Acting Service Director Rowan Gould, “In terms of managing habitat for wildlife, we too often forget the major role played by heavy equipment operators and their work in adapting lands so they are more suited to wildlife. This includes moving earth and altering water regimes and any other number of heavy construction efforts on behalf of wildlife and waterfowl.”

In addition, the heavy equipment coordinators for each of the Service’s regions received a Departmental group award, the Organizational Achievement Award, also for their contributions to safety and prevention of injuries and losses. They include Pat Hickey, Regions 1 and 8, Portland, OR and Sacramento, CA; Ed Bass, Region 2, Albuquerque, NM; Dale Pittman, Region 3, Minneapolis, MN; Region 4, Stan Zazado, Atlanta, GA; Charles Glock, Region 5, Hadley, MA; Wade Briggs, Region 6, Denver, CO and Thomas Siekaniec, Region 7 Anchorage, AK.
Jim Chandler, the Service’s regional Safety Manger in Denver, Colorado, also received the Organization Achievement Award for his involvement in the development of a training course for the investigation of serious accidents he developed along with safety personnel from other governmental agencies.
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