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Member Benefits of the Month
HSBA’s partnership with GEICO gives you the benefit of great rates on auto insurance. In addition to your membership discount -- which could shave as much as 8% off GEICO's already low prices -- you'll also receive 24-hour service online or by phone, and efficient & fair claim handling.  Click here or call 1-800-368-2734 for a free quote.
New Horizons offers courses to master your Office applications. In addition we now offer enticing IT and Job Placement Services. Special Training and IT pricing available for HSBA Members. For more information please contact Chad Wong at (808) 947-4474 or visit our website New Horizons-Hawaii.
For more information about Member Benefits, click here or e-mail memberbenefits@hsba.org
Message from our 2009 HSBA &
YLD Presidents
April 15, 2009
In these difficult economic times, it is the most vulnerable members of our community who feel the most pain and need legal assistance. The good news about lawyers based on new statistics of the HSBA and the ABA is a significant increase in the amount of voluntary free legal services given to deserving causes or individuals, or pro bono. The ABA study shows that more lawyers devote more hours to pro bono legal services now than in the past as well as lawyers doing pro bono work at three times the rate that the general population does volunteer work.
To read more of President Rai Saint Chu's message, click here.
April 15, 2009
This is a call for volunteers. As you know the YLD, conducts several community service project throughout the year and appreciates the help and assistance of volunteer attorneys for these service projects.
LAW WEEK. Law Week is one community service projects that requires volunteer attorneys. For those that do not know, during Law Week the YLD sponsors free legal clinics to the public on May 2, 2009 from 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. at various sites on Oahu, Maui and the Island of Hawaii.
To read more of YLD President Elefante's message, click here.

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1132 Bishop Street, Suite 906
Honolulu, Hawaii 96813
Phone (808) 537-1868 • Fax (808) 521-7936

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